Key temperatures
. 18°C - Min temperature of the freezer
. 0°C - Bacteria dormant
. 0°C-5°C - Fridge temperature range
. 5°C - The lower limit of the danger zone
. 63°C - Upper limit of the danger zone
. 70°C - Core temperature of cooked food for 2mins at thickest part
. 75°C - Core temperature of food for 30secs at thickest part. Min temp of reheated food
. 100°C - Boiling point. Bacteria dies |
The 4 conditions required for bacterial growth are nutrients, time, moisture and warmth.
Personal Hygiene Rules
. Hair should be tied up/covered
. Hands should be washed
. No coughing/sneezing near food
. No jewellery |
. By following these personal hygiene rules, germs won't spread.
Main causes of food poisoning
. Microwaves don't evenly heat food
. Use of cooked/chilled foods
. Food not stored at the correct temperatures
. Poor personal hygiene
. Food not heated at the correct temperature |
High/Low risk foods
High risk foods are high in protein and moisture |
Low risk foods are high in sugar and low in protein and moisture |
Examples include: |
Examples include: |
Poultry, seafood, meats, cheese, cooked rice, soups, milk |
Jam, syrup, marmalade, sweets, icing, raw potatoes, dried pasta, carrots |
Have a best before date: the product can still be eaten after that |
Types of food poisoning bacteria
Bacteria |
Source |
Salmonella |
Poultry, eggs |
E-coli |
Raw meat, Raw milk |
Listeria |
Raw, processesed and cooked foods |
Bacillus cereus |
Cereals, especially rice |
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