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C Multiprocessing & Multithreading Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Cheatsheet for the functions used in multiprocessing and multithreading programming in C

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


#include <unistd.h>
#include <sy­s/t­ype­s.h>
int fork(void)
Fork the current process creating a child.
Return 0 in the child process or child ID for the parent
int getpid­(void)
Return the ID of the calling process
int getppi­d(void)
Return the ID of the parent of the calling process
void exit(s­tatus)
Process termin­ation
unlisgned int sleep(­uns­igned int seconds)
Pause the execution of the calling process for seconds seconds or until a signal is received

Process Syncro­niz­ation

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sy­s/w­ait.h>
pid_t wait(*­status)
Wait until a child process terminate the execution;
On success return the pid of the child, on failure return -1;
status is the address of the variable cointa­ining the exit status
pid_t waitpi­d(pid_t pid, int *status, int options)
Wait until the child specified with the pid argument terminate the execution;
status is the exit status of the termin­ating process;

Shared Memory

#include <sy­s/s­hm.h­>
int shmget­(key_t key, int size, int shmflg)
Create a shared memory or connec to to an existing segment;
key is a numeric key assigned to the segment. If IPC_PR­IVATE is used the segment can be only used by parent and children;
size is the size of the memory segment; shmflg is a flag field: IPC_CREATE create a new segment, IPC_EXCL cause the command to fail if the segment already exist.
Return the shared memory segment id or -1 if fail.
void shmat(int shmid, const void shmaddr, int shmflg)
Attach to the shared memory segment and return the address.
shmid is the shared memory segment id;
shmadr is the variable where the address of the segment is stored;
shmflg is used to specify the access permis­sions for the shared memory segment and to request special attachment condit­ions, such as a read-only segment.
int shmdt(­const void *shmaddr)
Detaches the shared memory segment located at the address specified by shmaddr from the address space of the calling process.
int shmctl(int shmid, int cmd, struct shmid_ds *buf)
Performs the control operation specified by cmd on the shared memory segment whose identifier is given in shmid. Typical usage: shmctl­(shmid, IPC_RMID, 0); Remove shared memory segment

Message Queue

#include <sy­s/m­sg.h­>
int msgget­(key_t key, int flag)
Creates a message queue.
key is an integer that specifies the queue key;
flag indicates creation conditions and access permis­sions (same as shmget).
Return a message queue identifier or -1 in case of failure.
int msgsnd(int msqid, const void *msgp, size_t nbytes, int flag);
Send a message on the queue.
msqid is the identifier returned by msgget command;
msgp is the pointer to the message struct.

Struct msgbuf {
  long mtype;
  char mtext [TEXT LENGHT];

nbytes is the maximum lenght of the message;
int msgrcv(int msqid, void *msgp, size_t msgsz, long msgtype, int msgflg)
Receive a message from the queue.
msqid corres­ponds to the message queue identifier;
msgp is the pointer to a message struct (the same used in msgsnd) ;
msgsz is the number of bytes to read;
msgtype is used to filterthe message in the queue. If != 0 read only a message with the same id on the queue;
msgflg is a flag that modify the behavior of the command. Using IPC_NOWAIT return immedi­ately of no message is found.
The function return the number of bytes read or -1 if unsucc­essful
int msgctl(int msqid, int cmd, struct msqid_ds *buf)
Modifies the properties of the queue or delete it.
msqid corres­ponds to the message queue identifier.

Typical usage:
msgctl­(msgid, IPC_RMID, 0);
Removes queue

Unnamed Pipes

#include <un­ist­d.h>
int pipe( int fd[2] )
Creates an unnamed pipe (unidirectional).
fd[2] are two descriptor associated with the “read” end of the pipe (fd[0]) and with the “write” end of the pipe (fd[1]).
Return 0 if the kernel could allocate enough space, -1 otherwise.
int write (int fd, char * buf, int size)
The classic write function is used to write inside the buffer.
fd in this case is the descriptor of the write end of the pipe.
int read (int fd, char * buf, int size)
The classic read function is user to read data from the pipe.
fd is the descriptor of the read end of the pipe.

Named Pipes or FIFO

#include <fc­ntl.h>
int mkfifo­(const char *path, mode_t mode);
Creates a named pipe (FIFO)
path corres­ponds to the name of the pipe;
mode corres­ponds to the permission mode flags.
int open(const char *path, int flags)
Open the fifo defined by the name saved in path;
for the flag parameter use O_WRONLY for a write only pipe or O_EDONLY for a read only pipe.
int write (int fd, char * buf, int size)
The classic write function is used to write inside the buffer.
fd in this case is the descriptor of the write end of the pipe.
int read (int fd, char * buf, int size)
The classic read function is user to read data from the pipe.
fd is the descriptor of the read end of the pipe.


#include <si­gna­l.h>
int kill(pid_t pid, int sig)
Send a signal to the process indicated by the parameter pid.
pid is the pid of the process that will receive the signal;
if set to 0 all the processes in the process group of the current process receive the signal;
sig is the type of the signal
sighan­dler_t signal(int signum, sighan­dler_t handler)
Installs a new signal handler for the signal with number signum.
The signal handler is set to handler which may be a user specified function or a standard function as SIG_IGN
unsigned int alarm(­uns­igned int seconds)
Causes the system to generate a SIGALRM signal for the process after the number of real‐time seconds specified by seconds have elapsed.