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markets Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

foundational algebra.

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


real money is your ability to invest quietly and reap gargan­tuan.
sizing too big in volatile markets is the biggest sin of the financial markets (you could be right about the longterm trends however you get smashed due to your position size and volati­lity)
"the trend is your friend until it ends."
"keep dancing and stand near the door."
"It’s more than what you think you know, it’s what you have to think about (consi­der­)."
they are always opport­unities regardless of the economic enviro­nment.
"the big money is not in the buying or selling, but in the waitin­g." - c. munger
money follows assets - build soemthing valuable and your pockets will thank you.
to make money you need a lot of dumb people.

building efficiency

occupancy rate =
occupied space / total space ​ ×100%. (above 80% is good)
space utilis­ation ratio =
usable space / total space ​ ×100%.
cost per square foot (sq) =
total cost of property / total square footage

risk management (market mathem­atics)

- "a fool and his money are soon parted."
- gresham's dynamic: the more the bad practices spread, the more everyone has to mimic them to be compet­itive.
- never depend on too much on variables you cannot control.
- there is a price that pulls everyone out of their positions.
- number go up doesn’t mean anything fundam­entally has changed about the underlying asset(s).
- ride with house money.
- investors should know better, you can’t baby sit adults too much.
- we are living in the golden age of fake business.
- the usa is the top level of the global mlm scheme, china being second
- the most valuable commodity is inform­ation.
- the weakest link of the chain determines the strength of the whole chain.
- the stock is a higher risk vehicle, bonds are lower risk. the bond market is much bigger and more widely held but equities are more transp­arent than bonds.
- banks? are the loans good.

power law vs. normal distri­bution

zone of possible agreement (ZOPA)

the seller determines the price, the consumer determines the value.*

change in capital structure

demons­trates how the use of leverage can signif­icantly increase equity returns as the debt is paid off over time.**

capital structure dynamics

low vs high leverage

capital structure

cap structure decile

theory of reflex­ivity

fund structure

PE fund structure

- 3.7% of all managers reach a 1BN USD in AUM.*
- 93% of all small funds (below 100M) fail within the first 5 years.*

exters pyramid

simple v. compound interest

deadweight loss

value of money

time value of money

primary v. sceondary markets

where securities are issued directly by companies to investors.
where those securities are traded among investors.

risk profile (primaries vs. second­aries)

risk profile (secon­daries)

secondary funds have excellent risk/r­eturn profile through the cycle. fewer secondary funds return a loss*

secondary pricing

types of secondary transa­ctions

total addres­sable market (tam)

number of target users x purchases expected in a given period of time = market size or volume*

jevons paradox

an observ­ation that increased efficiency in the use of a resource often leads to a higher overall consum­ption of that resource, rather than a reduct­ion.*

the fiat problem

fiat doesn’t allow you to save effect­ively. It forces market partic­ipants to nvest in hopes you can place it in something that matches inflation or beat it such as: real estate, bonds, stocks etc. It is a game that forces partic­ipants to play.

s&p 500

is an optimal system that attempts to match inflation and perpet­ually increase price value.


current report for unsche­duled material events or corporate changes.
regist­ration statement for new securi­ties.
form 4:
filed before shareh­older meetings detailing matters to be voted on.
proxy statement (def 14a):
changes in beneficial ownership of a company’s securities by insiders.

volcker rule

restricts banks from making certain kinds of specul­ative invest­ments that do not benefit their customers, to prevent excessive risk-t­aking.
the market does most good when it’s most unfettered and it is our desire to control that often turns it against us.*

circuit breaker

regulatory measure that tempor­arily halts trading on an exchange to prevent panic-­selling and extreme volati­lity.

credit event

a negative occurr­ence, such as default, bankru­ptcy, or restru­ctu­ring, that affects a debtor's ability to meet its financial obliga­tions.

monetary policy

generally quanti­tative and targets specific amounts. (increases the reserves of banks, improving their liquidity and lending capacity)
expands the monetary base quanti­tat­ively and qualit­ati­vely, affecting both the amount and type of assets purchased.
yield curve control:
central bank targets specific yields on government bonds to control interest rates across different maturi­ties.

global averages

metrics as of 2022/23*

point of sale (pos) loans

consumers of pos loans spend on average 40% more money and shop 50% more often.

purchase loans

a consumer loan taken to finance a purchase

shape ratio

measures the perfor­mance of an investment compared to a risk-free asset, after adjusting for its risk, calculated as the average return earned in excess of the risk-free rate per unit of volatility or total risk.
calculate the average return:
find the average return of the investment over a specific period, typically the annual return.

calculate the risk-free rate:
determine the return of a risk-free invest­ment, such as a government bond or Treasury bill, over the same period. This represents the return an investor could achieve with no risk.
calculate the standard deviation of Returns:
measure the volatility or fluctu­ation in the invest­ment's returns over the same period. this indicates the invest­ment's risk.
calculate the sharpe ratio:
subtract the risk-free rate from the average return of the invest­ment, and then divide this difference by the standard deviation of returns.

