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Chemistry equations Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Ionisation energy

X⁽ⁿ⁻¹⁾⁺(g) → Xⁿ⁺(g) + e⁻
For the nth ionisation energy

Number of particles

Number of moles × Avogadro’s constant (6.022×1023)

Number of moles

Mass of substance (g) / Mr
Concen­tration (mol dm-3) × Volume (dm3)

Ideal gas equation

pV = nRT
p=pressure (Pa)
V=volume (m3)
n=number of moles
R=8.31 J K-1 mol-1
T=temp­erature (K)

Arrhenius Equation