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Health Information System Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Lectures 1-4 of Health Information System

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

(L1) Student Dictionary

Another word for a program or software
Central Processing Unit or CPU
Where all the inform­ation you put into the computer is stored
Hard Drive
The place inside your computer where programs and files are stored
Operating System
The most important program in your computer. This program is like the manager of all the other programs.
A font style that makes letters and words darker
To start up a computer, when a computer is warming up, we say it is booting. You can also reboot or restart
All parts of the computer that you cna touch: the monitor, CPU, printer, mouse, and keyboard.
A place on a website that will take you to a different website. When your cursor turns into a hand, it is a link.
Menu Bar
The words at the top of the screen. Click on these words and you see menus of other things you can do.
Another word for programs, instru­ctions in the computer that help it do different tasks
USB Drive
A disk that you can save inform­ation on. Also called a flash drive, jump drive, or thumb drive

(L2) WHO Health System Framework

Service delivery
those which deliver effective, safe, quality personal and non-pe­rsonal health interv­entions to those who need them, when and where needed, with minimum waste of resources.
Health Workforce
one which works in ways that are respon­sive, fair and efficient to achieve the best health outcomes possible, given available resources and circum­sta­nces. For example, there are sufficient numbers and mix of staff, fairly distri­buted; they are competent, responsive and produc­tive.
one that ensures the produc­tion, analysis, dissem­ination and use if reliable and timely inform­ation on health determ­inants, health systems perfor­mance and health status.
Medical Products, Vaccines and Techno­logies
ensures equitable access to essential medical products, vaccines and techno­logies of assured quality, safety, efficacy and cost-e­ffe­cti­veness, and their scient­ifi­cally sound and cost-e­ffe­ctive use.
raises adequate funds for health, in ways that ensure people can use needed services, and are protected from financial catast­rophe or impove­ris­hment associated with having to pay for them.
Leadership and Governance
involves ensuring strategic policy frameworks exist and are combined with effective stewar­dship, coalition- building, the provision of approp­riate regula­tions and incent­ives, attention to system­-de­sign, and accoun­tab­ility.

(L4) Health Inform­ation Techno­logy

(Rouse) Health Inform­ation Technology (HIT)
"the area of IT involving the design, develo­pment, creation, use, and mainte­nance of inform­ation systems for the healthcare industry. Automated and intero­perable healthcare inform­ation systems are expected to improve medical care, lower costs, increase effici­ency, reduce error and improve patient satisf­act­ion."
Health Inform­ation Technology (HIT)
HIT often involves electronic transa­ctions of health inform­ation, it is important to maintain privacy and security during transm­ission. Health inform­ation technology promises to modernize and streamline healthcare and to connect different users and stakeh­olders in the e-health market. Systems such as electronic health records, decision support systems and personal health records are promising and are becoming widely deployed worldwide

(L4) Overview of Health Inform­atics

The dawn of the inform­ation age has resulted into the generation of huge amounts of routine data, partic­ularly in health­care, which can become perplexing to process and analyze. This is the challenge for health inform­atics to make sense of large amounts of data while insuring the processes are valid and secure.

Health Infomation Technology - Health Inform­atics - Health Inform­ation Management

The transition from a manual to a more advanced health inform­ation system is an overar­ching issue that sits between providers of health­care, managers, policy makers, resear­chers, and patients alike. While there are benefits, there are also undeniable disadv­ant­ages, and this is further discussed in later in the chapter.

(L3) The Philippine Health Care System

The Department of Health Mandate:
The Department of Health shall be respon­sible for the following: formul­ation and develo­pment of national health policies, guidel­ines, standards and manual of operations for health services and programs; issuance of rules and regula­tions, licenses and accred­ita­tions; promul­gation of national health standards, goals, priorities and indica­tors; develo­pment of special health programs and projects and advocacy for legisl­ation on health policies and programs. The primary function of the Department of Health is the promotion, protec­tion, preser­vation or restor­ation of the health of the people through the provision and delivery of health services and through the regulation and encour­agement of providers of health goods and services (E.O. No. 119, Sec. 3).
Health as a right. Health for All Filipinos by the year 2000 and Health in the Hands of the People by the year 2020.
The mission of the DOH, in partne­rship with the people to ensure equity, quality and access to health care:
• by making services available
• by arousing community awareness
• by mobilizing resources
• by promoting the means to better health

