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Git commands Cheat Sheet by



Git init

git init
Creates a new repository in a directory

Git clone

git clone [url] [new directory name]
Clone a repo into a new directory
git clone [url]
Clone a repo into the current directory



Git add

git add [file name]
Add files to staging area
git add .
Add all changed files to staging area
git add '*[file type]'
Example "git add *.txt" to add only text files to the staging area
git add [direc­tory]
Stages changes of files in a directory

Git reset

git reset HEAD [file name]
Resets file in working directory to be the same as the HEAD (last) commit
git reset [commit ID]
Resets files in working directory to be the same as the commit specified

Git commit

git commit
Opens atom, so you can add a commit message on top line. Remember to save
git commit -m ["commit messag­e"]
Add commit message using the command line
git commit -a -m ["commit messag­e"]
Commits changed tracked files
* Style guide for writing commit messages: http:/­/ud­aci­ty.g­it­­/gi­t-s­tyl­eguide/
Keep commits small. Make one commit per logical change.
Messages written in present tense.


Git diff

git diff
Display changes to files in working directory (not staged)
git diff --staged
Display changes to staged files
**git diff [commit id 1] [commit id 2]
Compare two commits
git diff HEAD
Display changes between staged and unstaged file changes
Compare changes between files



git clean

git clean -n
Dry run. Does not delete files, but shows which files would be deleted
git clean -f
Initiates the actual deletion of untracked files
git clean -d
Remove any untracked direct­ories. Use in combin­ation with previous commands above
- Command works on untracked files (not added to staging area yet)
- Hard filesystem deletion
- Works on files, not direct­ories


git revert

git commit HEAD
Reverses most recent commit
git commit [commit ID]
Reverses changes made associated with a specific commit ID
git commit [commit ID] --no-edit
Will not open the editor. Default command will open editor
- Inverts changes made from the previous commit
- History of commits is not lost
- Good for shared repos




git commit --amend

git commit --amend m [new commit message]*
Edit the commit message on last commit
git commit --amend --no-edit
Adding forgotten staged files to recent commit with no commit message
git commit --amend
Take most recent commit and add new staged changes to it
- Run when nothing is staged*
- Amended commits are new commits. Previous commit will no longer be available
- Don't use on public commits which other devs have based their work on




Git remote

git remote
Check if you have any remote reposi­tories. Exception - if you have cloned a repo, command will return original repo as a remote repo
git remote -v
Displays the full path to the remote repo
git remote add origin [github url]
Add a remote repo. Origin = name of remote repo. Can add altern­ative name instead of origin
git remote [url] [branch name]
Point remote branch to correct url
git remote rm [remote repo name]
Remove connection to remote repo specified
git remote rename [remote repo name] [new name]
Rename a remote repo
When you have multiple branches, you can:
- merge all branches into your local repo, and push to remote repo, or;
- push individual branches from local to remote repo


Git fetch

git fetch [remote repo name]
Retrieve all branches from remote repo
git fetch [remote repo name] [branch]
Retrieve all commits on remote's (origin) master branch*. Use when both local and remote have changes the other does not have
git fetch --dry-run
See changes to the remote repo before pulling into local repo
- Use to see what everybody else has been working on
- Fetched content is repres­ented as a remote branch. Does not affect local repo
- Follow with git merge origin­/master to merge remote repo changes to local repo
- Then push new merge commit back to the remote repo
- git push origin master


Git pull

git pull [remote repo]
Pull changes from remote repo to your local repo. Fast forward merge. Altern­ative is git fetch
git pull [remote repo]/­[branch name]
Pull changes from remote repo branch to your local repo
git pull --rebase [remote repo]*
Pull and merge remote into local
- To be used if remote repo may have changes in the form of merged commits
- Git pull command = git fetch and git merge
- using rebase ensures a linear history by preventing unnece­ssary merge commits
- can use following command to ensure git pull uses rebase automa­tic­ally, instead of merge:
git config --global­tos­etu­prebase always


git push

git push [remote repo] [branch name]
Push commits from local repo to remote repo. Example: git push origin master
git push [remote repo] --all
Push commits from all local branches to remote repo
git push [remote repo] --tags*
Sends all of your local tags to the remote repository
- Tags are not automa­tically pushed with other git push commands




Git shortlog & git log

git shortlog
Alphab­etical list of names and commit messages made by each person
git shortlog -s -n
Displays the number of commits made next to each person's name
git log
Shows all commits made. Full history
git log — stat
Displays names of files changed during the commits
git log --graph
Visual repres­ent­ation of branches, including commits
git log --graph --oneline
Condensed visual repres­ent­ation of branches, including commits
git log -n [number]
Displays specified number of commits only
git log -p [commit id]
Displays changes made to the file(s)
git log -patch [commit id]
Displays changes made to the file(s)
git log -p -w
Ignores whitespace changes
git log -p [file/­dir­ectory]
Displays change history of file or directory
git log --auth­or=­[name]
Filter by author name. Show only their commits
git log --auth­or=­"full name"
Filter by author's full name. Show only their commits
git log --auth­or=­"­[person 1]\|[p­erson 2]"
Show commits by either person 1 or person 2
git log --grep­="Search term"
Show commits which contain the search term only in the commit message
git log --afte­r="[­dat­e]"
Display commits made after a certain date
git log --befo­re=­"­[da­te]­"
Display commits made before a certain date
git log --afte­r="[­dat­e]" --befo­re=­"­[da­te]­"
Display commits made after but before a certain date
git log -- [file name 1] [file name 2]
Display history related to file or files
git log --bran­ches=*
View commits across all branches
Displays list of commits made.
- Down arrow scrolls through commit history.
- Press q to exit.
- date format = yy-m-d


Git status

git status
List which files are staged, unstaged, and untracked.

Git show

git show
Display changes made in the last commit
git show [commit id]
Display changes made in a specific commit
git show HEAD
Show details of the commit HEAD is currently pointing at



Git branch

git branch
List of branches in repository
git branch [new branch name]
Creates a new branch
git branch [new branch name] [commit id]
Creates a new branch and points it to the commit specified
git branch -d [branch name]
Deletes a branch. Use -D to force delete
git branch -m [new name]
Rename an existing branch
git branch -a
List all remote branches

Git checkout

git checkout [branch name]
Switch to working on another branch
git checkout -b [new branch name]
Create a new branch and switch to it
git checkout [commit id]
Viewing how files were when the commit was created
git checkout HEAD [filename]
Use with unstaged changes. Restore file in working directory to how it is at the last commit

Git merge

git merge [branch name]
[Branch name] is name of branch that will be merged into receiving branch (where HEAD is currently pointing to
- Integrate indepe­ndent lines of develo­pment, created by git branch, and integrate them into a single branch
- use git status to ensure HEAD is pointing to merge receiving branch
- use git fetch to ensure all branches are up to date with remote changes




Git tag

git tag
Displays all current tags
git tag -a [new tag name]
Create a new tag at current commit
git tag -a [new tag name] [7 digits of commit id]
Create a new tag at a previous commit
git tag -d [tag name]
Delete a tag
- Purpose: to point out particular commits / make them stand out
- Example: label with a version number
- Tag stays locked to a commit

git rebase

git rebase -i HEAD~[num]
Merge a number [num] of commits*. Creates a new commit id
*HEAD points to the current location


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