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Cell Respiration Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

The process of Cell Respiration

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Cell Respir­ation

Cell respir­ation is the controlled release of energy from glucose to produce ATP
ATP is composed of a ribose sugar and a adenine base, connected to 3 phosphate groups
When 1 phosphate group is removed via hydrol­ysis, the energy stored in the bond is released

Anaerobic vs Aerobic Respir­ation

NO oxygen required
Oxygen IS required
Only glucose used
Carboh­ydrates + Lipids used
2 ATP produced
36 (ish) ATP produced
ANIMAL: Lactic Acid PLANTS: ethanol + CO2
CO2 + H20 Waste product
in Mitoch­ondria
in Cytoplasm + Mitoch­ondria

Hydrogen Carriers

The Main role of hydrogen carriers is to transport hydrogen atoms to electron transport chain
This can chane ADP to ATP by adding 1 phosphate during metabolic processes (eg. respir­ation)
They happen during chemcial processes such as oxidation (loss electrons) and reduction (gain electrons)

Anaerobic Respir­ation

After Glycolysis
CO2 removed from pyruvate via decarb­oxy­lation (producing ethanal)
2H transf­erred from reduced NAD to ethanal, creating ethanol
NAD's then regene­rated to do anaerobic respir­ation again (Glyco­lysis)


ATP Formation
The addition of a phosphate to a molecule (2x ATP -> ADP)
Each Triose phosphate oxidised (remove H atoms)
ADP is phosph­ory­lated by phosphate groups on 3C compound
Requires energy
Hydrogen is accepted by NAD, becoming reduced NAD
Forming 2x ATP per 3C compound
Makes molecule more unstable
Energy released by ox. causes 2nd phosphate group to attach
Glycerate converted to other organic acid
Glucose now split to form 2 triose phosphate
Forming a 2x 3C compound with 2 phosphate groups
Pyruvate is formed
1. 1 glucose (6C) form 2x Pyruvate (3C)
2. 2 NAD molecules converted to reduce­d-NAD
3. Net gain of 2x ATP, so 2 ATP per glucose
4. In Cytoplasm

Link Reaction

Pyruvate transfered from cytosol to mitoch­ondrial matrix via carrier proteins in mito-m­embrane
Pyruvate decarb­oxy­lated forming CO2
2C compound loses H forming reduced NAD
2C Compound now forms an acetyl group
Acetyl compound combines with coenzyme A
Forming acetyl coenzyme A (acetyl CoA)
1. Glycolysis forms 2 pyruvate, so link reaction occurs 2x per glucose molecule
2. Per glucose molecule = 2x acetyl CoA, 2x NADH, 2x CO2

Krebs Cycle

Per glucose molecule = 4x CO2, 2X ATP, 2x FADH, 6x NADH

Electron Transport Chain (ETC)

Proton Motive Force
ATP Synthesis
Oxygen Reduction
H carriers are oxidised, relasing high energy electrons + protons
High H+ conc creates gradient
De-ene­rgise electrons need to be removed from chain to prevent blockage
e- transf­erred to ETC
H+ ions diffuse back to matrix
O binds with H+ in matrix & e- to form H2O
e- pass through chain, loosing energy
Diffusion is called chemio­smosis
Removal of H+ maintains gradient
energy sed to pump H+ ions from out of matrix
Facili­tated by ATP synthase
No O = H carriers cannot transfer e-
accumu­lation of H+ ions in interm­embrane space creates high conc.
Movement triggers rotation of enzyme, phosph­ory­lating ADP, creating ATP
So ATP production would be halted

Location of Each Step

GLYCOL­YSIS: Cytoplasm of the cell
LINK REACTION: Mitoch­ondrial Matrix
KREBS CYCLE: Mitoch­ondrial Matrix
ETC: Matrix + Inter membrane Space