Getting Help Primary resource for Ruby "Ruby Website"
| Official documentation for Ruby.
Running Single Commands
ruby -e 'puts 123' |
ruby -e 'print 123' |
ruby -e 'puts "Hello".reverse' |
Accessing IRB
irb |
irb --simple-prompt |
Comparison/Logic Operators
Equals |
== |
Less than |
< |
Greater than |
> |
Less than, equal to |
<= |
Greater than, equal to |
>= |
Not |
! |
Not Equal |
!= |
And |
&& |
Or |
|| |
Conditionals: if, else, elsif
x = 1
if x == 1
puts "Text here"
if x == 2
puts "Text here"
puts "Text here"
if x == 2
puts "Text here"
elsif x == 1
puts "Text here"
puts "Text here"
end |
Conditionals: unless, case
x = 1
unless x == 2
puts "This runs if the above boolean is false."
when boolean
puts "Text here"
when boolean
puts "Text here"
puts "Text here"
case test_value
when value
puts "Text here"
when value
puts "Text here"
puts "Text here"
end |
Inline Conditional
puts "test" if name == "Frank" |
Ternary Operator
x = boolean ? "test 1" : "test 2" This will assign one of the 2 values based on the boolean result.
x = y || z If y has a value set x equal to y else set it equal to z.
x ||= y If x has a value, nothing happens. If it does not then set x to the value of y.
x = 0
loop do
break if x >= 20
puts x
end |
You can use the following within a loop
break Terminate the whole loop
next Jump to the next loop
redo Redo this loop
retry Start the whole loop over again
Loops: while
x = 0
while x < 20
x += 2
puts x
# You can also use the inline version
x = 0
puts x += 2 while x < 100 |
Loops: until
y = 23245
until y <= 1
puts y /=2
# You can also use the inline version
y = 23245
puts y /= 2 until y <= 1 |
Loops: for
fruits = ['banana', 'apple', 'pear']
for fruits in fruits
puts fruit.captialize
end |
5.times { puts "Hello" } |
1.upto(5) { puts "Hello" } |
5.downto(1) { puts "Hello" } |
(1..5).each { puts "Hello" } |
array.each { |num| puts num * 20 } |
You can use do and end inplace of { }
Variable Scopes
Global Variable $variable = "Test"
Class Variable @@variable = "Test"
Instance Variable @variable = "Test"
Local Variable variable = "Test"
Block Variable variable = "Test"
1234.class This will tell you what class the Integer object belongs to.
10.2.to_i Will convert number to integer.
Stored in 2 ways: Fixnum and Bignum
12345.10.round Rounds the float to integer.
12345.to_f Converts a integer to a float.
12345.10.floor Rounds down to whole number.
12345.10.ceil Rounds up to whole number.
String Methods
"Hello".reverse |
"Hello".capitalize |
"Hello".downcase |
"Hello".upcase |
"Hello".length |
"Hello".upcase.reverse |
Strings can be in single or double quotes. Ruby will always return them in double quotes.
Similar to variables, not true objects.
A constant should not change unlike a variable.
Define constants in all CAPS
TEST = 2
Anything that begins with a capital letter at the beginning is considered a constant.
If you try to change the value of a constant, it will display a warning, but will still change the value. |
Boolean Methods
z.nil? Will check if the variable z is == to nil
2.between?(1,4) Will check if the number 2 is between 1 and 4
[1,2,3].empty? Will return true/false if its empty.
[1,2,3].include?(2) Returns true/false if the number 2 exists in array.
{‘a’ => 1, ‘b’ => 2}.has_key?(‘a’) Returns true/false if the key exits.
{‘a’ => 1, ‘b’ => 2}.has_value?(2) Will return true/false if the value exits.
data_set = [] Sets an empty array, and also clears out existing array
data_set = [“a”, “b”, “c”] Sets an array with data
data_set[1] Returns data from the defined positioned.
data_set[0] = “d” Sets the value of the element with key 0 to d
data_set << “e” Appends the data to the array
data_set[1] = nil Removes data from an array
data_set.clear Clears out an array
Array Methods
array.inspect Will return a string representation of the array.
array.to_s Joins array elements together.
array.join(",") Will implode the array by comma.
x = “1,2,3,4,5”; y = x.split(‘,’) This will return an array, separating each value by comma.
array.sort Will sort your array asc order
array.uniq Will return an array with no duplicates
array.uniq! Will update the array with the new version in place.
array.delete_at(2) Will delete the element based on key and return the value that it it deleted.
array.delete(4) Will delete the element based on value
array.push(4) Will add to an array - last position
array.pop Will remove the last element from the array
array.shift Will remove the first element from the array
array.unshift(1) Will put the value to the front of the array
array + [9,10,11,12] Will take first array and add these other values from the second array to it.
array - [9,10] Willl search and remove the values 9,10
mixed = {1 => [‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’], ‘hello’ => ‘world’, [10,20] => ‘top’} You can have mixed values in hashes.
mixed.keys Returns all of the keys
mixed.values Returns all of the values
mixed.length Returns the length of the hash
mixed.size Returns the length of the hash
mixed.to_a Converts the hash to an array
mixed.clear Will return an empty hash
mixed = {} Will return an empty hash
mixed.key('world') Will return the key of the hash value.
mixed['test'] = 'value' Will add/set value to hash.
mixed[[10,20]] Returns the value for the hash key which is [10,20]
:test Prefixed with a colon and stored in memory once where as a string is stored in memory each time.
hash = {:first_name => “Frank”, :last_name => “Perez”} Works well with hashes.
hash[:first_name] You will need to reference the symbol from the hash like such.
A label used to identify a piece of data.
1..10 Inclusive Range
1...10 Exclusive Range
(1..10).to_a Converts the range to an array.
(1..10).class Will let you know that its a range.
x = 1..10 Sets a range to the variable x.
x.begin Returns the first number.
x.first Returns the first number.
x.end Returns the last number.
x.last Returns the last number.
z = [*x] Using the splat operator *, you can assign the range as an array.
y = 1...10; y.include?(10) Returns false, as it is not included in the range.
alpha = ‘a’..’m’ Creates an inclusive range of letters.
alpha.include?(‘g’) Will return true, as it exists in the range.
[*alpha] Will return all the letters in the range, array format, shorthand.
Inclusive ranges include all numbers in a range where exclusive ranges excludes the last number.