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Lecture Outline 06: Evictions, PIE and MVC Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Evictions, Prevention of Illegal Eviction from Unlawful Occupation

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

History & Politics of Eviction in SA

PISA used in Apartheid to enforce segreg­ation and dispossess POC in "­whi­te" areas.
PISA in contra­diction with Prevention against eviction wo court (S26), human dignity (S10), privacy (S14), Freedom & Security (S12), interest of child (S28)


Occupiers are provided with procedural & substa­ntive safeguards against arbitrary evictions
Evictions can only take place through court order - court must ensure order does not worsen the circum­stances of margin­alized. Right to Dignity must be upheld.
Munici­pal­ities muse have a housing plan for evicted - temporary as emergency relief if no perm housing.
The Problem with PIE
PIE has no remedy for illegal evictions - man uncomp­liant evictions have taken place.
People have tried to use MVS
Authority for court order requir­ement - PIE or *Mamelodi

Ngomane v Johann­esburg

People living on traffic Island
Disman­telled home during the day, rebuilt at night.
Munici­pality came during the day, removed belongings and destroyed them
MVS? No, Impossible because materials destroyed
Tswelopele? No, there was no eviction from home: unasse­mbled building materials in a pile could not be deemed as "­bui­ldi­ngs­"­/'S­tru­ctu­res­" (wording in PIE)
New Remedy: s25(1) - no one can be deprived of property except in terms of law of gen applic­ation, and no law can permit arbitrary depriv­ation of property.


Occupiers unlawfully evicted - no court order. (vio: PIE & S26)
Building materials destroyed
Tswelopele brought MVS - can prove facta probanda but goods destroyed.
But because of egregious violation of consti­tut­ional rights, they cannot get away with this - consti­tution must do something (Fose).
Approp­riate Remedy (s38)
Occupiers must get shelters back.
Author­ities must recons­truct shelters.
Building materials must replaced w materials that afford habitable shelter
Specific requir­ements for consti­tut­ional remedy not clearly outlined
Kinds of relief remedy affords not clearly set out
Considered duplicate of remedies of outcomes already in precedent
Otherwise, commen­tators happy and find this suffic­iently fulfilling s8 & s38

Using Tswelopele

Requir­ements for Consti­tut­ional Remedy:
Violation of s26: 1) Eviction from home 2) without a court order
What is a home?
City of CT v Rudoph: makeshift temp structures can = homes (may be all one can afford)
Breede­vallei Munisi­pal­iteit: Occupation of low cost housing for 10 days & met requisite degree of perfor­mance = home
SCA Benner v Min Land Affairs: A holiday cottage not a home. Four requir­ements:
-Regular occupation x some degree of perfor­mance
-dwelling in which one habitually lives
- fixed residence of household
- not merely used for occasional visits

Schubart Park

Illegal eviction from Schubart Park, residents want to return
Two Potential Claims
Because they were despoiled of their homes, demands of s26(3) are at issue here.
Remedy: Residents allowed to return, buildings restored so they are fit for habitation - temporary accom = appropiate relief.
Reason for granting MVS = MVS not regarded as approp­riate relief as applicants have brought applic­ation on violation of s26(3) (i.e consti­tut­ional rights). Argued that it cannot do important work of vindic­ating ConRights.

Can MVS be used in Evictions?

While MVS does not do enough to = approp­riate relief, it has other advant­ages:
General advant­ages: can be used by unlawful occumpiers + can deter unlawful evictions + fast
1. Speedy remedy that does not ask Q's about merit
2. Can include rebuilding of structures (ie to restore status quo)
3. Temporary solution does not prevent vindic­ation of rights later.
4. Relevant in highli­ghting plight of vulnerable occupiers.