(L3) Management of Primary Healthcare

• Assignment of indivi­duals to respon­sible positions identified in a management plan
• Determine the compet­encies required for a position through:
o Identify key result areas (KRAs) per major activities in the plan
o Determine qualif­ica­tions and compet­encies required to perform the activities and
achieve the KRAs
• Assign or recruit staff that qualifies for the respon­sib­ilities
• For existing programs and services
o Review and adjust the competency requir­ements for each major activity with corres­ponding KRAs
o Match competency requir­ements vis-a-vis the respon­sible person already assigned to the activity

(L2) Health System

(Berta­lanffy) System
Is an arrang­ament of parts and their interc­onn­ections come together for a purpose
Health System
consisting of many parts such as the community, department or ministries of health, health care providers, health service organi­zat­ions, pharma­ceu­ticals companies, health financing bodies and other organi­zations related to health.
(Roemer (1991)) Health System
the combin­ation of resources, organi­zation, financing and management that culminate in the delivery of health services to the popula­tio­n." In World Health Organi­zation Report in 2000, health system was defined as "all the organi­zat­ions, instit­utions and resources that are devoted to producing health actions
Health Action
as "any effort, whether in personal health care, public health services or through inters­ectoral initia­tives, whose primary purpose is to improve health."

Goals and Functions of Health System

(1) Improving the health of popula­tions
Improving population health is the overar­ching goal. Health status should be measured over the entire population and across different socioe­conomic groups. The safety of popula­tions must be protected from existing health risks and emerging health risks.
(2) Improving the respon­siv­eness of the health system to the population it serves
Respon­siv­eness represent the concept that the health system provides services in the manner that people want or desire and engages people as active partners.
(3) Fairness in financial contri­bution
An ideal health system will provide social and financial risk protection in health and be fairly financed.

Four Vital Health System Functions

(1) Health service provision
The best systems also promote health and try to avert illness through education and preventive measures.
(2) Health service inputs
Health service inputs or managing resources is the assembling of essential resources for delivering health services.
(3) Stewar­dship
Stewar­dship or the overall system oversight sets the context and policy framework for the overall health system
(4) Health financing
Health system financing includes collecting revenues, pooling financial risk, and allocating revenue.
4.1 Revenue Collection
entails collection of money to pay for health care services. Revenue collection mechanisms are general taxation, donor financing, mandatory payroll contri­but­ions, mandatory or voluntary risk-rated contri­but­ions, direct household out-of­-pocket expend­itures, and other forms of personal savings.
4.2 Risk pooling
refers to the collection and management of financial resources in a way that spreads financial risks from an individual to all pool members (WHO 2000). Financial risk pooling is the core function of health insurance mechan­isms.
4.2.1 Bismarck model (Bisma­rck's Law on Health Insurance of 1883)
Named for the Prussian Chancellor Otto von Bismarck, who invented the welfare state as part of the unific­ation of Germany in the 19th century. Despite its European heritage, this system of providing health care would look fairly familiar to Americans. It uses an insurance system - the insurers are called "­sic­kness funds"
4.2.2 Beveridge model (from the report on Social Insurance and Allied Services of 1942-the Beveridge Report)
Named after William Beveridge, the social reformer who designed Britain’s National Health Service. In this system, health care is provided and financed by the government through tax payments, just like the police force or the public library.
4.3 Strategic Purchasing
is the way most risk-p­ooling organi­zations or purchasers use collected and pooled financial resources to finance or buy health care services for their members; plays a key role in defining a substa­ntial part of the external incentives for providers to develop approp­riate provid­er-user intera­ction and health service delivery models.

(L4) Healthcare Inform­ation System

The Healthcare Inform­ation and Management Systems Society (2017) defines a health intero­per­ability ecosystem as a compos­ition indivi­duals, systems and processes that want to share, exchange, and access all forms of health inform­ation, including discrete, narrative and multim­edia. Indivi­duals, patients, providers, hospit­als­/health systems, resear­chers, payors, suppliers and systems are potential stakeh­olders within such an ecosystem. Each is involved in the creation, exchange and use of health inform­ation and/or data.
An efficient health intero­per­ability ecosystem provides an inform­ation infras­tru­cture that uses technical standards, policies and protocols to enable seamless and secure capture, discovery, exchange and utiliz­ation of health inform­ation.

