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React Native Basics Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Learn the basics of creating an app using React Native.

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Basic Components

Simple button. Don't forget it's title.
title [str]
onPress [func]
color [str]
Displays text.
Allows users to input text using keyboard.
onChange [func]
value [str]
placeholder [str]
maxLength [num]
multiline [bool]
Displays image.
resizeMode [str]
source [str]
Displays an image in background (under all its childs elements). Same props of <Im­age­>.
Container to create layouts. Think it like a <di­v> in HTML.
PS: Some components doesn't need to have a closing tag, you can close it using
<Co­mponent />
. Not all props are listed here; the 'style' prop for example, is common to almost all compon­ents.

List Components

Makes a list of components scroll­able. Renders all components at once (perfo­rmance may drops on very long lists).
Makes a list of scrollable compon­ents. Render components lazily.
Like a FlatList, but you can make sections.

Example displaying lists

const dataArray = [
 {id: 1, text: 'First' },
 {id: 2, text: 'Second' },
 {id: 3, text: 'Third' }, ];

<ScrollView> { => {
  return ( <View key={}> <Text>{i.text}</Text> </View> )
} </ScrollView>

 // SectionList uses sections = { dataArray }
 data = { dataArray }
 keyExtractor = { (item, index) => index.toString() }
 // SectionList uses renderSectionHeader too
 renderItem = { ({item}) => <Text>{item.text}</Text> }
 refreshControl = {
  <RefreshControl refreshing={isRefreshing} onRefresh={handleFunc} />

useState Hook

const myApp = () => {
    const [myName, setMyName] = useState("foo");
    setMyName(myName + " bar"); // myName changed to "foo bar"
    // now you can use it like <Text>{myName}</Text>
    // use whatever you like (string, number, object, boolean, etc) 
    const [page, setPage] = useState({id: 1, title:"Home"});

useEffect Hook

// Second param is dependencies array. Leave it empty to make 
// it call only once. If you ommit this parameter, the hook will run 
// every re-render of the component.
useEffect(() => {
    // Do stuff
    return () => {
        // Runs whenever this enviroment is deleted.
}, []); // [myName] will make it run every time myName changes.

Touchable Components (custom buttons)

Makes its childs touchable (press­able), but without any visual feedback.
Same as above, but decreases opacity to show an underlay color. Props: active­Opacity [num], underl­ayColor [str].
Opacity decreases and can be controlled by an <An­ima­ted.Vi­ew>.
Makes its child pressable, and handle many stages of press intera­ctions.
Use onPress [func] in any of these to handle intera­ctions. <Pr­ess­abl­e> can handle too: onHoverIn, onHoverOut, onLong­Press, onPressIn and onPressOut.

Basic Component Structure

// Importing basic components
import React, {useState, useEffect} from 'react';
import { View, Text, StyleSheet } from 'react-native';
import MyCustomComponent from './MyFolder/CustomComponentFile';

const myApp = () => {
    return (
        <View style={styles.myViewStyle}>
            <Text style={styles.myText}>Hello World</Text>

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
    body: {
        flex: 1,
        alignItems: 'center',
        justifyContent: 'center',
    myText: {
        color: '#aaaaff',
        fontSize: 20,

export default myApp;

Basic StyleSheet Syntax

import { StyleSheet } from 'react-native'; // don't forget to include

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
 myText: {
  color: '#00f',
  fontFamily: 'Helvetica',
  fontStyle: 'italic',
  fontWeight: 'bold',
  letterSpacing: 4,
  textAlign: ['center', 'auto', 'left', 'right', 'justify'(only iOS)],
  textTransform: ['uppercase', 'lowercase', 'capitalize'],
  // see too: textShadow[Color|Offset|Radius]
  // see textDecoration[Line|Color|Style]
 myView: {
  backgroundColor: '#0f0',
  flex: 1,
  flexDirection: 'column',   // row, [row|column]-reverse
  margin: 10,                
  padding: 10,                 
  width: 50,                 // (see [min|max]Width)
  height: "90%",             // (see [min|max]Height)
  alignItems: ['center', 'flex-[start|end]', 'stretch', 'baseline'],
  // flex-[start|end], space-[between|around|evenly]
  justifyContent: 'center',  
  overflow: ['hidden', 'visible', 'scroll'],
  position: ['absolute', 'relative'],
  top: 150,       // used with position: 'absolute' 
  right: "100",   // used with position: 'absolute'          
 myImage: {
  opacity: 90,
  resizeMode: ['stretch', 'cover', 'contain', 'repeat', 'center'],
  // see too: border[Color|Radius],
PS: not all properties are listed here, only the most important. Take only one value from styles with arrays.