a higher sharpe ratio = indicates better risk-a­djusted perfor­mance, meaning the investment provided more return for the amount of risk taken.*

lower sharpe ratio = suggests less desirable risk-a­djusted perfor­mance.*


look at leverage, how much debt they have relative to equity.
compare this to other companies in the same sector.
find out what they need in order to achieve a tangible equity­/le­verage ratio comparable to their peers
what will they need to raise?
how much assets will they need to sell?
will they make enough money to be able to pay their dividends?


buy to cover refers to a buy trade order that closes a trader's short position.
short positions are borrowed from a broker and a buy to cover allows the short positions to be "­cov­ere­d" and returned to the original lender.*

government surplus

occurs when a govern­ment's revenues exceed its expend­itures over a specific period.


typically refers to the "­mag­nif­icent seven,­" a group of seven large-cap U.S. tech stocks that dominate market indices.

mortga­ge-­backed securities (mbs)

a bond secured by a bundle of home loans.
mbs can offer regular income through interest and principal payments, portfolio divers­ifi­cation, and potent­ially higher yields than other fixed-­income securi­ties.*

asset-­backed security (abs)

financial securities backed by income­-ge­ner­ating assets such as credit card receiv­ables, home equity loans, student loans, and auto loans.
ABSs are created when a company sells its loans or other debts to an issuer, a financial instit­ution that then packages them into a portfolio to sell to investors.*

stripped mbs

a stripped mortga­ge-­backed security (mbs) segregates the principal and interest portions of the MBS into individual securi­ties.

mortga­ge-­backed revenue bond

a debt security, usually issued by a munici­pality, that is used to fund low-rate mortgages.

audit risk

risk that financial statements are materially incorrect, even though the audit opinion states that the financial reports are free of any material missta­tem­ents.

inherent risk

the risk posed by an error or omission in a financial statement due to a factor other than a failure of internal control.
most likely to occur when transa­ctions are complex or in situations that require a high degree of judgment in regard to financial estimates.*

inherent risk is common in the financial services sector due to complex regula­tions and the use of diffic­ult­-to­-assess financial instru­ments.*

control risk

risk that a company's internal controls will fail to detect or prevent a material missta­tement in financial statem­ents.

detection risk

risk that an auditor's procedures will fail to detect a material missta­tement in the financial statem­ents.

risk on/risk off

risk-on /risk-off:
paradigm under which asset prices are dictated by changes in investors’ risk tolerance.
have high-risk appetite and commonly drive up some asset prices.
more risk averse and sell assets.

stealth startup

a company's temporary state of secret­iveness, usually undertaken to avoid alerting compet­itors to a pending product launch or another business initia­tive.

market edge

first call:
paying for first call (to get informed first)
first call:
shelter goes up during July-Aug.
most taxes filed (April 15th, US)
sell in may go away:
theory that the period from nov-april inclusive has signif­icantly stronger stock market growth on average than the other months.
4 things that move markets:
strong fundam­entals, innova­tion, specul­ation and war
gold and risk assets:
scan for unusual price-­action that indicates war.
total addres­sable market.
the best way to hedge risk is to control everyt­hing.
also spread risk out in multiple locati­ons­/ju­ris­dic­tions. so It’s harder to track assets and ownership.*
escape velocity on assets:
no matter how bad a company is. there is a certain price where people who sold it want to take profit, people who see it for the first time want to buy and people who bought already want to buy more. When all these three things happen at once it is market physics, you get escape velocity.

bubble theory

bubbles have this aspect where they are extremely hard to define, they involve these incredible abstra­cti­ons,” Thiel said at Yale, drawing an implicit parallel to crypto­cur­rency markets.
1) moderately big innova­tions are usually system­ati­cally undere­sti­mated for 5-10 years.
2) things that are expone­ntial are extremely powerful but extremely unsust­ain­able.
3) psycho­social mania - there is a psycho­social component. (the tulip bubble of 1637)

underg­round banking

unreported or illegal economic activities that operate outside government regulation and taxation.
some estimates put the underg­round economy at 11% to 12% of U.S. gross domestic product (GDP), or roughly $2.25 - $2.5T. (2018.)
shadow economy, the black market, or the informal economy.*

wall street / main street

main street:
general individual investor (invest in small amounts of money, typically less sophis­ticated or rational when making investment decisi­ons).
wall street:
profes­sional investment managers and security traders.

wholesale (banking)

refers to banking services sold to large clients, such as corpor­ations, other banks, and government agencies.
oppositie of consum­er/­retail banking.*

