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WFRP Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Rules cheat sheet for WFRP RPG

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Advantage gains

On the start of the combat, when either side has some tactical edge - depending on the edge, some Advantage is given.
Winning: when combat­atants win Opposed Test in combat that they initiated (except for ones that were initiated as part of Advantage uses).
Assess: when combat­atants assess the field with their Skills.
Victory: when combat­atants defeat an important NPC (+1 Advantage) or a party nemesis (+2 Advant­age).
Surprise: if opponents are surprised at the beginning of combat.
Outman­euver: When one or more opponents are wounded without engaging in Opposed Test (only +1 Advantage is given, no matter how many opponents are affected).

Advantage expend­itures

1 Advantage
Perform an Opposed Strength Test with your Opponent. If you win the Test, your opponent gains the Prone condition and gains +1 Advantage. If you lose the Opposed Test, your opponent gains +1 Advantage and your Action is over.
1 Advantage
To Trick your opponent, perform an Opposed Agility Test with your Opponent. If you win the Test, you gain +1 Advantage. If the GM feels the circum­stances suit it, you can also force your opponent to gain your choice of the Ablaze, Blinded, or Entangled Condition. If you lose the Opposed Test, your opponent gains +1 Advantage and your Action is over.
Additional Effort
2 Advantage
You gain a +10% bonus to any Test before you make it. You may spend extra Advantage to add an additional +10% bonus per Advantage spent.
Flee from Harm
2 Advantage
You may move away from your opponents without penalty. This replaces the standard Diseng­aging rules.
Additional Action
4 Advantage
You perform an additional Action. This Action never generates Advantage for the character performing it. You may only spend Advantage to take an Additional Action once per turn.
Creature Feature
Creature uses Advantage to activate of of its' Traits.
At the end of the round if one side has more combat­ants, or in case of a tie if one side has some tactical advantage - it's considered dominant and subtracts Advantage from opponents' pool. If there is nothing to subtract - one Advantage is simply given.


If you have Second Sight Talent, you may use any approp­riate Skills with your aethyric senses, most commonly your Intuition, Percep­tion, and Track Skills.
There are four types of spell: Petty, Arcane, Lore, and Chaos spells.
Petty spells are simple tricks that use negligible amounts of magic.
Arcane Spells are generic spells open to those studying any Lore of Magic or Chaos Magic.
Lore spells are those you can only learn if you know that Lore; i.e. to learn spells from the Lore of Fire, you need the Arcane Magic (Fire) Talent.
Chaos spells are those practiced by those who’ve lost their souls to Chaos.
To memorise a spell — and therefore be able to cast it without access to your grimoire — you typically need to spend the amount of XP noted in your spellc­asting Talent.
To cast a spell, make a Language (Magick) Test. If you succeed, match your SL to the Casting Number (CN) of the spell (listed in the individual spell descri­ption). If your SL is equal to or higher than the CN of the spell, it is cast as explained in the spell’s descri­ption.
If the casting roll is a Critical, you have extra power, but at a cost. Unless you have the Instin­ctive Diction Talent, you roll on the Minor Miscast Table as the power moves beyond your control, but you may also choose one of the following effects:
Critical Cast: If the spell causes Damage, it also inflicts a Critical Wound.
Total Power: The spell is cast, no matter its CN and your rolled SL, but can be Dispelled.
Unstop­pable Force: If you scored enough SL to cast your spell, it cannot be Dispelled.
If you Fumble your Casting Test, you suffer a Miscast. Roll 1d100 and consult the Minor Miscast Table.
A spellc­aster may cast a spell directly from a grimoire if the spell belongs to a Lore they possess. Doing so doubles the Casting Number.
When a magic missile is succes­sfully cast and targets another character, the Hit Location is determined by reversing the result of the Language (Magick) Test. The SL of the Language (Magick) Test is added to the spell’s listed Damage and your Willpower Bonus to determine the total inflicted Damage. This Damage is reduced as normal.
Certain spells require you to touch the target. If in combat, or if the target is unwilling to be touched, you must make an Opposed Melee (Brawling) Test
If you use an ingredient when casting, any suffered Major Miscast becomes a Minor Miscast, and any Minor Miscast has no effect. If used in this way, the ingredient is consumed or destroyed by the process, even if no Miscast was rolled. Ingred­ients cost the CN in silver shillings for Arcane and Lore spells.
Some magical spells require far more magic than can normally be found ambiently flowing through the world. To power such spells, it is possible to draw the Winds of Magic and concen­trate them into a more powerful form by using the Channe­lling Skill. Channe­lling the Winds of Magic can be a dangerous procedure, but it is the only sure way to cast some powerful spells. To channel magic for a spell, make an Extended Channe­lling Test.
If you roll a Critical when Channe­lling, you have channelled a mighty flow of magic and can cast your spell next Round regardless of the SL you’ve scored in the Extended Test so far; however, so much magic so quickly concen­trated in one place results in some magical backlash: roll 1d100 on the Minor Miscast Table unless you have the Aethyric Attunement Talent.
Channe­lling the Winds of Magic in a large flow is dangerous. You count any double or any roll ending in a 0 over your Skill as a Fumble, so, 00, 99, 90, 88, and so on. If you fumble a Channe­lling Test, you suffer a Miscast. Roll 1d100 and consult the Major Miscast Table.
Concen­tration is vital when channe­lling. If you are distracted by anything — loud noises, suffering damage, flashing lights, or similar — you must pass a Hard (–20) Cool Test, or suffer a Minor Miscast and lose all SL you have accrued in the Extended Channe­lling Test so far
Wearing colours approp­riate to the Wind of Magic you are manipu­lating helps attract the magic to you. This is the reason most wizards choose to dress in the tradit­ional garb of their order.
All Casting and Channe­lling Tests suffer a –1 SL penalty if you are dressed inappr­opr­iately for the Wind of Magic you are trying to attract, as determined by the GM. Specif­ically, metal and leather armour repel most of the Winds: metal is laden with the golden wind Chamon, while leather retains traces of the amber Ghur. As such, spellc­asters wearing armour suffer –1 SL penalty to all Casting and Channe­lling Tests for every Armour Point on the location with the most armour. Casters with the Arcane Magic (Metal) Talent may wear metal armour without penalty; those with Arcane Magic (Beasts) Talent may ignore penalties from leather armour
If a spell targets you, or a point you can see within Willpower yards, you may oppose the Casting Test with Language (Magick) as you chant a counte­rspell. Make an Opposed Language (Magick) Test. If you win the Opposed Test, you dispel the incoming spell; if you lose, the spell uses the SL of the Opposed Test to determine whether the casting was successful as normal. You may only attempt to dispel a single spell every Round.
If a spell has a lasting effect, you may attempt to dispel that spell for your Action. This is done by making an Extended Language (Magick) Test. When your SL reaches the CN of the ongoing spell, you succes­sfully dispel it.


