MongoDB Cheat Sheet "issr Master" Cheat Sheet Ratings
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About Ratings
- If someone has rated one of your cheat sheets, please consider rating one of theirs.
- Avoid "revenge ratings". If you receive a low rating, bear in mind that not everyone will find your cheat sheets as useful as you do!
- Feel free to leave a shout for another user to ask for more information about why they left the rating they did.
Rating Guidelines
Not sure what rating to give a cheat sheet? Here are some tips to help you rate fairly and consistently.
- Superb. A great guide, likely to be useful to anyone interested in the topic. Probably well presented, at least a page long, and uses tags.
- A good cheat sheet, with lots of useful information. Worth printing out a copy!
- A decent cheat sheet, but missing some useful information. A useful reference, but could do with some improvement.
- Room for improvement - probably not useful yet, but has potential with some more work.
- A poor cheat sheet, likely accidentally published too soon, doesn't have much useful content, contains abuse, or with other serious problems.