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I dont know tbh Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

science is very easy but I still need one of these

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


Molecular Compound
A molecular compound is a bond that connects two or more atoms of the same kind or different kinds forms a molecule. When electrons are transf­erred between two atoms or from one atom to another, bonds between the atoms occur. Molecules are also repres­ented by a chemical formula.


Chemical Formula
A chemical formula identifies the type (element symbol) and quantity (subsc­ript) of atoms in the molecule. The total number of molecules is indicated by a coeffi­cient.


What are Atoms?
Atoms are the basic unit of matter, There is only one kind of atom found in elements. All the atoms in a given element are the same, A molecule is what is created when two or more elements form a chemical bond.


Subatomic particles
Proton, Has +1 charge, has a relative mass or 1 atomic mass unit and it can be found at the centre of the atom. A neutron has a no charge this can be called "a charge of zero" it has a relative mass of 1, or 1 atomic mass unit neutrons are found in the nucleus of the atom. The Electon has a negative 1 charge (-1) charge and has a mass of 1/2000, the Electron circles around the nucleus.

Theory of matter

What is matter
Matter is anything that takes up mass and volume. Volume is the amount of space being used by an object and mass is the quantity of matter in a substance. Things that are not matter have no mass or volume (for example light, and heat).

Classi­fic­ation of Matter

Pure substance and mixture
A pure substance is something that is made up of only one type of particle (one example is water) and a mixture Is something that is made up of two or more particles (for example tap water is made up of H2, ca, etc)


Density and how to calculate it
Find the mass of the object, find the volume of the object, and divide the mass of the object. Finding the mass (Mass=­volumex density) FInding the volume (volume mass/d­ensity) Finding the density (density mass/v­olume) Another way of calcul­ating density is G.R.A.S.P

Physical properties of matter and density

What is a Physical Property?
A physical property of matter is a charac­ter­istic or descri­ption of the substance that may help you to identify it, Unchanged by observ­ation or measur­ement, a physical property can also be identi­fied.


What is Density?
Density is a measur­ement of how tightly the particles of a material are packed together. Density is also the amount of matter contained within a given volume.

Physical change

Physical change
A physical change is a type of change that changes the form of matter but does not transform one substance into another.