Simple test: roll d100 against Skill or Charac­ter­istic, which can be modified with Difficulty by GM.
Dramatic test: roll d100, then compare SL (Success Level, which is a delta between tens of the Skill and tend of the roll).
If the roll is below - Success, if above - failure.
Amount of SL determines decree of a result.
Every roll on 01 is an automatic Success 96 - 100 is an automatic Failure.
It also can be used for opposed tests (who has more SL wins).

Success levels

Fate and Fortune

Fate is how character can twist the hand of Fate and escape impossible odds. Fate can be spent to:
Fortune points are spent to receive minor bonuses, including the ability to reroll failed Tests or gain an edge as luck favours you. Fortune is derived from fate and can be spent to:
Die Another Day - character survives no matter the odds, but stops partic­ipating in current encounter
Reroll a failed Test
How Did That Miss? - character completely avoids all damage
Add +1 SL to a Test after it is rolled
At the start of the Round, choose when to act in that Round disreg­arding Initiative order
Your GM may grant you a Fate point for an act of extreme heroism, bravery, or signif­icance. Normally this only happens at the successful end of an important adventure, so make sure to spend them carefully as they rarely replenish.
You regain all Fortune points at the start of every gaming session, up to the maximum of your current Fate. In addition, certain in-game encounters may also replenish (or remove!) Fortune points.

Resilience and Resolve

Resilience is an indication of your personal drive and determ­ination to endure, and overcome, no matter the obstacles you face. It can be spent to:
Resolve points are spent to push through minor obstacles, such as ignoring the negative effects of critical wounds for a Round or removing Condit­ions. It can be spent to:
I Deny You!: Do not develop a rolled mutation, but do not loose Corrup­tion.
Become immune to Psychology until the end of the next round.
I Will Not Fail!: Instead of rolling for a Test, choose result. In an Opposed Test you win with 1SL. If you cause a Critical, you can choose the Hit Location struck rather than random­ising it. You can even choose to do this on a Test already failed.
Ignore all modifiers from all Critical Wounds until the beginning of the next round.
Remove one Condition; if you removed the Prone Condition, regain 1 Wound as you surge to your feet.
The GM may grant a Resilience point for an act of extreme importance to your Motiva­tion, perman­ently nourishing your soul, but such an event will be very rare.
Resolve is regained whenever you act according to your Motiva­tion. During play, whenever you feel you have done this, you may ask the GM if you can recover one or more Resolve points.

