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Post procedure cardioMEM's Cheat Sheet by

Post procedure care based on policy and order sets for our hospital


What is a CardioMEM device?
A CardioMEM device is an implanted device (about the size of a paperclip) in the PA (pulmonary artery) of heart failure patients. This device allows the patient to be monitored from home and provides early detection of worsening heart failure before the patient experi­ences symptoms. It is designed for lifetime use and will never require a battery change.

CardioMEM manufa­cturer video

Post Procedure Monitoring

1. The patient will return from the cath lab. The CardioMEM procedure uses the femoral vein as access so expect the patient will have a dressing on the right groin.
2. Upon handoff with the cath lab RN, you will inspect the access site dressing for bleeding and/or hematoma.
3. VS X 4 Q15 minutes, X 2 Q30 minutes, X 4 Q1 hour. You will also monitor telemetry and CMS to RLE with each set of VS. If the patient went to PACU for any reason, find out where the PACU RN is in the post op VS assess­ment.
4. Because this is venous access, the patient will most likely be on bedrest for 2 hours as long as no bleeding occurs at the access site.
5. If bleeding or a hematoma should occur, you will need to provide manual pressure for 10 minutes slightly above the skin puncture site (1 to 2 cm) and the 2 hour bedrest timeframe will be reset at two hours.

Patient teaching

1. The patient will be given a special pillow containing a paddle shaped antenna and a transm­itting device.
2. Instru­ctions on the use of these devices will be given in the clinic F/U appoin­tment. However, you can tell the patient that at a prescribed day and time, the cardio­logist will have the patient lay on this special pillow. The PA pressure reading will be transm­itted to a secure website where the MD or NP will assess. Based on the reading and the trends, the MD's office may call with instru­ctions to have the patient adjust their medica­tions.
3. The patient will be told that they may experience some discomfort and bruising at the groin site. Generally, unless contra­ind­icated, the physicians recommend OTC Tylenol for discom­fort.
4. No lifting more than 10 lbs. for one week.
5. The patient may develop an acorn size lump at the groin site but anything bigger needs to be evaluated by a physician. If a small lump occurs, it may take a month or more to resolve.
6. There should be no drainage or bleeding coming from the groin site.
7. If the patient develops a fever, 101 degrees or greater, they should contact their physician.
8.The patient may shower but should not soak in water for at least 5 days.
9. The patient may take the groin dressing off after 24 hours and leave the site OTA.
10. The patient should not be using any powders or lotions at the groin site for one week.
11. There is no airport security altera­tions and their pillow and transm­itting device can be packed and checked as luggage.


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