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Algorithms (CS50) Cheat Sheet by

Algorithm is a step-by-step set of instructions for completing a task.


Algorithm is a step-b­y-step set of instru­ctions for completing a task.

Search Algorithms

Linear Search: Iterate across the array from left to right, searching for a specified element.
Worst case O(n): the target element is the last element of the array or it doesn’t exist at all. Best case Ω(1): the target element is the first element of the array.
Binary Search: Divide and conquer, reducing the search area by half each time, trying to find a target number. First, the array should be sorted.
Worst case O(log n): the target element will be found at the end of the last division or it won’t be found at all. Best case Ω(1): the target element is the mid-point of the full array.

Sorting Algorithms

Bubble Sort: Swapping pairs of two elements: higher valued elements towards the right and the lower valued elements towards the left.
Worst case O(n^2): the array is in the reversed order. Best case Ω(1): the array is already perfectly sorted and we don’t need to make any swaps on the first run.
Selection Sort: Find the smallest unsorted element and add it to the end of the sorted list.
Worst case O(n2): iterate over each of the n elements of the array (to find the smallest unsorted element) → it’s at the very end of the array and repeat this proces n times, since only one element gets sorted on each pass. Best case Ω(n2): exactly the same!
Merge Sort: Sort smaller arrays and then merge them in sorted order.
The best and the worst cases are the same: n log n.

Big O notation

Big-O notation is a simplified analysis of an algori­thm’s effici­ency. It attempts to answer two questions:
Q1: how much memory is needed?
Q2: how much time does it take to complete?


A recursive function is one that, as part of its execution, invokes itself.
Every recursive function has two cases that could apply, given any input:

- The base case → terminate the recursive process
- The recursive case → the recursion occurs

Example of recursion: the factorial function

The factorial is found by multip­lying n by all the whole numbers less than it.
5! = 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 = 120
In C:
int fact(int n)


if (n == 1)

return 1;


return n * fact(n-1);


Scenario A: The function calls itself in the 'else' clause → recursive case
Scenario B: The function terminates in the 'if' clause → base case


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