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Soc Ethnic Inequalities Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

for a 20 and 40 marker

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


Davidson uses the term 'concrete ceiling to show how discri­­mi­n­ation prevents ethnic minorities from being promoted. He says white women can break through the class ceiling but ethnic minority women cannot, which means the workplace they face the concrete ceiling
Heath and Yu found that first generation Black and Indian immigrants face discri­­mi­n­ation in the workplace, terms of access to higher managerial jobs
Joseph Roundtree Foundation has found that there is evidence that ethnic minority graduates find it hard to gain higher level positions in the workplace
The ONS finds that Arab women are the least employed social group, with 64% Unempl­oyment rate
Dodd finds that there's discri­min­ation against Pakistani and Bangla­deshi women in the workplace and employ­ment, for example women removing their hijabs in order to get jobs
Wood found that there is discri­min­ation in favour of white names compared to ethnic names, when it comes to employment
Battu and Sloane found that ethnic minorities are more likely to be overed­ucated than the white majority in the UK, but still have a hard time when it comes to finding employ­ment.


Nighti­­ngale argues that black males consume to mainstream US culture and wide-s­­tream values. However, they are racially and econom­­ically excluded from society, so they turned to illegi­­timate means, such as violence and crime to achieve these goals.
Black minorities suffer from the Paradox of inclusion, which is the desire to be the included in the fight for success, designer lifestyle and the 'American dream'. This means they are more likely to turn to crime
The Social Justice Centre report on gangs found that ethnic groups are overre­­pr­e­s­ented in the media, and the popular miscon­­ce­ption that gangs in the UK are associated with African Caribbean backgr­­ounds is false.
Intera­­ct­i­o­nists argue that black males are negatively stigma­­tised in the media, and are given a master status by the police. This means they're more likely to have a self-f­­ul­f­i­lling prophecy, which reflects on them performing deviant behaviour.
Hall argues that the emergence of the term 'mugging' was used as a moral panic to stigmatise black males cause division between the black and white working class.
Black minorities are 15 times more likely to be stop and searched, compared to older people


The 2011 Consensus found that 33% of Bangla­­deshis and Pakistanis live in deprived areas
The Joseph foundation found that living in deprived areas reduces the chances of being employed, but the effect is larger for ethnic minorities
Alock argues that ethnic minorities experience depriv­­ation which leads to social exclusion


Channel 4 surveys found that white viewers feel that broadc­asters are doing a fine job in repres­enting ethnic groups, but all other ethnic groups argue they're doing a poor job. This is because there are accusa­tions of stereo­typical repres­ent­ations and not reflecting on modern culture
Malik finds TV shows such as the apprentice and the x factor reflect on diversity and argues it's one of the most racially diverse channels, showing repres­ent­ation
In the media. Ethnic minorities are under repres­ented or have negative stereo­types in the media. Some groups are more repres­ented more than others but research finds minorities are margin­alized and stereo­typed.