Blessings and Miracles

Characters with the Bless Talent may enact Blessings, which are minor manife­sta­tions of divine will, while the Invoke Talent allows the Blessed to call on their gods for more powerful Miracles
To enact a Blessing or Miracle, make a Challe­nging (+0) Pray Test. If you score a Success, your Blessing or Miracle manifests according to its rules, and a high SL will give you bonus effects.
If you Fumble the Pray Test, you have offended your god and must roll on the Wrath of the Gods table.
You must be able to speak to intone the required prayer, rite, chant, or song to enact a Blessing or Miracle. Each of your Blessings or Miracles can only be in effect once, meaning you have to wait for an existing one to come to an end before using the same prayer again.
Multiple invoca­tions of the same prayer by different indivi­duals do not offer cumulative bonuses.
Sin Points: If you violate any of the Cult Strictures listed under your god, the GM will award one or more Sin Points.
Whenever you make a Pray Test, if the units die of the result is equal to or less than your current Sin point total, then you will suffer the Wrath of the Gods, even if the Pray Test is succes­sful.
When rolling on the Wrath of the Gods table, add +10 to the roll for each Sin Point you have accrued. After rolling and applying the result, reduce your Sin points by 1, to a minimum of 0.
Some Wrath of the Gods results require penance. The GM can decide upon a suitable penance depending on your misdeed, or they may prefer you to choose your own penance, with further punishment awaiting if you are insuff­ici­ently penitent. Examples of typical penances are listed in each cult descri­ption.
For every +2 SL you score in a Pray Test when attempting a Blessing, you may choose one of the benefits below.
For every 2 Success Levels you achieve in a Miracle Pray test, you may add additional range, duration or targets equal to the initial value listed in the Miracle.
Range: +6 yards
Targets: +1
Duration: +6 Rounds

Between Adventures

First, roll on Events table. Then if you have 3 or 4 Rank in Career, you have to undertake Income Endeavour. Elves have to spend one additional Endeavour to report to their chiefs.
Only one Endeavour can be taken per week to a maximum of three Endeavours no matter how long character has downtime.
After undert­aking Endeavour, all money the characters had considered spent.


Dark Deals: You can purpos­efully choose to take a Corruption point to reroll a Test, even if it has been rerolled already.
Corrupting Influences: For physical manife­sta­tions: Challe­nging (+0) Endurance Test, for mental - Challe­nging (+0) Cool Test,
If Corruption points become more than WB + TB, immedi­ately attempt a Challe­nging (+0) Endurance Test. If passed, you have managed to hold off your corruption for now but will have to Test again next time you gain Corruption Points.
If not: first, lose Corruption points equal to your Willpower Bonus as you mutate. Next, roll for species mutation and then for place of mutation. If there are more physical or mental mutations than TB or WB, character becomes an NPC.
You can loose Corruption by the following:
Dark Whispers: The GM may ask to spend one of your Corruption points to use the darkness building in your soul to twist your actions. The choice to do this or not is always in your hands, but if you agree, you lose 1 Corruption Point.
Absolution: The exact limits of what is required to remove Corruption is left in the hands of the GM, but it is rarely, if ever, simple.


1) Determine starting Advantage pools (surpr­ised, tactical domination etc.).
2) Determine Initia­tive.
3) Round begins - if something happens at the start of the round, it happens now.
4) Taking a turn (Move + Action).
5) Round ends - if something happens at the end of the round, it happens now.
6) Repeat steps 3-6 as required.


How to determine: each character rolls Initiative test and determines SL, which is higher goes first.


You can Walk amount of yards equal to M*2 and Run amount of yards equal to M*4


Assess: use a Skill in some way to get Advantage via a Dramatic Test. If approp­riate or inappr­opriate - additional Difficulty may be subtracted or assigned. On Success - gain 2 Advantage, on 6+ SL gain 3 Advantage.
Attack: melee or ranged attack.
Defend: choose an approp­riate Skill or Charac­ter­istic to use defens­ively (Dodge or Agility, for example). You gain +20 for defensive Tests using the Skill until the start of your next turn.
Special: make an action from Skills or Talents (like grappling, intimi­dating, casting a spell, using Dual Wielder talent, staunching a bleeding wound, making a prayer etc.).
Sprint: requires an Average (+20) Athletics Test. You sprint your Run movement + SL in yards. Charging now gives +10 bonus to the first Melee Test you initiate after completing your Move.


1a) Roll to Hit (Melee): To attack, perform an Opposed Melee Test with your Opponent. If you win the Test, you hit your opponent and gain +1 Advantage. If you lose the Opposed Test your Action is finished.
1b) Roll to Hit (Ranged): Roll a Ranged Test for the weapon you’re using. If you are succes­sful, you hit your opponent and gain +1 Advantage. If you fail, your Action is over.
2) Determine Hit Location: If you succes­sfully hit, find out where — reverse the roll to hit and compare this number to the Hit Locations table.
3) Determine Damage: Damage = Weapon Damage + SL.
4) Apply Damage: Wounds Suffered = Damage – opponent’s (Toughness Bonus + Armour Points where Attack struck).

