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About Euphoria_

  • Cheatographer since 1 June, 2017.


  • 6 Cheat Sheets
  • 12 Cheat Sheet Pages
  • 25,332 Cheat Sheet Views

Cheat Sheets By Euphoria_

2 Pages
Law of Succession UCT (PVL2003) Study Unit 5
1 Jun 22
2 Pages
Application of Intestate Succession. 1st Parentala always divided to first. A always desceased.
31 May 22
2 Pages
Law of Property - UCT
29 May 22, updated 30 May 22
4 Pages
The constitution impacts the Law of succession in the following areas: 1) Common and Customary Low of Intestate Succession; 2) Maintenance upon death and 3) Law of Testate succession. This cheatsheet summaries the ways in which the SAn legislature and Courts have impacted the Law of Succession - specifically through it's definition of "spouse"
5 Apr 22, updated 6 Apr 22
1 Page
The LoS comprises the legal rules that regulate the distri­bution of assets from the estate of a deceased person to the estate of their successor. - **Sources of Law:** Statute, Case; Customary & Common Law - **Estate:** Accumu­lation of deceased assets & liabil­ities - liabil­ities are not transf­erred.
5 Apr 22