(hands­hake) banking

system, instit­ution, or concept that relies on trust-­based or informal agreements to manage financial transa­ctions, rather than formal contracts or legal docume­nta­tion.
informal savings or lending groups where members pool money and rely on trust for repaym­ents.*

datacenter infras­tru­cture


(banks) and banking

banks hold treasuries and that is their security of all the credit they generate.
the vast amount of the money (value) in the world is greater, from credit issued.

the nascent and wager

it's not a bad thing in my opinion that older market players may be dismissive or think a new paradigm or technology is too small yet - that's continued opport­unity for you (the early). It is the naïveté of youth and entrep­ren­eur­ship, it's the opport­unities that may seem small that can end up being really big tomorrow.

sharpe ratio

whether the return getting from an investment is worth the risk they’re taking.
a sharpe ratio greater than 1.0 is considered accept­able, higher indicates the investment provided more return for the amount of risk-t­aken.
2-2.99 = very good
greater than 3 = excellent
the top 10% own 93% of stocks.*

BTFP (bank term funding program)

when there is an increase in the use of discount window lending from the central bank, this signals a problem in the financial system.
interbank rate (mainly, overnight rate):
interest charged on short-term loans made between U.S. banks.


it is better to observe what govern­ments do rather than listen to what they say*
central bank reserves percentage changes*
good return ton return­/risk ratio
trust but verify
maximi­sation of speed (can this be done by the end of the day?)
low rates can make anyone look good, with regula­r-high rates you have to really know what you're doing or you'll be exposed for being a hobo
constant size on various trades
- know your circle of competence
- as an investor it is not everything you touch, don’t be a creep. as a man attempting to woo a woman he likes, you study her, get to know her, find out what moves her soul, what makes her tick. All of this is your study period, your homework
- don’t buy stocks at a premium price, despite if its a great company, because if you do it essent­ially means you are betting on the company to continue to be great and that is often not a good investing bet as great can become merely very good, and that’s a negative surprise.
- own or get owned type style of asset investing
- those who are credit dependent are controlled by some instit­ution.
- it’s not merely what market you’re in, it's what street and what corner you’re on.
- if you lose 75% you’re practi­cally out of business, it takes five and a half 25% up (gain) years to come back to zero.

real vs. nominal value

financial quarters

final date
january 1
march 31
april 1
june 30
july 1
september 30
october 1
december 31


- the debt that is outsta­nding = someone owns it


- monetary policy works with long and variable lags.
- USA = largest collateral hub in the world.
- prices and wages are assumed to be sticky, so monetary policy affects output and employment in the short to medium term.
benjamin strong (Fed Implem­ent­ation): benjamin strong thought he could use the banks power to set interest rates to influence what was happening in the economy. In other words, this was the start of modern monetary policy.*

after 08 due to the alarming debt problem, the fed panicked and lowered the rates to 0% for 15 years. Once you do that it is very hard to raise it.*

window guidance

a credit policy allowing central banks to steer bank lending toward certain economic activi­ties.
in the post-war period, it was common for both developed and emerging economies to employ various forms of credit control and alloca­tion.*

fund reporting

type of reporting
Form PF, AIFMD, etc.
Perfor­mance, NAV, strategy updates
Perfor­mance, risk metrics, compliance
window dressing typically happens at the end of the month. Fund manager try to make their books look better.*

twap (twapping)

order division: the large order is divided into smaller portions.
execution schedule: these portions are then executed at regular intervals over the set time period.
minimizing market impact: By spreading the trades out, the strategy aims to reduce the market impact, avoiding signif­icant price movements that a large order might cause.
achieving average price: The average price of the trades should be close to the market’s average price over the time period, ensuring the trader gets a fair price without excessive costs.


there's more money now than in the past. Showing a linear graph would hide the early growth in the market, and would make it difficult to show normal growth in the future, because it would explode off the chart. (useful when analysing longer timefr­ames)

trade on

- if uncorr­elated trades, look at the drivers of these markets and their behavi­ours.
- if leveraged open interest needs to be flushed out = short
- stop orders should be placed 1% up or down from the last sale of the position you enter.
- swing trade: ~4 day trades where the asset is 3-5% off its MA.
- ema (15, 30, 65 and 2000), rsi and pivot points
country risk

carry trade

borrowing money in a currency with low interest rates and investing it in a currency with higher interest rates to profit from the interest rate differ­ential.

short selling

seeing a companies weakness before anyone else does and shines light on it. It is the greatest disinf­ectant on what otherwise is a dubious company or tale.
putting a sell on a company a lot of people don’t like you and angers a lot of market partic­ipants. everyone likes you when you buy a stock and they make more money…*

de-fi (key metrics)

24/hr volume
open interest
funding rate
24/hr liquid­ation
stables volume
when you buy an L1, you buy the L1's main de-fi coin/asset + meme coin*

physics of de-fi

a lot of liquid­ation and no bids (huge drop in asset price = negative diversion)
lending against crypto (via ETFs) is what = problem
leverage (is not) ≠
when there is a huge liquid­ation in other stuff, people will sell what they can = mini crash or brutal crash.

