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DEv Finals Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

a levels, developmental psychology

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


- Transition to and prepar­ation for adulthood
- A stage of knowing who we are, shoulder respon­sib­ili­ties, gain autonomy slowly
- Restless, confli­ct>a process of finding self-i­dentity
- Seeking social approval, succumb to peer pressure

Physical develo­pment

poor phy health
Poor nutrition; Lack of exercise; Inadequate sleep. Accide­nts­–mostly automo­biles. Exp. w substa­nces, Substance abuses due to addiction, or they develop Tolerance and need higher dose to feel the effect.
poor mental health
suicide, depres­sion, self-e­steem and self-i­mage. ED-ane­roxia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge-­purge, soceital pressure, girls, puberty variat­ions.
Variations in phy dev
indiv. factors influe­ncing rate and timing of puberty. Non-no­rmative puberty psych impacts.
early dev
BOYS. early - positive self-i­­mage, respon­­si­b­i­lity, confid­­ence, leader­­sh­ip-­social stat, satisf­­ac­tion, as treated as adult sooner. -ve involv­­ement with peers > bhv outcomes. GIRLS. early -sexual precocity enhances opposi­te-sex popula­rit­y.p­rem­ature dating> sexual exp with older males. W/O cog+emo maturi­ty> expose to STI and teenage preg. ED, underage subst. abuse, dep & anX.
late dev
BOYS. Low self-e­steem, social rejectn. Assertive, insight, less peer pressure. GIRLS. lower peer status. +ve: gr8 body esteem more like the beauty standrd.
-ve bhv outcomes can be avoided with age-ap­pro­priate social groups, strong family ties and religious values

Health Belief Model



Piaget: formal operat­ional thought
12-15 y. mental manipu­lations of mental manipu­lations using internal repres­ent­ations.
Hypode­duc­tive: hypoth­eti­co-­ded­uctive reasoning
all other variables constant, only one variable changes outcomes.
Classic pendulum problem, weights and string.
Propos­itional Reasoning:
Infer, premise and concl true.
horizontal de ́calage. sequential acquis­ition. conserve volume before weight. dep on indiv.


Moral Reasoning
justif­icatn for for decision
changes in moral or ethical behaviour, and changing feelings about moral matters
Elkind's Egocen­trism ( Build upon Piaget.)
asolescent egocen­trism
imaginary audience describes teenagers’ preocc­upation with the reactions of others. new-found perspe­cti­ve-­taking ability, often fail to differ­entiate between how they feel about themselves and how others feel about them, confusing the two points of view. Personal fable is a notion that the adoles­cent’s own life embodies a special story that is both heroic and completely unique
Kohlberg's MD ( Build upon Piaget.)
‘Heinz scenario’, must choose between disobeying the law and stealing a life-s­aving drug from a chemist who has impossibly overpriced it, and keeping within the law and allowing his wife to die. precon­ven­tional, conven­tional, postco­nve­ntional