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Qualitative Research Method and Analysis Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Be able to: - Discuss the kinds of research topics that are especially appropriate to qualitative (field) research. - Distinguish the various roles of the qualitative (field) researchers in relation to the subjects of study. - Describe the process of conducting qualitative (field) research. - Identify and discuss the strengths and weakness of qualitative (field) research. - Understand the use of content analysis for both qualitative and quantitative social research

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

conducting field research

preparing for the field:
- formulate research theme
- search for relevant literature (what do we already know?)
- formulate research question
- choose and contradict the field

when in the field:
- follow the action
- observ­ation (+ taking notes)
- interv­iewing
- small talk

validity and reliab­ility

quanti­tative methods
qualit­ative methods
improving the reliab­ility of qualit­ative studies:
- work in teams
- used mixed-­method approach
- compare several cases instead of describing one case
- extens­ively explic­ating the choices made in the study
- being transp­arant as a researcher about own baises

qualit­ative interview

- either a topic list or pre-fo­rmu­lated questions can be used
- including a generative opening question
- interv­iewers have to listen, think, and talk at the same time
- the art of probing (asking follow-up questions)
- interv­iewer needs to make the other person seem intere­sting and can do so by being interested and by listening more than talking

unobst­rusive research: content analysis

Unobtr­usive research methods refer to studies of social life from afar, without influe­ncing it in
the process
+ often starts from a specific theory, concept or research question that leads the analysis (induc­tion)

- operat­ion­ali­zaion
- data selection
- coding*

- cheaper and less time consuming
- allows correction of errors
- permits process of study to happen over time
- little effect on subjects
- reliab­ility

- limited
- interp­ret­ations cannot be checked
- validity
*trans­forming raw data of latent and manifest content into
categories based on some conceptual scheme