(L3) Levels of Healthcare Facilities

This includes rural health units, their sub-ce­nters, chest clinics, malaria eradic­ation units, and schist­oso­miasis control units operated by the DOH; pueric­ulture centers operated by League of Pueric­ulture Centers; tuberc­ulosis clinics and hospitals of the Philippine Tuberc­ulosis Society; private clinics, clinics operated by the Philippine Medical Associ­ation; clinics operated by large industrial firms for their employees; community hospitals and health centers operated by the Philippine Medicare Care Commission and other health facilities operated by voluntary religious and civic groups (Williams- Tungpalan, 1981).
These are the smaller, non-de­par­tme­nta­lized hospitals including emergency and regional hospitals in which services to patients with sympto­matic stages of disease, which require moderately specia­lized knowledge and technical resources for adequate treatment are offered.
These are the highly techno­logical and sophis­ticated services offered by medical centers and large hospitals. These are the specia­lized national hospitals. The services rendered at this level are for clients afflicted with diseases which seriously threaten their health and which require highly technical and specia­lized knowledge, facilities and personnel to treat effect­ively (Willi­ams­-Tu­ngp­alan, 1981)
1. available health manpower resources 2. local health needs and problems 3. political and financial feasib­ility

(L2) Philippine Health System

1979: Adoption of Primary Health Care
Promoted partic­ipatory management of the local health care system.
1982: Reorga­niz­ation of DOH
Integrated public health and hospital services.
1988: The Generics Act
Prescr­iptions are written using the generic name of the drug.
1991: RA 7160 "­Local Government Code"
Transfer of respon­sib­ility of health service provisions to the local government units.
1995: National Health Act
Aims to provide all citizens a mechanism for financial protection with priority given to the poor.
1996: Health Sector Reform Agenda
Major organi­zat­ional restru­cturing of the DOH to improve the way health care is delivered, regulated and financed.
2005: FOURmula One (F1) for Health
Adoption of operat­ional framework to undertake reforms with speed, precision, and effective coordi­nation.
2008: RA 9502 "­Access to Cheaper and Quality Medicines Act"
Promote and ensure access to affordable quality drugs and medicines for all.
2010: AO 2010-0036 "­Kal­usugang Pangka­lah­ata­n"
Universal health coverage and access to quality health care for all Filipinos.
The major areas of the following health reform initia­tives are the health service delivery, health regulation and health financing. These health reforms targeted to address issues such as poor access­ibi­lity, inequity and ineffi­ciency.

(L2) Leadership and Governance

The Department of Health is mandated to provide national policy direction and develop national plans, technical standards and guidelines of health. It also provides technical assist­ance, capacity building and advisory services for disease preven­tion. National health programs are coordinate by the DOH through the LGUs. City and municipal govern­ments provide primary care through public health and primary health care centers linked to peripheral barangay health centers (BHCs) or health outposts.

(L2) Decent­ralized and Centra­lized

The DOH as mandated has the duty to:
1. Developing health policies and programs; 2. Enhancing partner' s capacity through technical assist­ance; 3. Leveraging perfor­mance for priority health programs among these partners; 4. Developing and enforcing regulatory policies and standards; 5. Providing specific programs that affect large segments of the popula­tion; 6. Providing specia­lized and tertiary level care.
Under the decent­ralized or devolved structure, the state is repres­ented by national offices and the LGUs. Since enactment of the 1991 LGC, the government health system now consists of basic health servic­es“­inc­luding health promotion and preventive units“­pro­vided by cities and munici­pal­ities, provin­ce-run provincial and district hospitals of varying capaci­ties, and mostly tertiary medical centers, specialty hospitals, and a number of re-nat­ion­alized provincial hospitals managed by the DOH

Directions of the Philippine Health Secto

(1) The Philippine Health Agenda (DOH Admini­str­ative Order 2016-0038)
has 3 key health system guaran­tees. These are: (a) Population and indivi­dua­l-level interv­entions for all life stages that promote health and wellness, prevent and treat the triple burden of disease, delay compli­cat­ions, rehabi­lit­ation and provide pallia­tion. (b) Access to health interv­entions through functional Service Delivery Networks (SDNs). (c) Financial risk protection when accessing these interv­entions through Universal Health Insurance.
(2) The Philippine Develo­pmental Plan 2017-2022
This is the four key medium­-term plans to translate the vision of aspira­tions for the Filipinos and the country.
(3) NEDA AmBisyon Natin 2040
This is a collective long-term plan which envisions a better life for the Filipinos and the country in the next 25 years.
(4) Sustai­nable Develo­pmental Goals 2030
This is a compil­ation of 17 develo­pmental goals that targets to end poverty, fight inequality and injustice and confront issues involving climate change and its effects.

