Individual Differences |
Focus how people differ in the workings of their minds or how they are influenced by the social environment. |
Personality |
People vary in important ways in how they typically think, feel and behave. |
There is tendency for that person to think, feel and behave in consistent ways over time and across contexts. |
Ongoing an active process/ a psychological process/ something reasonably stable/ has an important influence on one's life |
Personality theories attemt to look beyond proximal causes of behaviour and describe one fundamental basis of behaviour. |
Behaviours that reflect individual's personality |
Seen as a component of an individual's identity, and they serve to distinguish that person from other people. |
Caused by internal rather external |
Have a structure and an organisation and are therefore predictable. |
Psychoanalytic Theory
Freud's Psychoanalytic Model of Personality |
Conscious Mind=what we are aware of moment-to-moment. |
Preconscious Mind=material not conscious but can be brought into consciousness |
Unconscious Mind=Material that is not available to concious thought and is kept hidden in the unconscious by repression due to it's unacceptable content. |
Hydraulic Model of Mind |
People were born with fixed amount of "mental energy"-the libido |
First Law of Thermodynamics= energy can neither be created nor destroyed; energy can only be transferred or changed from one to another. |
Repressed mental energy comes from another form-mental ilness |
Freud claimed that personality developed through five distinct phases |
Oral Stage (birth to 1 year)=libidinal energy is focused on the mouth. Energy is focused on the pleasure provider (usually the mother)- attachment to relationship begins to form. Over/under stimulation of the mouth at this stage will lead to a person being orally-fixated in later life (cigarettes, chewing gum, over-eating) |
Anal Stage (18month - 3 years)=libidinal energy is focused on anus. Freud claims that at this stage the child begins to gain pleasure from defecating. |
Phallic Stage (3-5 years)= libidinal energy is focused on the genitals. Freud claimed that at this stage the child begins to gain pleasure from their genitals and begins to masturbate. |
Latency stage (5-12 years)=resting stage (energy is being devoted to learning and socialising).Satisfactory identification with same sex parent leads children to interacr predominantly with same sex peer groups. Defence mechanism develops=cope with anxiety generated from conflicts between their id, ego, superego. |
Genital Stage (13-18 years)= libidinal energy is again focused on genitals. Puberty reawakens the child's psychosexual energy. For normal development, Freud said the objects of this energy should be members of the opposite sex. If the child has failed to successfully navigate the oral, anal, or phallic developmental stages their personality is fixed in a problematic scale. Personality is largely determined by age 5. |
The child must successfully pass through each stage of development to achieve a healthy personality. Failure to successfully pass through each stage can lead to disrupted personality. |
Evaluation of Freuds theory |
Two ways can be rejected: 1.It can be wrong=People suffer from psychotic illness because their mother didn't love them enough=plausable explanation but wrong. Many aspects of Freud's theory pf human personality have been shown to be wrong by modern psychological science. |
2.A theory is untestable=theory is so vague and all-encompassing that it can't be tested and therefore is unfalsifiable. |
Freud argued that the mental division were not perfect-repression often fails and unconscious material can "slip" into consciousness.