cme (chicago mercantile exchange)

provide insights into market sentiment, trading volumes, and price movements across various futures and options markets.

free roll

a situation in gambling or investing where there is no risk of loss but a potential for gain.

market correc­tions

everything happens for a reason. market correction is a politi­cally correct term in reality it is profit harvesting by instit­utions (retail investors pay for this...).

three main economic groups

consumers, producers and govern­ment.

group economics

group economics is a collective of people who pool their finances to reach a common goal that couldn’t have been accomp­lished otherwise.

unit economics

unit economics > chasing top-line turnover (usually associated with high cost)
ltv > cac
unit economics = ltv / cac

moat identi­fiable strata.

planned obsole­­scence
subscr­­iption based business models
pyramid scheme Monopolies
middleman delivery services
tech, AI and anything that doesn’t need a bank loves financial crises’. They have essent­ially infinite profit margins once they have created really good software.*


simple interest =
principal x interest rate x time
compound interest =
a = p (1 + r/n) ^ nt
apy takes into account the effect of compou­nding and is a more accurate measure of the true return on an invest­ment.*


US corpor­ations expend­iture has been outsourced and is not included in domestic GDP. The military provides protection for the US companies intern­ati­onally.
raising rates = export­ation of inflation. this hurts the US’ trading partners.


hong kong is the conduit for mainland Chinese capital to go into a semi-free market in comparison to china.

compound effects

if you can make 20% on your money annual. It will double every 4 years, the math works.


~30 largest banks. typically determined by both size and complexity and cross border activity. these banks are elected by the fsb (financial stability board)
13 from Europe, 10 from North America, ~7 from Asia*

funds lag the s&p

Unsurp­ris­ingly, the majority do not beat the benchm­arks, and even the ones who do don't keep their lead for long. Over its 23-year history, the SPIVA report shows that, on averag­e, ­64-­80% of active large-cap fund managers fare worse than their benchmark (the S&P 500) in any given year.


total amount spent / total amount of shares
it no longer needs to get back 10 (where it started). by the time the asset is at 4 you’ve doubled your money.*

portfolio allocation

allocation to any asset class depends on your:
liquidity needs
time horizon
tax consid­era­tions
legal situation
unique circum­stances

funding rate

negative funding rate:
shorts paying longs (bearish)
positive funding rate:
longs paying shorts (bullish)


cpi (consumer price index) is a widely used measure for inflation, but it has its limita­tions. some altern­ative metrics offer different perspe­ctives on economic changes:
pce (personal consum­ption expend­itu­res):
index is preferred by the fed as it includes a broader range of goods and services than the cpi.

core inflation:
excludes volatile elements like food and energy prices, offering a more stable measure.
gdp deflator:
measures the change in prices of all new, domest­ically produced final goods and services in an economy.

producer price index (ppi):
measures the average change over time in the selling prices received by domestic producers for their output.

asset price index:
tracks changes in asset prices, such as real estate, stocks, or bonds.
real wage growth
considers changes in wages relative to inflation, reflecting actual purchasing power.


no inflation:
prices stay the same, no purchasing power eroding, people earn the same each year, debt easier to pay.
low inflation:
drive economic growth, keeps money moving around
can’t do credit with a deflat­ionary money.*

in many cases inflation is transi­tory, as more currency can be created infini­tum.**

2% inflation will not be reached unless the underlying problem is address. hardcore QT will slow much advanc­ements however it is the only way, all else is the art of keynes­ian­ism.***

whoever is close to the central bank will steal the wealth of those paying the highest levels of interest with any given nation.****

causes of inflation

increase in demand for goods and services that outpaces supply.
rising production costs, such as wages and raw materials, which push prices higher.
growth in m supply:
excessive growth in the money supply can devalue currency, contri­buting to inflation.


real gdp:
inflat­ion­-ad­justed measure that reflects the value of all goods and services produced.
nominal gdp:
the value of all goods and services produced at current market prices.
actual gdp:
measur­ement in real-time, meaning a specific interval, and shows what the state of the economy is at this very moment.

two market types

sellers market:
shortage of goods available for sale, resulting in pricing power for the seller.
buyers market:
enviro­nment that favours buyers over sellers.
value =
were rational buyers and sellers meet.
the logic of expected value (EV) can be used to overly justify anything, be wary the trap of delusion.*


the expenses or total cost of an invest­ment. (can be used to refer to the difference between the spot price of an asset and its corres­ponding derivative futures contract.)

rube goldberg theory

a set of reactions that work in succes­sion, triggering one event after another until the final event is triggered.

chain letter theory

a message that encourages the recipient to forward it to multiple people, often with promises of luck or threats of bad conseq­uences if not followed.


