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Woman magazine Cheat Sheet by

A-level eduqas woman magazine

Front Cover

Main image of a woman anchors the audience the producers aimed to target and conforms to western beauty expect­ations of women - natural makeup , stylish hair, feminine clothing (floral dress) - represents the “everyday” woman
Typically feminine, cursive font used for the masthead, arguably makes the magazine eye catching for the target audience
“World’s greatest weekly for women” implies that the magazine offers a unique and incomp­arable experience for the target audience, beating the compet­ition
“7d” price, relatively afford­able, convenient for women as most women did not have their own disposable income due to making the decision to not work, meaning they relied on thier husband’s income
Hitchc­ock’s cover line: “British women have a special magic” - iconic director and household name, acts as an opinion leader, praising British women therefore targets them, encour­aging them to buy the magazine and read Hitchc­ock’s opinions about British women - flattery
“Seven star improv­ements for your kitchen” -cements women in the domestic role suggesting that they should take an interest in thier kitchen and take pride in this. Domestic women would want to know these improv­ements in order to have the best kitchen ,compe­tition with other housew­ives?
“Lingerie goes lively” - conforms to the shift in thinking towards female sexuality and therefore becomes more exciting - women’s liberation and giving them a choice in thier sexuality
Single colour, lilac background is conven­tional for 1960’s magazines - anchors a sense of femininity

Extra special on men

Image of a woman’s foot resting on a man’s head whilst he is laying down - juxtaposes tradional patria­rchal society since the woman is dominant over the man
Her hand is on her hip conveying confidence and power whereas the man’s scowl into the camera suggests he is not happy as the woman has “won” - and he is therefore helpless, challenges typical views
Another image of a man struggling to tie a tie - reinforces the idea that men need to be looked after by women as much as women need to be looked after by men
“Dig him” - image suggest that women should like men who follow the expect­ations
Dismissal of female indepe­ndence
Gives women tips on how to “get” a man - offering them clear advice in order to ensure success
Getting to know them article suggests that women should be devious in order to fulfil their obsession with men - showing that getting a husband is a priority - rearranges the way women may think about men by telling them what is important
Article is written by women and fulfils the typical female mindset, convincing women that they should think this way
“How its done” by Angela Talbot - suggests that women have a lack of knowledge on basic skills and tasks without their husbands , fathers etc eg: not knowing how to address her boss at her first job, acts as a hub or genuine advice
The fact that women write into the advice page suggests that these are universal problems that most women relate to having and want advice on

Breeze soap advert

Not made for men to see but aspira­tional for women since the model is naked, only covered in the soap, sexual­ising her - suggests that women are still constr­ucted as spectacle for men despite a male audience not being targeted, derogatory view on women
Slogan = “all over feminine… all day fresh…” - suggests that women need to use this specific soap as it epitomises femini­nity, revealing how women were expected to conform to femininity
“Because your a woman”, “you want”, “you need” - male producer of the advert telling women what they want and need encourages the confin­ement of women into stereo­typical roles, suggests that women are incapable of making thier own informed decisions - patria­rchal dominance, patron­ising

Contents page

Contents and features is sectioned using blue shapes “American Diner” aesthetic reflects western culture and America’s influence on the UK
Image of Jackie Kennedy epitomises the “ideal woman” as the former First Lady, meaning the female target audience may aspire to be like her
Audiences also get an insight to into celebrity life, gives a feeling of exclus­ivity and the power of gaining this exclusive inform­ation
“The long road back to happiness” - about the death of President Kennedy, targets audience who may have lost their partners during the world wars, creating a snese of relata­bility and a hub for advice
Sub-he­adings such as “no excuses”, “film show” and “sized up” - discussing key ideas that can be linked together as the audience read the article, also suggests that the typical woman should be interested in these topics
Image of a woman and a child, reflects family­-fo­cused fashion and the expected role of women during the 1960’s - mother and daughter wearing matching raincoats, also suggests that daughters are being shaped into the the same roles as thier mothers at an early age
Female editor = woman’s voice reflecting women’s voices, more relatable for women to read and can feel more of a connection to the content, makes the target audience feel understood
Same font used for the title “woman” throughout the whole magazine contracts a clear brand identity

