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How I learn foreign languages Cheat Sheet by

Proven strategies and insights on how to learn foreign languages effectively from a polyglot conference interpreter.

Language learning approach revealed

1.Moti­vation Over Innate Ability:

Genuine interest, persev­erance, and diligence outweigh innate talent in language acquis­ition.
Success in language learning is more about dedication and interest rather than inherent linguistic abilities.

2.Active Engagement & Technical Knowledge:
Utilize technical knowledge as a foundation for language learning (e.g., transl­ating chemical patents).

3.Reading as Fundam­ental:
Advocate active reading to encounter linguistic phenomena freque­ntly.

4.Books and monoli­ngual dictio­naries as Valuable Resources:
Highlight the value of books in deepening language unders­tanding through repeated consul­tat­ions.

5.Practice and Conver­sation:
Engage in conver­sat­ions, including self-d­ialogue (autol­ogue), for practical learning.

6.Tailored Learning & Effort:
Tailor learning to specific needs and commit regular, concen­trated efforts.

7.Imme­rsive Learning & Creative Engagement:
Adopt an immersive approach treating language learning as a creative, exciting endeavor.
Fluency and unders­tanding arise best through immersion and a playful attitude.

8.Pers­ona­lized Learning & Teache­r-G­uided Approach:
Person­alize learning by focusing on understood content and supplement teacher guidance with personal methods.

9.Inte­res­t-D­riven Reading & Contextual Learning:
Stress the importance of reading texts that genuinely interest the learner.
Emphasize contextual learning from plays, novels, and dialogues.

10.Mai­nta­ining Native Language Connection:
Highlight the signif­icance of mainta­ining a connection to one's native language for language profic­iency.

Strategies of a conference interp­reter

Contextual Learning and Immersion:

Prioritize live speech, modern literary works, and contextual unders­tanding over academic methods.
Immersion aids in better compre­hension and language acquis­ition.

Reading Strategies:
Adopt a two-stage reading approach: overall compre­hen­sion, followed by deeper analysis.
Simplified literature versions are valuable for language acquis­ition.

Pronun­ciation and Audiov­isual Resources:
Practice conscious pronun­ciation through imitation and exposure to audiov­isual resources.

Balanced Skill Develo­pment:
Recognize the interc­onn­ect­edness of reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills.
Repetition and consistent effort are key to effective learning.

Consistent Daily Practice:
Commit to daily practice sessions, even short ones, for better retention.

Adapta­bility and Mainta­ining Enthusiasm:
Switch studying methods if enthusiasm wanes; opt for different learning approa­ches.
Learn within context rather than isolated units.

Utilize Various Learning Methods:
Write and use phrases in conver­sat­ions.
Engage in impromptu transl­ations for entert­ain­ment.

Diverse Immersive Exposure:
Engage with diverse sources like newspa­pers, radio, movies, technical papers, textbooks, and native speakers.

Embrace Mistakes and Speaking Practice:
Don't fear mistakes while speaking; ask for correc­tions.
Maintain confidence and avoid self-blame for diffic­ulties.

Self-A­sse­ssment and Persis­tence:
Use a grading system to assess language profic­iency.
Persist consis­tently and overcome inhibi­tions caused by fear or native language influe­nces.

Parallel Corpora



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