value of a company's assets minus its total liabil­ities and any other relevant deduct­ions, often used to assess its intrinsic value.
current assets:
assets that are cash + assets that are converted into cash within 12 months (including accounts receivable and inventory)
strategy #1:
find companies with a market value below its net-ne­t w­orking capita­l (­NNWC) —cash and short-term invest­ments + 75% of accounts receivable + 50% of inventory - total liabil­iti­es—may be an effective strategy for small investors.
strategy #2:
invest in companies whose stock prices are no more than 67% of their NCAV per share. (study showed an average return of 29.4% from 1970-1983 when holding stocks for one year using this, recomm­ended holding ~30 stocks)
strategy does not consider long-term assets or liabil­ities, which usually makes it unreliable for long-term invest­ments.*

usa post 1945

The U.S. dollar was chosen as the world's reserve currency.
Countries started asking for physical gold from the U.S., prompting Nixon to halt it.
U.S. and Nixon stopped backing the U.S. dollar with gold in 1971.
Without gold backing, fiat currency is establ­ished, Some countries devalue their currency to enhance desira­bility as trading partners.
When the government needs money:
1) The Federal Reserve prints it.
2) The government sells bonds to raise money, promising to pay back with interest.
3) This forces the Federal Reserve to later print more money.
Since 1971, the U.S. has had a trade deficit, buying more from other countries than they buy from us. Printing more money leads to a decrease in the value of the dollar (infla­tion).
After the U.S. dollar stopped being backed by gold and inflation rose:
* Wives had to get jobs too.
* Inflation continued to rise, making it difficult for people to save.
* People resorted to debt to get by.

hayek v. keynes

it was debated if capitalism was even the right way to organize society, or if the new ideologies of communism and fascism, with their centrally planned systems, held the answer. He was convinced both were utterly wrong. Hayek said, "Not merely can human beings struggle to understand how to cope with uncert­ainty, but the world is just too complex for them to cope with unders­tanding all of it. A market system conveys so much inform­ation that makes it feasible; central planning will fail under the weight of the imposs­ibility of unders­tanding the complexity of the econom­y." That's Hayek's most important insight, and if people had listened to that, they would never have been so worried about the threat from communism as they were, because central planning failed under the weight of its own incons­istency of central planning.
keynes flattered govern­ments with the idea that they could tilt the course of human history their way, to which Hayek's rebuttal was that they shouldn't even try. We might uncover the laws of the universe; however, we were never going to master the comple­xities of human nature.

08 blow up

rock bottom fico
no income verifi­cation
adjustable rates
1-4% default rate, 5-8% default blow up- boom

national debt problem

there is a crazy budget deficit and presum­ably, you have to do one of three things: you have to raise taxes a lot, you have to cut spending a lot or you’re just going to keep borrowing money.
ways to solve
figure out ways to have smaller govern­ments, figure out ways to increase the age on Social Security, means test Social Security so not everyone gets it. just figure out ways to gradually dial back a lot of these government benefits.
largest expend­iture of tax revenue
#1) social security
#2) interest payments
inflation is a tax on the poor.*

turtle trader

purchasing a stock or contract during a breakout and quicks­elling on a retrac­ement or price fall.
an experiment in the 1980s that demons­trated anyone could be trained to trade succes­sfully using a specific trend-­fol­lowing system.*

headline risk

the risk of a negative impact on the value of a company, as reflected by its stock price and other publicly traded instru­ments associated with the company.
it also refers to the damage to the core business due to a loss in reputation caused by a news piece.*


metrics that predict future condit­ions.
(help you identify and anticipate trends and what might happen to the economy, your industry, your compet­itors etc.)*
a financial sign that becomes apparent only after a large shift has taken place.
(confirms long-term trends, but they do not predict them.)*

term length (horizons)

short term:
less than two years
medium term:
2 - 10 years
long term:
10 years +

market levels

market (deal sizes)

upper middle market:
500MM - $1B+
middle market:
10MM - $500MM
commercial busine­ss(­lower middle market):
10MM - $50MM
small business:
< 10MM
the upper middle market makes up a relatively small percentage (1%) of the overall market compared to the middle market. While they are nearly invisible, they usually have reputable brands, have high barriers to entry, command premium valuation multiples, and boast a large market share.*

around 55% of the companies in the upper middle market have been in business for 30 years+*

long-s­tanding presence and high revenues account for a signif­icant contri­bution to economy.*

fixed v. float exchange rate

fixed exchange rate:
denotes a nominal exchange rate that is set firmly by the monetary authority with respect to a foreign currency or a basket of foreign curren­cies.
floating exchange rate:
determined in foreign exchange markets depending on demand and supply, and it generally fluctuates consta­ntly.

reverse repo's & the fed (CB)

reverse repos go up -> reversal by Yellen via short-term bond issuance -> bull market.

