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Food (In)Security Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

How will the global food crisis change over the next decades?

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Causes of Food (In)Se­curity

1. pests and disease
2. urbani­zation onto farmland
3. flash floods vs. water shortages (worsened by climate change)
4. rising prices: crop prices are constantly rising (Nigerian families spend 3/4 of their income on food)
5. increased popula­tion* = increased demand

*increase in population

By 2030, 5 billion of the predicted 8.6 population will be middle­-class (50%+).
Increased affluence = dietary change: India's demand for animal protein will double by 2030 from '03. China's demand is also increa­sing.

Food Waste

1/3 of all food produced worldwide (and 30% of total agricu­lture land) for human consum­ption is lost/w­asted. Americans alone waste 40% of their food supply.
food loss:
at a production level
food waste:
at a consumer level
Whilst losses are, on average, equal for all countries, the rates of waste are much higher in MEDCs than LEDCs.

Exemplar: the Sahel

number of people at risk:
18.4 million
erratic rain
poor climate
increased food prices
number of rural households in Mauritania that are food-i­nse­cure: 25% = 700K people

The Current Situation

• Food shortages kill more people each year than AIDs, malaria and tuberc­ulosis combined.
• Currently, 1/10 (800 million) people are currently undern­our­ished; 81% of this undern­our­ishment occurs in LEDCs, which means that those countries have the highest rates of food instab­ility. E.g. India, China, Bangla­desh, Congo.
• The two largest areas for undern­our­ishment are SE Asia and the Sahel.