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Theory - Legal considerations Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Legal considerations - privacy and confidentiality

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Respon­sib­ility to maintain privacy

ELC 1. Client care, subcat­egory A: client relati­onship building and commun­ication
Code of Ethics Part 1: Nursing values and ethical respon­sib­ili­ties, E.
Profes­sional, legal and ethical obligation to protect privacy
Federal, provin­cial, regulatory bodies, CNA code of ethics and standard


Personal inform­ation that can identify an individual
Legislated at the federal and provincial level
Their right to decide to share inform­ation or not


keeping pts personal health inform­ation private and protected
Legal and profes­sional obligation
Need consent or lawful reason to share inform­ation

How is inform­ation protected?

V. Provin­cially
The personal Inform­ation Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA)
The privacy Act

Exceptions to privacy

Child protec­tion: abuse/­neglect
Mandatory reporting: gun wounds
Commun­icable disease reporting to PH
Public safety: threat to others

Areas where privacy may be breached


Liability risk

Direct liability: being respon­sible for your actions
Vicarious liability: instit­ution respon­sible for employees negligence
Joint and several liability: when two parties are at fault both are held accoun­table ($)

Purpose of docume­nting

Continuity of care
legisl­ative requir­ements
Quality improv­ement
Legal proof of care
Evidence of safe care

Legal risk of email

Email can pose a risk to privacy breach
Prevent privacy breach by:
Confirming email
Obtain consent forms
Follow employer policies
Obtain written proof from IT that it is secured

Social Media

Establish therap­eutic bounda­ries:
- often asked about medical help from friend­s/f­amily online
Reasons to avoid SM:
- No copy of medical record
- Limited assessment online
- Permanency of inform­ation


Virtual means to increase access­ibility
Important to Consider:
Privacy concerns
Scope can vary btw jursid­ica­itons
Direct client observ­ation
Who is respon­sible for record holding
Approp­ria­teness for telehealth
Commun­ication skills

Canadian Nurses Protective society

Legal advice
Risk management services
Legal assistance
Assists to understand work agreements
Profes­sional liability protection

Profes­sional liability protection

Legal repres­ent­ati­on/­ass­ist­ance:
- Claims and civil procee­dings
- Statutory offences
- Criminal invest­iga­tio­ns/­pro­sec­utions
- Witness appear­ances
Assistance with payement

Tips to protect license

Do not order tests for no reason :
By ordering test just to cover yourself can cause liability issues. .e. ordering a test to r/o TB but they become positive and no protection was put in place.