Libor (li-bur) & SOFR

the global reference rate for unsecured short-term borrowing in the interbank market.
the se­cured overnight financing rate (SOFR) is a benchmark interest rate for dollar­-de­nom­inated deriva­tives and loans that replaced the London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR).
today, SOFR is the dominant U.S. dollar interest rate benchmark.*


the term cash runway refers to the length of time that a company has before it exhausts its current sources of funding before it must seek additional capital. Early-­stage startups estimate their cash runway by using financial forecasts or calcul­ating the burn rate.


treasury dumping =
riskier assets dump
efficient market hypothesis (EHM) states that share prices reflect all inform­ation =
stocks trade at their fair market value on exchanges =
consistent alpha generation is impossible =
possible to beat the market and that stocks can deviate from fair market values =

counter to negative on hedge funds

they (a1) fund growth in companies by providing capital and (b1) assist a company's management to navigate hardship in their respective industry, geography, and market.

the byproduct of (a1) and (b1) is (a2); jobs, and (b2); wealth. anyone who tells you that b2 is the sole function of a hedge fund is ignorant, glib, envious, and actively seeks to lie to you.

those liars essent­ially evangelise their position out of envy. their ethos boils down to the logic in the following question: if everyone pretends a lie is true, then why is the actual truth even relevant?


austerity =
less spending + more taxes
when a government loses the authority to print money, austerity is the only option left.
cutback measures have three main goals:
avoid the accumu­lation of deficits that increase total debt
reduce high inflation
limit over investment and specul­ative bubbles
you can only reduce debt to gap ratio by either:
increasing gdp
lowering government debt via (incre­asing taxes or cut spending)
adopt austerity measures when there are economic problems, especially when they cannot pay their debts.*

recession feedback loop


geometric nature of return

geometric return: compou­nding effect, where your returns grow on the returns that have already been earned. (snowb­alling down a hill, picking up more snow as it goes.)
geometric mean: the nth root of the product of n numbers, used to find the central tendency in multip­lic­ative datasets.

determ­ining the culprit

who is interested + who is capable
cui prodest scelus is fecit (for whom the crime advances, he has done it)
folllow the trail, cui bono?

counte­rparty risk

the potential for one party in a financial transa­ction to default or fail to meet its obliga­tions, leading to financial losses for the other party.

capital ratios

capital ratio is below regulatory minimums, indicating signif­icant risk of insolvency and inability to absorb losses. Bank may face regulatory scrutiny and potential interv­ention.
less than regulatory minimum
below average
capital ratio meets regulatory minimums but is at the lower end of the spectrum. Bank has limited buffer against losses and may struggle during economic downturns.
regulatory minimum to below 8%
capital ratio meets regulatory requir­ements but does not provide a substa­ntial cushion against risks. Bank's stability may be adequate but lacks robustness for unforeseen challe­nges.
8% to below 10%
above average
capital ratio exceeds regulatory minimums, providing a reasonable buffer against risks. Bank is better positioned to absorb losses and maintain stability in various economic condit­ions.
10% to below 12%
capital ratio is comfor­tably above regulatory requir­ements, indicating strong financial health and resili­ence. Bank can withstand adverse events and has capacity for growth and innova­tion.
12% to below 15%
capital ratio signif­icantly exceeds regulatory minimums, demons­trating except­ional financial strength and risk manage­ment. Bank is well-p­repared for unexpected shocks and has ample capacity for expansion and invest­ment.
15% and above
the percentage of banks capital to its risk weighted assets. It measures the funds it has in reserve against the riskier assets it holds that could be vulnerable in event of a crisis.*

major depository banks around the world have also used financial innova­tions such as structured investment vehicles to circumvent capital ratio regula­tions.*

negative ev

- losses
- poor ROI
- high risks (high levels of risk that are not adequately compen­sated by potential rewards. This could include factors such as market volati­lity, regulatory uncert­ain­ties, or operat­ional challe­nges.)
- wasted resources
- opport­unity cost (pursuing opport­unities with negative EV may prevent a business from allocating resources to more promising ventures that could generate higher returns.)

tail risk

the risk of extreme and rare financial events that lead to signif­icant losses, occurring more frequently than predicted by standard models.
(financial crises, market crashes, natural disasters, pandemics, political upheaval, terrorist attacks, sovereign debt crises.)


capitalist society = voluntary cooper­ation, voluntary exchange.
socialist society = force, no choice, all is decided for you.

positive ev

- built-in incentive
- narrative
profit­abi­lity?, ROI?, risk management (are there strategies in place to help mitigate potential loses), opport­unity assessment (is it the one with the highest yield?), decision making (focus on actions that are expected to add value to the business)

the stripper index

sex industry workers can and do indicate soon to be realised economic downturn.

the post Series-A problem

If you are dependent on external funding Post Series-A you run the risk of being subject to slow enshit­tif­ication with all subsequent rounds raised. The faster to revenue, the better.


If you make 10% in a month is better than 10% in a year due to IRR.


