This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.
Explain current processing and required processing in enough detail that someone who is not familiar with the functionality can understand it. |
Explicitly document the disadvantages of a design. Highlight where requirements are unclear, incomplete or are not met. |
Provide a visual for the solution design, including where any mappings/transformations take place and where error handling takes place. |
Solution Design
Keep the solution simple. |
Distinguish your entities and define the relationship. |
Include setting differences between production and non-production in the design and make SMO aware as soon as the design is approved. |
Avoid functionality duplication. Avoid data duplication. |
Where possible use Genius functionality over AGCS bespoke development. |
Look for existing design patterns that can be replicated. Look for existing functionality that can be reused. |
Make sure the solution is easy to maintain and enhance. |
Develop with the future in mind, make sure the development can be scaled for extended use in the future and is maintainable. |
Make sure the solution blends with existing design. |
Look for potential issues with performance when designing. |
Keep the solution intuitive. |
Make sure the solution works with existing components. |
Look for the natural place for a solution to sit. |