(L4) Health Inform­atics in the Cloud

The role of cloud technology is undeniably signif­icant in our everyday lives. Currently, 83% of healthcare organi­zations are making use of cloud-­based applic­ations, and it is changing the landscape of the healthcare system and health inform­atics. However, both benefits and threats exist, and this is discussed below
Advantage: Integrated and Efficient Patient Care*
Cloud technology offers a single access point for patient inform­ation, and this allows multiple doctors to review lab results or notes on patients.
Disadv­antage: Potential Risks to Personal Inform­ation
The strength of cloud technology is also the very same charac­ter­istic that makes it vulnerable to data breaches. The inform­ation contained within medical records may be subjected to theft or other violations of privacy and confid­ent­iality.
Advant­age­:Better Management of Data
The accumu­lation of electronic health records will allow more meaningful data mining that can better assess the health of the general public.
Disadv­antage: Cloud Set-up Seems Cumbersome
The transition from a tradit­ional to an automated system might be difficult to some members of healthcare organi­zat­ions, partic­ularly for smaller or older practices that may not be familiar with cloud techno­logy.

(L3) Management of Primary Healthcare

1. Planning
Managers are usually required to set a direction and determine what needs to be accomp­lished. It means setting priorities and determ­ining perfor­mance targets.
2. Organizing
This refers to the management function on designing the organi­zation or the specific division, unit, or service for which the manager is respon­sible. Further, it means design­ating reporting relati­onships and intent­ional patterns of intera­ction. Determ­ining positions, teamwork assign­ments, and distri­bution of authority and respon­sib­ility.
3. Staffing
This function refers to acquiring and retaining human resources. It also refers to developing and mainta­ining the workforce through various strategies and tactics.
4. Contro­lling
This function refers to monitoring staff activities and perfor­mance and taking the approp­riate actions for corrective action to increase perfor­mance.
5. Directing
Its focus in to initiate action in the organi­zation through effective leadership and motivation of, and commun­ication with, subord­inates.
a manager's formal and legitimate right to make decisions, issue orders, and allocate resources to achieve organi­zat­ionally desired outcomes.
an employee's duty to perform assigned task or activi­ties.
that those with authority and respon­sib­ility must report and justify task outcomes to those above them in the chain of command.
Line Authority
have the formal power to direct and control immediate subord­inates. The superior issues orders and is respon­sible for the result­â€”the subord­inate obeys and is respon­sible only for executing the order according to instru­ctions.
Functional Authority
where managers have formal power over a specific subset of activi­ties.
Staff Authority
granted to staff specia­lists in their areas of expertise. It is not a real authority in the sense that a staff manager does not order or instruct but simply advises, recomm­ends, and counsels in the staff specia­lists' area of expertise.
The location of decision making authority near top organi­zat­ional levels.
The location of decision making authority near lower organi­zat­ional levels.
The written docume­ntation used to direct and control employees

(L4) Healthcare Software Systems

Electronic Health Record (EHR)
central component of the health IT infras­tru­cture. An EHR or electronic medical record is a person's official, digital health record and is shared among multiple healthcare providers and agencies.
Health IT Infras­tru­cture
Other key elements of the health IT infras­tru­cture are the personal health record (PHR), which is a person's self-m­ain­tained health record, and the health inform­ation exchange (HIE), a health data cleari­nghouse or a group of healthcare organi­zations that enter into an intero­per­ability pact and agree to share data between their various health IT systems.
Picture archiving and commun­ication systems (PACS) and vendor neutral archives (VNAs)
two widely used types of health IT that help healthcare profes­sionals store and manage patients' medical images.

(L4) Health Inform­atics in the Philip­pines

Health Inform­atics
Health inform­atics had been loosely practiced in the Philip­pines as early as the 1980s.
an electronic medical record (EMR) developed through the collab­oration of the Inform­ation and Commun­ication Technology community and health workers, primarily designed for use in Philippine health centers in disadv­antaged areas.
implem­ent­ation of CHITS
indeed resulted to heightened efficiency among health workers, since more time can be spent on providing patient care


o First contacts of the community and initial links of health care.
o Provide simple curative and preventive health care measures promoting healthy
o Partic­ipate in activities geared towards the improv­ement of the socio-­eco­nomic
level of the community like food production program.
o Community health worker, volunteers or tradit­ional birth attend­ants.
o Represent the first source of profes­sional health care
o Attends to health problems beyond the competence of village workers
o Provide support to front-line health workers in terms of superv­ision, training,
supplies, and services.
o Medical practi­tio­ners, nurses and midwives.
o Provide backup health services for cases that require hospit­ali­zation
o Establish close contact with interm­ediate level health workers or village health
o Physicians with specialty, nurses, dentist, pharma­cists, other health profes­sio­nals.