- the difference between the face value of money—both paper bills and coins—and what it costs to produce it.
- may be counted as positive revenue for a government when the money it creates is worth more than it costs to produce.
- if, for example, it costs the U.S. government 5 cents to produce $1, the seigni­orage is 95 cents or the difference between the two amounts.
- the banks get to benefit from seignorage (profits from creating money) and the government benefits from cash, that’s why it still exist. If you look at a govern­ments treasury balance sheet there’s a entry labelled seignorage income (profits from selling their cash to a bank) and the bank pays for it with digital currency and puts it in their ATM.
- in some situat­ions, the production of currency can result in a loss instead of a gain for the government creating the currency. this loss is more commonly experi­enced in the production of coins becaus­e the metal used to produce coins has inherent value.
this value, often called the melt value, may be higher than the denomi­nation it originally repres­ented or, when combined with production costs, may result in a loss. For example, the U.S. penny, with a face value of one cent, cost 2.10 cents to produce in 2021—the sixteenth year in a row that production costs exceeded the penny's face value.*

tender offer (buyback)

an offer to purchase some or all shareh­olders' shares in a corpor­ation.

mark to market

accounting practice that values assets and liabil­ities at their current market prices.

capital cost

total expenses incurred to acquire and maintain a capital asset, including purchase price, instal­lation, and mainte­nance.

bridge finance

short-term loan used to cover immediate expenses, until permanent financing is secured.

fire sale

rapid sale of goods or assets at heavily discounted prices, often due to financial distress.

global liquidity cycles

fluctu­ations in the availa­bility of global capital and credit, influenced by monetary policies and economic condit­ions.

money market fund (mmf)

a type of mutual fund that invests in short term, high-q­uality, low-risk debt instru­ments, offering liquidity and stability.
net asset value (NAV) of a money market fund usually stays the same at $1 per share. this is because regula­tions in the market allow the fund to calculate the value of its invest­ments based on their original cost rather than their current market value. so even if the value of the invest­ments in the fund fluctu­ates, the NAV remains stable at $1 per share.*

commercial paper

short-­term, unsecured promissory note issued by corpor­ations to finance their immediate operat­ional needs.

promissory note

written promise to pay a specified sum of money to a specified person at a specified future date.

anchor limited partner

a primary investor in a fund, often providing signif­icant capital and credib­ility, attracting additional investors.

vc dilemma

as VC firm funds that grow beyond AUM $1B they have a real challenge to create returns as there is simply not sufficient “exitable” unicorns to support the 25%+ IRR promised to LP investors. So the possible reactions are to go deep and broad, reducing the previous rigour around due diligence, or move into more tradit­ional PE invest­ments.
in many cases they tend to use both*


when someone in a fiduciary position acts in their own interest rather than in the best interest of those they represent.

long-tail liability

an insurance claim that is not settled until a long time after a policy has expired.

1x liquid­ation preference

gets paid back their full investment amount before any shareh­olders lower in the priority stack receive their payouts
a multiple greater than 1x, such as a 2x or 3x liquid­ation prefer­ence, is less common.*

long tail

a business strategy that allows companies to realise signif­icant profits by selling low volumes of hard-t­o-find items to many customers, instead of only selling large volumes of a reduced number of popular items.

insurance loss control

a set of risk management practices designed to reduce the likelihood of a claim being made against an insurance policy.

finite risk insurance

a transa­ction in which the insured pays a premium that consti­tutes a pool of funds for the insurer to use to cover any losses. ( a company might enter into a finite risk insurance agreement to cover potential losses from product liability claims up to $1 million over the course of a year. If the losses exceed $1 million, the company would be respon­sible for covering the additional costs.)


value of company before any external funding is injected into it. (value of the company without taking into account the new invest­ment).
value of a company after external funding has been added to its balance sheet. It is the total value of the company after the new investment has been made.
example, if a company has a pre-money valuation of $10 million and raises $5 million in a funding round, its post-money valuation would be $15 million ($10 million pre-money + $5 million invest­ment).*

use of second­aries

start-ups are using funding markets as ATMs, this is not sustai­nable.
before capital used to be raised off DCF and now startups are raising on future funding.*

top 5 factors

idea (truth) outlier:
business model:


based on forwards:
forwards are commonly used by producers and manufa­cturers in the the real world to fix the price in which they take or make delivery of an asset.
these principles are taken a step further and converted into tradable futures contracts. Advantages being one doesn’t have to move any assets around in order to speculate on the price of them changing.
as many people can partic­ipate in the future markets the volume and value of contracts traded on an assets i.e copper can far exceed the amount of copper that is physically exists on the planet.
if you do not offset or rolled your position prior to contract expira­tion, the contract will expire and it will go to settle­ment. At this point, a trader with a short position will be obligated to deliver the underlying asset under the terms of the original contract.

