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Terminal Keyboard Shortcuts (DRAFT) by

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


Ctrl + C
Kill current process
Ctrl + D
Close Terminal
Ctrl + Z
Suspend. Use “fg process” to return
Ctrl + S
Suspend output to screen
Ctrl + Q
Resume output to screen
Completion for file/f­older names

Command History

Ctrl + P
Previous Command
Previous Command
Ctrl + N
Next Command
Next Command
Ctrl + R
Recall command matching search
Ctrl + O
Run the command you found with Ctrl+R
Ctrl + G
Leave history searching mode without running a command
Repeat previous command
Repeat specific argument from previous command
Repeat range of arguments from previous command
Repeat range of arguments from n to end from previous command
Repeat All arguments from previous command
Alt + .
Show Last argument from previous command

Cut and Paste from Bash Clipboard

Ctrl + W
Cut the Word before the cursor
Ctrl + K
Cut all text from Cursor to End of Line
Ctrl + U
Cut all text from Cursor to Beginning of Line
Ctrl + Y
Paste Cut and Paste from System Clipboard
Ctrl + Alt + C
Copy highli­ghted text
Ctrl + Alt + V


Alt + C
Capitalise current Character
Alt + U
Capitalise current Word from cursor
Alt + L
Lowercase current Word from cursor

Move Cursor

Ctrl + A
Beginning of the Line
Beginning of the Line
Ctrl + E
End of the Line
End of the Line
Ctrl + B
Back one Character
Back one Character
Ctrl + F
Forward one Character
Forward one Character
Ctrl + Left
Back one Word
Alt + B
Back one Word
Ctrl + Right
Forward one Word
Alt + F
Forward one Word
Ctrl + XX
Toggle between Beginning and End of Line
Ctrl + M

Fix Typos

Alt + T
Swap current word with previous word
Esc + T
Swap current word with previous word
Ctrl + T
Swap the last two characters before the cursor with each other
Ctrl + Shift + -
Undo your last key press
Ctrl + U
Clear all text from Cursor to Beginning of Line
Alt + R
Revert line

Deleting Text

Ctrl + L
Clear Screen
Ctrl + D
Delete character under the cursor
Delete character under the cursor
Ctrl + H
Delete character before the cursor
Delete character before the cursor
Alt + D
Delete the Word after the cursor