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Sublime Text 3 Keyboard Shortcuts Windows Keyboard Shortcuts (DRAFT) by

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This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


ctrl + p
Goto anything
ctrl + g
Goto line
ctrl + r
Goto symbol
Goto definition
alt + -
Jump back (cursor history)
alt + shift + -
Jump forward (cursor)


ctrl + shift + f
Find in files (project)


ctrl + '
Toggle line comment
ctrl + backspace
Delete word
alt + .
Close tag
ctrl + k, u/l
To upper/­low­ercase


ctrl + d
Add next occurance
ctrl + u
Undo add next
ctrl + k, d
Skip and add next
ctrl + shift + space
Expand to scope
ctrl + shift + j
Expand to identation
ctrl + shift + m
Expand to brackets
ctrl + shift + a
Expand to tag
ctrl + shift + l
Split into lines