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Pisi Linux Command Line Guide Cheat Sheet by

This document is intended to provide an overview of pisi usage on the command line (pisi-cli)

Listing Packages:

pisi list-a­vai­lable repo-name
list-a­vai­lable command with repo-name parameter is used in order to list all packages in the proper repository

Getting Help:

pisi help

pisi help comman­d-name
help command is used in order to get help about pisi-cli.
help command with comman­d-name parameter can be used for getting help about a specific command.

Displaying history:

pisi history
history command displays the history of instal­lat­ion­s/d­ein­sta­lla­tio­ns/­updates of packages.

Removing Locks:

pisi clean
clean command is used in order to delete outdated locks.

Getting Package Relations:

pisi graph packag­e-name
graph command with packag­e-name parameter is used for getting package relations via graphviz.

Searching Files:

pisi search­-file /path/file
search­-file command with file-name parameter is used in order to find which package does a file belong to.

Deleting Files in Cache:

pisi delete­-cache
delete­-cache command is used in order to delete files( packages, source codes etc.) stored in cache and this clean up your System.

Other Operat­ions:

Rebuilding PiSi Database

pisi rebuild-db
rebuild-db command is used in order to rebuild pisi package database.

Checking Packages:

pisi check packag­e-name
check command with packag­e-name parameter is used for checking if the package is installed correctly.

Searching Packages:

pisi search search­-key1 search­-key2
searching for packages

Config­uring Pending Packages

pisi config­ure­-pe­nding
config­ure­-pe­nding command is be used in order to configure packages which are not already configured by COMAR

Listing Source Packages:

pisi list-s­ources
list-s­ources command is used for listing available source packages

Listing Pending Packages:

pisi list-p­ending
list-p­ending command is used for listing pending package operat­ions.

Listing Installed Packages:

list-i­nst­alled command is used in order to list installed packages.

pisi list-i­nst­alled

list-i­nst­alled command with repo-name parameter is used in order to list installed packages from a proper repository

pisi list-i­nst­alled repo-name

Listing Upgrades:

pisi list-u­pgrades
list-u­pgrades command is used in order to list upgrades in all reposi­tories.

Listing Packages:

pisi list-a­vai­lable
list-a­vai­lable command is used in order to list all packages in the all reposi­tories.

Repository Operations

pisi add-repo repo-a­ddress
• Local addresses i.e. /home/­exa­mpl­e/p­isi­/re­po/­pis­i-i­nde­x.xml

• Web addresses i.e. http:/­/ex­amp­le.c­om­/pi­si/­rep­o/p­isi­-in­dex.xml

Note: Default name for repository index file is pisi-i­nde­x.xml, but compre­ssing it as pisi-i­nde­x.x­ml.bz2 can

also be used in order to prevent high bandwidth usage.

Building Packages from Source Reposi­tory:

pisi emerge packag­e-name
emerge command with packag­e-name parameter is used in order to build a package and all depend­encies from the source reposi­tory.

Building Packages from Source:

pisi build /home/­exa­mpl­e/p­isi­/re­po/­pis­i-i­nde­x.xml
build command with packag­e-a­ddress parameter is used in order to build packages from source.

Getting Package Inform­ation:

pisi info packag­e-name

pisi info packag­e-name1 packag­e-name2
info command with packag­e-name parameter is used in order to get inform­ation about a package. Getting
inform­ation for multiple packages can be achieved by separating the packages names by a space.

Excluding Packages from upgrade:

To update all the updatable packages except­Cre­ating Repository Index


pisi upgrade -x firefox

Similarly, if you don't want to update the packages that are part of the deskto­p.kde system component, do :

pisi upgrade -x deskto­p.kde

Updating just one package without updating the others

pisi upgrade packag­e-name –ignor­e-s­afety

Upgrading Packages:

pisi upgrade packag­e-name

pisi upgrade packag­e-name1 packag­e-name2

All available packages can be upgraded by using upgrade command without any parame­ters.

pisi up -dvs
upgrade command with packag­e-name parameter is used in order to upgraded packages. Multiple packages
can be upgraded by separating the package names by a space.

Removing packages:

pisi remove packag­e-name

pisi remove packag­e-name1 packag­e-name2
remove command with packag­e-name parameter is used in order to remove packages. Multiple packages can
be removed by separating the package names by a space.

Installing Packages:

pisi it packag­e-name –ignor­e-s­afety
Installing just one package without installing all the upgradable packages available

Package Operat­ions:

Installing Packages:

pisi install packag­e-name

pisi install packag­e-name1 packag­e-name2
install command with packag­e-name parameter is used in order to install packages. Multiple packages can be
installed by separating the package names by a space.

Creating Repository Index

pisi index
index command in the repo directory is used in order to create the repository index (pisi-­ind­ex.xml)

Listing Compon­ents:

pisi list-c­omp­onents repo-name
One or more repo-name parameters can be used in order to list components in proper reposi­tories.

Listing Compon­ents:

pisi list-c­omp­onents
list-c­omp­onents command is used in order to list all components in available reposi­tories.

Updating Reposi­tories

pisi update­-repo repo-name
One or more repo-name parameters can be used in order to update proper reposi­tories.

Updating Reposi­tories

pisi update­-repo
update­-repo command is used in order to update all available reposi­tories.

Listing Reposi­tories

pisi list-repo
list-repo command is used in order to list which reposi­tories are available.

Remove Reposi­tories

pisi remove­-repo repo-name
remove­-repo command with repo-name parameter is used in order to remove reposi­tories


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