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High Performance Tricks with Python Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

A series of libraries with useful functions, classes and decorators which greatly improve simple computations if used wisely.

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

A word of advice

Before jumping into parall­eli­zation and code optimi­zation, try to understand what you are trying to achieve, in comparison with what you've written. Is your code not clean enough? Perhaps untangling it and using of other libraries will help. Does your code make many read/write operat­ions? Perhaps parall­elizing in threads will speed it up. Does your code perform the same task over and over again, with minimal changes? Perhaps using parall­eli­zation in processes will aid you.

Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps... think about what you have just coded.

Concurrent processes

Main benefit
Parall­elize CPU-bound tasks, indepe­ndent from each other.
Import class
from concur­ren­t.f­utures import Proces­sPo­olE­xecutor
Run parallel tasks
with Proces­sPo­olE­xec­utor() as executor: 
 ­  results = execut­or.m­ap­(func, list)
Submit a specific task to a core
with Proces­sPo­olE­xec­utor() as executor: 
 ­  results = execut­or.s­ub­mit­(func)
Option (number of cores)
Extra function arguments can be Included before mapping the function in the executor. In order to do so, we need to create a partial version of the function with
partia­l_func =  functo­­rti­al(­func, a=a, b=b, ...)

Concurrent threads

Main benefit
Parall­elize I/O-bound tasks, indepe­ndent from each other.
Import class
from concur­ren­t.f­utures import Thread­Poo­lEx­ecutor
Run parallel tasks
with Thread­Poo­lEx­ecu­tor() as executor: 
 ­  results = execut­or.m­ap­(func, list)
Submit a specific task to a core
with Thread­Poo­lEx­ecu­tor() as executor: 
 ­  results = execut­or.s­ub­mit­(func)
Option (number of cores)
Extra function arguments can be Included before mapping the function in the executor. In order to do so, we need to create a partial version of the function with
partia­l_func =  functo­­rti­al(­func, a=a, b=b, ...)

Numba library

Main benefit
Useful decorators which compile the function the first time it is used, speeding it up in subsequent runs.
Importing decorators
from numba import jit, njit
Using jit
def functi­on(...):
 ­  ...
Using njit
def functi­on(...):
 ­  ...
This module is very limited, in the sense that only basic and/or numpy operations and classes can speed up. Neither scipy nor pandas or networkx can be improved. If
is used, then those functions are treated as usual. If
is used, then the code will fail to compile as it won't know what to do with them.