Spielman 2017 on Psychoanalysis
y. Freud believed most of our psychological problems are the result of repressed impulses and trauma experienced in childhood, and he believed psychoanalysis would help uncover long-buried feelings. |
Psychoanalysis is a therapy approach that typically takes years. Over the course of time, the patient reveals a great deal about himself to the therapist. Freud suggested that during this patient-therapist relationship, the patient comes to develop strong feelings for the therapist—maybe positive feelings, maybe negative feelings |
Trait Theories
Wundt (1874) |
Argued that there was no such thing as different personality types. |
Humans fundamentally varied along two dimensions: |
Change of dimension/ emotional dimention |
Galton (1884) |
The Lexical Hypothesis=individual differences that are important become encoded in language as single term. The more important the trait, the more commonly used words that will exist-the more synonyms for that trait that will exist. |
Traits - Gordon Allport
Focused research on extracting and counting words from dictionaries that were believed to reflect individual differences in personality. |
Allport and Odbert (1936) produced a list of 4,500 words describing personality traits |
Allport was the first to propose that personality traits should have a physical basis in the central nervous system. |
Also was the first person to suggest that the unique combination of personality trait within an individual explains variation among humans. |
Traits - Raymond Cattel
Modern science of personality trait theory began with the development of a revolutionary advice in statistical modelling. |
Factor Analysis |
Statistical method that allows unobservable variable to be measured by examining the associations between observable variables. |
All contemporary trait theory stems from, and still based on, the application of factor analysis. |
Cattel and his team took Allport's 4,500 personality trait descriptors and reduced list to 174 trait names. |
Through 'expert assessment' refined it to 46 traits believed to represent individual differences in personality. |
Large amounts of data were been gathered on these 46 traits. |
Cattell factors analysed these data to determine the smallest number of latent personality variables needed to describe the observed data. |
Cattell's analyses identified 16 major personality traits and he developed Sixteen Personality Factor (16PF) questionare to measure these traits. |
Cattel produced the first empirical-derived model of personality traits, described the importance of genetic and environmental contributions to the development of personality, stressed the importance that any worthwhile model of personality would have to be able to predict behaviour in the future he also stressed the immense limitations associated with a trait-based model of human behaviour.
The Five-Factor Theory of Personality
The Big Five Model |
Paul Coat and Robert McCrae (1985,1992) |
Given the extent of evidence to support the existence of personality traits Costa and McCrea accepted these trait into their model. However, the evidence for Psychoticism trait was weak. |
After years of factor analysing large datasets, their determined that the empirical evidence best supported the existing of five fundamental personality traits. |
The five personality traits are independent constructs. |
If you're high or low on one, it tells you nothing about how you will score on any other trait. These traits are dimensional or quantitative in nature, not categorical or qualitative: how much not present or absent. |
Not all scientists accept the Five-Factor Model as complete.
Spielan 2017 on Trait Theories
Trait theorists believe personality can be understood via the approach that all people have certain traits, or characteristic ways of behaving. |
most of us tend to lie somewhere midway along the continuum of each factor, rather than at polar ends. It’s important to note that the Big Five traits are relatively stable over our lifespan, with some tendency for the traits to increase or decrease slightly. Researchers have found that conscientiousness increases through young adulthood into middle age, as we become better able to manage our personal relationships and careers |
Individual differences
Sex and age differences |
Personality traits are relatively stable and enduring phenomena |
There now exists population-level, longitudinal data tracking changes in personality traits throughout the lifespan. |
There are important differences between men and women on several of these personality traits. |
Personality is not fixed-it is a dynamic process throughout life. |
Humans appear to become more conscientious, agreeable, emotional stable and introverted as we age. |
Important sex differences on several personality traits: |
in particular differences on Agreeableness and Neuroticism likely explain observed sex differences for risk of Externalizing and Internalizing mental health disorders. |
Effects of Life Events |
Entering in one's intimate relationship is associated with decreases in Neuroticism, and increases in Extraversion. |
Transition from school to college/ work is associated with increases in Openness, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, and Emotional Stability. |
Politics |
Conscientiousness is associated with supporting conservatives, while Openness is associated with supporting liberal condidated. |
Conscientiousness reflects tendencies towards diligence, achievement striving, and following social norms.= conservative mindset |
Openness reflects tendencies towards new ideas and change = liberal mindset |
Mental Health |
Higher levels of Neuroticism and lower levels of Conscientiousness have been found to be consistently and robustly associated with increased risk of mental health problems. |
As we age Neuroticism decreases and Conscientiousness increases, and also, the risk of developing/having mental health problems declines as we age. |
Change in personality may be responsible for reduced risk of mental health problems as we age. |
All personality traits are highly heritable. Personality traits fluctuate over the lifespan in predictable ways, and differ in important ways between the two sexes. These personality traits predict a wide array of life outcomes including mental and physical health.