Determ­ining where hit landed

Left Arm (or Secondary Arm)
Right Arm (or Primary Arm)
Left Leg
Right Leg

Criticals and Fumbles

Any successful Melee or Ranged Test that also rolls a double causes a Critical. This means you have dealt a signif­icant blow, and it even happens when you are the defender in an opposed Test. If you score a Critical, your opponent receives an immediate Critical Wound as your weapon strikes true. Beyond that, SL is calculated as normal, as is who wins any Opposed Tests.
The converse of Criticals, any failed combat Test that also rolls a double is a Fumble, which means something very unfort­unate has occurred. To determine what happens, roll on the Oops! Table.

Oops! Table

You catch a part of your anatomy (we recommend you play this for laughs) — lose 1 Wound, ignoring Toughness Bonus or Armour Points.
0 Your melee weapon jars badly, or ranged weapon malfun­ctions or slightly breaks – your weapon suffers 1 Damage. Next round, you will act last regardless of Initiative order, Talents, or special rules.
Your manoeuvre was misjudged, leaving you out of position, or you lose grip of a ranged weapon. Next round, your Action suffers a penalty of –10.
You stumble badly, finding it hard to right yourself. Lose your next Move.
0 You mishandle your weapon, or you drop your ammuni­tion. Miss your next Action
You overextend yourself or stumble and twist your ankle. Suffer a Torn Muscle (Minor) injury. This counts as a Critical Wound.
You completely mess up, hitting 1 random ally in range using your rolled units die to determine the SL of the hit. If that’s not possible, you somehow hit yourself in the face and gain a Stunned Condition.
If you are using a Blackp­owder, Engine­ering, or Explosive weapon, and roll a Fumble that is also an even number — 00, 88, and so on — your weapon Misfires, exploding in your hand. You take full Damage to your Primary Arm location using the units die as an effective SL for the hit, and your weapon is destroyed.

Ranged combat

Ranged attacks cannot be opposed with Melee Skills unless you have a large enough shield, or if they are at Point Blank range, where it is also allowable to Dodge.
You cannot make ranged attacks whilst Engaged, unless you are armed with a ranged weapon that has the Pistol Quality.
If you use your Ranged Skill when you are Engaged with your target, the target may Oppose your attack with any Melee Skill.

Combat difficulty

Combat Tests can be modified in the same manner as other Tests. These modifiers can be used to reflect the effects of terrain, the weather, and a variety of other factors.


Wounds are lost by sustaining Damage. Each time you suffer a point of damage you lose 1 Wound. Usually your Toughness Bonus and Armour Points reduce the damage you suffer. So if you were hit on the arm for 10 Damage and your Toughness Bonus was 3, and you had leather armour on your arm granting 1 Armour Point, you would suffer 6 Wounds (10 – 3 – 1 = 6).
There are two ways to generate a Critical Wound. One is to inflict critical damage before your opponent is reduced to 0 Wounds. The other is to inflict any sort of Damage after your opponent has been reduced to 0 Wounds.
Use the Wounds column on the Critical Damage table to determine additional Wounds lost as a result of Critical Damage. Work out this extra damage after calcul­ating all other effects of normal and Critical Damage. Wounds caused in this way do not cause further rolls on the Critical Damage table. For example, an opponent reduced to 0 Wounds does not suffer further harm from these additional Wounds.
If a hit that does Critical Damage reduces an opponent below 0 Wounds, it does not result in a second roll on the table. In other words, each blow can only inflict a single Critical Wound.


Death can result directly from Critical Damage or if a Character succumbs to many injuries. If a Character has the Uncons­cious Condition and 0 Wounds, then they total up the number of Critical Wounds (meaning total results from the Critical Damage Tables) they currently suffer. If this number is greater than their Toughness Bonus, they succumb to their injuries and perish at the end of the round unless they are healed of one or more Critical Wounds. Furthe­rmore, if you have the Uncons­cious Condition, any enemy with a suitable weapon may kill you if they can spend an Action to do so.
Whilst Critical Damage always debili­tates a Character, not all Critical Damage is serious enough to contribute to a Charac­ter’s demise. Stubbing a toe is unplea­sant, but not signif­icantly damaging. Trivial injuries have a Wounds value of ‘T’ in the tables below. They do not cause extra Wounds to a Character, and they are not counted towards the number of Critical Wounds that count towards killing a Character.