perpetuals (perps)

have no settlement date.
contingent on minimum requir­ements:
initial and mainte­nance margin, liquid­ation and insurance fund.
collat­eral/ initial margin:
amount committed when opening a leveraged position.
mainte­nance margin:
dynamic value that changes according to the assets market price and to the total balance of the traders margin account (minimum value required to keep all positions open)

general theory of employ­ment, interest and money

aggregate demand:
emphasised the importance of total spending in an economy (as the primary driver of economic activity)
involu­ntary unempl­oyment:
unempl­oyment can persist even when people are willing to work due to insuff­icient demand for goods and services.
role of govern­ment:
government interv­ention to stimulate demand during economic downturns, using fiscal and monetary policies.
liquidity prefer­ence:
concept of liquidity prefer­ence, stating that people prefer holding cash over other assets due to uncert­ainty.
interest rates:
central banks could influence interest rates to encourage or discourage investment and spending.
animal spirits:
psycho­logical factors that influence economic decisi­on-­making, which can lead to market fluctu­ations.
paradox of thrift:
saving too much during a recession can exacerbate economic problems by reducing demand, leading to a self-r­ein­forcing cycle of decline.
long-term vs. short-term decisions:
short-term factors (economic decisions) often dominate economic behaviour.

basel framework

an intern­ational regulatory framework for managing credit risk and market risk.
their key function is to ensure that banks hold enough cash reserves to meet their financial obliga­tions and survive in financial and economic distress.*

essence of monies creation

- if you haven’t got the ability to produce what you need. You have to go and find money in order to exchange it for what you need - this is the trap.
- money has to be backed. produc­tivity or gold is recent instru­ments of what has been used to achieve this.
- a change is zero(0) because there is no disapp­ear­ance. It is merely a transf­orm­ation, the money did not go anywhere - it simply changed hands.


a mathem­atical technique to estimate the values of unknown data points that fall in between existing, known data points.

this process helps fill in the blanks.

technical traders use interp­olation to understand how prices have behaved in the past, even when they do not have full inform­ation.

disorder brothers

imperfect / incomplete knowledge
the unknown

net interest margin (nin)

the difference between a financial firm's interest income and interest expenses, expressed as a percentage of income­-ge­ner­ating assets.
(net interest income a lender earns from credit products like loans and mortgages) - (interest it pays to holders of savings accounts and certif­icates of deposit (CDs).

publishing rights

mechanical royalties:
payments to songwr­iters and publishers for the reprod­uction of their music, typically when their songs are sold, streamed, or used in physical or digital formats.
perfor­mance royalties:
payments made to songwr­iters, composers, and publishers when their music is publicly performed, such as on the radio, TV, or live venues.
synchr­oni­zation royalties:
payments made to songwr­iters and publishers when their music is licensed for use in visual media, such as movies, TV shows, or commer­cials.

sporting revenue

market and mercha­ndise:
brand sponso­rships and event physical goods.
broadc­asting rights:
exclusive right to broadcast the top sporting events live.
live gate:
the sum of money taken at a sporting venue for the sale of tickets.
ancillary rights:
all rights that are related to exploiting property in ways that are different from their original format.

banks (exist to)


wells notice

notifi­cation from the SEC indicating that it may take enforc­ement action against a person or firm, giving them a chance to respond before the action is taken.

animal spirits

money Illusion
the five cognitive and psycho­logical types of animal spirits identified by Akerlof and Shiller include following. These phenomena help economists consider answers to tricky questions such as "why do economies fall into depres­sio­n" and why are financial prices and corporate invest­ments so volati­le?­"*


there is a problem with trying to finance things by confis­cating the wealth of the wealthy.
all you can confiscate is the material wealth, you cannot confiscate human capital without enslav­ement.

fragility & volatility

volatility cleans up a system period­ically.
the illusion of stability attempts to hide/c­onceal risk within a system. (hidden risk, this is usually hidden in the tails).
the longer we’ve been doing something that we don’t unders­tand, the longer we would do it.
with time what is fragile will break. Whatever is not perish­able, namely an idea, will have life expectancy that increases with time. There is an intell­igence of time that is at work, a book that has been read for 3,000 years will still be read approx­imately 3,000 years to come.
companies that are currently lowering sales by percen­tages will be a lot more hurt under economic pressure.
debt brings fragility, bigger size causes fragility.

asset volatility

80 vol. assets:
a higher volatility indicates that the price of the asset can fluctuate widely in a short period, indicating higher risk.
80 vol asset would imply that the price of the asset is expected to exhibit signif­icant fluctu­ations*


older (1792)
younger brother (1971)
tracks 500 of the largest companies on both exchanges.
amalga­mates a whole bunch of share prices and transforms it into one clean number.
DOW (exclu­sive):
only follows the 30 companies it considers the most important.

annual general meeting (agm)

a yearly gathering of a company's interested shareh­olders.

market v. limit order

"buy some juice!­" / juice costs 5¥
"buy some juice!, if it's less than 4¥" / juice costs 5¥