Principles of Primary Health Care

. This shift emphasizes that primary health care is integrated into a larger whole, and its principles will inform and guide the functi­oning of the overall system. A health system based on primary health care will:
1. build on the Alma-Ata principles of equity, universal access, community partic­ipa­tion, and inters­ectoral approa­ches;
2. take account of broader population health issues, reflecting and reinfo­rcing public health functions;
3. create the conditions for effective provision of services to poor and excluded groups;
4. organize integrated and seamless care, linking preven­tion, acute care and chronic care across all components of the health system;
5. contin­uously evaluate and strive to improve perfor­mance
Principles of Primary Health Care (PHC):
1. Behind these elements lies a series of basic objectives that should be formulated in national policies in order to launch and sustain primary health­-care (PHC) as part of a compre­hensive health system and coordi­nation with other sectors.
2. Improv­ement in the level of health care of the community.
3. Favorable population growth structure.
4. Reduction in the prevalence of preven­table, commun­icable and other disease.
5. Reduction in morbidity and mortality rates especially among infants and children.
6. Extension of essential health services with priority given to the undeserved sectors.
7. Improv­ement in basic sanita­tion.
8. Develo­pment of the capability of the community aimed at self-r­eli­ance.
9. Maximizing the contri­bution of the other sectors for the social and economic develo­pment of the community.
10. Equitable distri­bution of health care “according to this principle, primary care and other services to meet the main health problems in a community must be provided equally to all indivi­duals irresp­ective of their gender, age, and caste, urban/­rural and social class.
11.Com­munity partic­ipa­tio­n-c­omp­reh­ensive healthcare relies on adequate number and distri­bution of trained physic­ians, nurses, allied health profes­sions, community health workers and others working as a health team and supported at the local and referral levels.
12.Mul­ti-­sec­tional approa­ch-­rec­ogn­ition that health­cannot be improved by interv­ention within just the formal health sector; other sectors are equally important in promoting the health and self- reliance of commun­ities.
13. Use of approp­riate techno­logy- medical technology should be provided that access­ible, afford­able, feasible and culturally acceptable to the community.

(L3) Essential Elements of Primary Healthcare

The ultimate goal of primary health care is better health for all. WHO has identified five key elements to achieving that goal:
1. universal coverage to reduce exclusion and social dispar­ities in health;
2. service delivery organized around people's needs and expect­ations;
3. public policy that integrates health into all sectors;
4. leadership that enhances collab­orative models of policy dialogue; and
5. Increased stakeh­older partic­ipa­tion.
Listed below are the 8 elements of primar­y-h­ealth care (PHC).
1. Education concerning prevailing health problems and the methods of identi­fying, preventing and contro­lling them.
2. Locally endemic disease prevention and control.
3. Expanded program of immuni­zation against major infectious diseases.
4. Maternal and child health care including family planning.
5. Essential drugs arrang­ement.
6. Nutrit­ional food supple­ment, an adequate supply of safe and basic nutrition.
7. Treatment of commun­icable and non-co­mmu­nicable disease and promotion of mental health.
8. Safe water and sanita­tion.
Other elements of Primary Health Care
1. Expended options of immuni­zat­ions.
2. Reprod­uctive health needs.
3. Provision of essential techno­logies for health.
4. Health promotion.
5. Prevention and control of non-co­mmu­nicable diseases.
6. Food safety and provision of selected food supple­ments.

(L3) Philippine Healthcare Delivery System

Alma Ata Declar­ation Health
fundam­ental human right and that the attainment of the highest possible level of health is a most important world-wide social goal whose realiz­ation requires the action of many other social and economic sectors in addition to the health sector.
Decent­ralized and Centra­lized
It is an approach to health beyond the tradit­ional health care system that focuses on health equity­-pr­oducing social policy. Primary health­-care (PHC) has basic essential elements and objectives that help to attain better health services for all.
Refers to an organized plan of health services (Mille­r-K­eane, 1987)
It is the rendering of health care services to the people (Willi­ams­-Tu­ngp­alan, 1981).
HEALTH CARE DELIVERY SYSTEM (Willi­ams­-Tu­ngp­alan, 1981)
This refers to the network of health facilities and personnel which carries out the task of rendering health care to the people.
It is a complex set of organi­zations intera­cting to provide an array of health services (Dizon, 1977).
Primary Health Care
has rapidly evolved with many challenges through time. Health service delivery was devolved to the Local Government Units (LGUs) in 1991, and for many reasons, it has not completely surmounted the fragme­ntation issue.