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Git Cheat Sheet Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

A Cheat Sheet for Git based on the Git Pro book.

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Create Git Repository

From existing directory
cd projec­t_dir
git init
git add .
From other repository
git clone existi­ng_dir new_dir
git clone git://­git­­m/u­ser­/re­po.git
git clone https:­//g­ith­ub.c­om­/us­er/­rep­o.git

Git - Local Changes

Changed in working directory
git status
Tracked file changes
git diff
Add changed files
git add file1 file2 file3
Remove file
git rm file
git rm dir/ -r
(recursive under directory)
See files ready for commit
git diff --cached
Commit changes
git commit
git commit -m "My messag­e"
git commit -a -m "My Messag­e"
(tracked files only, auto add)
Change last commit
git commit --amend
Revert changes to file
git checkout -- file
Revert changes (new commit)
git revert HEAD
Return to last committed state
git reset --hard HEAD

Git - History

Show all commits
git log
Short Format
git log --pret­ty=­short
git log -p
Show file commits
git log file
Show directory commits
git log dir/
git log --stat
Who changed file
git blame file

Git - Merge/­Rebase

Merge branch into current
git merge branch
Rebase into branch
git rebase branch
git rebase master branch
Abort rebase
git rebase --abort
Merge tool to solve conflicts
git mergetool
Conflicts against base file
git diff --base file
Diff other users changes
git diff --theirs file
Diff your changes
git diff --ours file
After resolving conflicts
git rebase --continue

Git - Remote Update / Publish

List remotes
git remote -v
Show inform­ation
git remote show remote
Add remote
git remote add path/url
Fetch changes
git fetch remote
Fetch + merge
git pull remote branch
Publish local to remote
git push remote branch
Delete remote branch
git push remote :branch
Publish tags
git push --tags

Git - Branch­ing­/Ta­gging

List branches
git branch
Switch to branch
git checkout branch
Create new branch
git branch new
Create branch from existing
git branch new existing
Delete branch
git branch -d branch
Tag current commit
git tag tag-name

Git Miscel­lanea

Visualize History
git command [double tab]
Annotated Tag
git tag -a v1 -m '...'