A-level beauty

Headline is centred at the top of the page, blue font is used - eye catching and unconv­ent­ional for a women’s magazine, does not matcha typical feminine aesthetic
Inform­ation is divided into a grid-like structure, organises the inform­ation so it is easy for women to read and unders­tand, suggesting that women are not educated enough to read and understand complex articles - difference in education for men and women in the 1960’s
Women can also score points based on which techniques and products they use in their makeup routines. It creates an intera­ctive element to the article, also encourages women to follow specific techni­que­s,which limits indivi­dua­lity, gives a sense of fulfilment and compet­ition, entert­ainment
Women who conform to western beauty standards are praised and those who don’t are encouraged to do so
Use of images next to the show the article is like a tutorial, and shows women how to conform to wester­nised beauty ideals
Direct mode of address in the rhetorical question “are you an a-level beauty?” Also almost all of the women in the model photos are looking into the camera, creating an inclusive experience when reading the article

Max Factor Crème Puff advert

Costumes of characters are typical for the time - zeitgeist
Woman looks as if he works and is well dressed - profes­sional yet beautiful was the goal for women who were entering the working world, beauty was still essential “beauty at a moment’s notice”
Beauty at a moments notice” shows the changing of beauty products and how they became more portable for the working woman, so she could still prioritise beauty
The man looking at the woman - shows how women were desirable and finding a husband was still essential
O ffice scenery - women being included in the workplace where it is dominated by men shows the progre­ssion of society and women being accepted into work, yet she is more engrossed him her physical appearance over her work

Hitchcock Article:

Main image of Grace Kelly, who was a national icon, recogn­isable and therefore a star vehicle
4 snapshot style photos of Hitchcock - intended to look like candid shots in order to create an informal tone, results in women feelings comfor­table and apprec­iated. They are also atypical of famous stars, often reflected in a glamou­rised light and he is not constr­ucted to look attractive to women, suggests his work creates his name and reputation rather than his looks. Plays emotions to seem comedia to audiences
In the interview Hitchcock endorses working with Grace Kelly
Discusses his own marriage and provides the reader with an insight to his own life
Discusses his own marriage and provides the reader with an insight to his own life
He reflects stereo­typical views on women and thier role in society in the 1960’s - “her prowess as a cook has never wavered and I’m convinced that the first sign of indiff­erence in a woman is when her cooking suffers”
Open spaces left on the page are unconv­ent­ional - suggests the article was important enough to take up two pages and leave space rather than condensing or creating more content to add to the page
“Snapped up” not only suggests that Hitchcock is demanding, but also implies that women have to be submissive to male command, his wife is therefore object­ified and therefore in his possession
“I planned to give her her big break in Vertigo” - the women in his films are a credit to him and would not be successful without the name he creates for them by including them in his films, suggests his work is important
“Devotes housewife” - fulfils typical roles of women and praises the actress for turning down a prosperous career path because of this
The image of Grace Kelly is larger than the other images, even the ones of his wife, suggesting his wife does not fut the conven­tions of beauty the same way that Grace Kelly does
Layout on page 12 - divided two columns by another article - unconv­ent­ional and innovative in order to excite the audience

A Present for your Kitchen article

Headline is centred at the top of the page, similar to the beauty article
Use of red font commun­icated a sense of urgency - that women need these improv­ements
Images of kitchens create the idea of domestic bliss, encour­aging female conformity to housewife roles
Gives top tops and lists of products that families should buy in order to improve their kitchen
“Saucepan store for under 15s” , “draining of 15s” , “wise money saving guide” - suggests that women have to be careful and strategic when spending their husband’s money or their income (pay gap for women in work)
Varied tips, products and prices means that there is something for everyone
Kitchens are stereo­typical places for women to spend their time, housew­ife­/mother roles are encouraged
Woman in the striped dress is cleaning her kitchen suggesting that even the “new woman” is happy to conform to the societal expect­ations of women
Woman sitting at the table with her child anchors the typical maternal role of women

“Class­ifieds” page

Enlistment for female royal army corps cadets - encour­aging women to have a typically masculine role, providing them with respon­sib­ili­ties, society becomes more accepting of women moving away from domestic roles
“These are the things girls worry about” - girls suggests that women are unsure and worried because of thier gender, the magazine is called woman test they refer to thier audience as girls - patron­ising
Voucher for coconut shampoo for dogs - suggesting that it is a woman’s job to take care of household pets
Free guide to family cooking and house of the year” supports women being confined to thier domestic roles
Career. Travel. Indepe­ndence. Friend­ship” - conforms to women who align with second wave of feminism, desire to have something different and finding thier own personal sense of purpose


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