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Golang Basics Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Golang, Go. Just some basics

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


var foo string // declaration with zero value
var foo int = 191 // declaration with initial value
foo := 191 // shorthand
foo, bar := 191 , 23 // shorthand multiple

const c = "This is a constant"
const (
    width = 1920
    height= 1080


Basic Types:
int,  int8,  int16,  int32,  int64
uint, uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64, uintptr
float32, float64
complex64, complex128
byte  // alias for uint8. ASCII char. var a byte = 'a'
rune // alias for int32. Unicode Char

Composit Types
struct, array, slice, map, channel

Describe behavior of data type


func main() { // main func contains no params and no returns
func foo(param0 int, param1, param2 string, ...) (int, string, ...) { // func can take multiple params and return multiple values
func foo() (res int, code int) { // named return
  res = 2
 code = 3

res, code := foo() // execute func and store returned values

func foo(a, b, arg {} // variable number of parameters

// factory
func add(a int) (func(b int) int) {         // return a function
    return func(b int) int {
        return a + b

// defer - executed when func exits
// When many defer’s are declared in the code, they are executed in the inverse order.
func foo() {
    defer f() // function deferred, will be executed latst and print 3.
// The defer allows us to guarantee that certain clean-up tasks are performed before we return from a function, for example: 
// Closing a file stream, Unlocking a locked resource (a mutex), log, ,losing a database connection
// Tracing example
func foo() {
    defer callUntrace("foo") // untracing via defer
    fmt.Println("foo is being executed")

// Debugging values
func foo(s string)(res int, err error) {
    defer func() {
        log.Printf("foo(%q) = >%d, %v", s, res, err)

    return 5, nil

// No Method overload, But we can overload receiver
func (a *Obj1) Add(b Int) Int
func (a *Obj2) Add(b Int) Int


Go doesn't have casting. Go uses Conversion - bytes need to be copied to a new
memory location for the new representation.

const (
  ONE= iota

// Print file full path and line where the code is executed
    whereAmI := log.Print

// Size
size := unsafe.Sizeof(T{})


type ReadWrite interface {
  Read(b Buffer) bool
  Write(b Buffer) bool

type Lock interface {

switch t := someVar.(type) {
    case *Game:

    case *Unit:

      fmt.Printf("Unexpected type"t)

type File interface {

// Check dynamic var if is of type
if v, ok := someVar.(T); ok {
// ...



String and Rune

s := "line one \n line two" // interpreted string \n - newline
s :=`line one \n line two` // raw string. no interpretation. no new line for \n
l := len(s) // get string length

strings pkg contains utilities
// HasPrefix, HasSuffix, Contains, Index, LastIndex, Replace, 
// Count, Repeat, ToLower, ToUpper, Trim, TrimSpace,
// Fields/Split, Join, Read, ReadByte, ReadRune

strconv pkg contains convertion utilities
// Itoa, FormatFloat, Atoi, ParseFloat
v, err := strconv.Atoi(s)

! Go strings are immutable - behave like read-only byte slice. 
// To insert/modify use: rune(unicode)/byte(ASCII) slice
bs := []byte(str)
bs[0] = bs[1]
str = string(bs)


type foo struct {  // define new type
  name string
  age int

var f foo // declare instance and init to zero value

f := foo {  // create type instance with literal cunstruction type
  name: "John",
  age: 30

f := struct { // declare a var of unnamed type
  age: int
  age: 35

// Composition
type s1struct {
  age int
  name string

type s2 struct {
  secondName string


var foo [7]int // create zero value array length of 7
foo := [3]int{10, 20, 30} // define array length of 3 with values
foo := [...]int{10, 20} // compiler calculate length of the array
foo := [10]string{3: "Three", 4: "Four"}
foo[1] = 193 // write value
a := foo[1] // read value


t := time.Now()
// Duration, Since, Location, Format 

t := time.Now().UTC()
fmt.Println(t.Format("01 Jan 2022 18:34")) // 12 Oct 2022 01:23


Slice - is a data structure with 3 fields:
1. * - a pointer to the underlying array
2. len - the length of the slice (indexable by len)
3. cap - capacity of the slice (how long a slice can become)

var s []string // zero value slice
var s []string= arr[start:end] // slice from array
s := []int{1,2,3} // literal
s:= make([]string, len, cap) // create with make

screen:= [][]int{}
var screen [w][h]int
screen[2][5] = 1 // write
v := screen[2][5] // read

s = s[1:] // cut 1st element
s = s[:len(s)-1] // cut last element
s = s[3:5] // cut slice - new one from 3rd inclusive to 5th exclusive

func copy(dst, src []T) int
s := copy(sTo, sFrom)

func append(s[]T, x ...T) []T
s = append(s, "addValue") // append value
s = append(s1, s2...) // append slice


// Delete at idex i (from i to j)
s = append(s[:i], s[i+1:]...)
s = append(s[:i], s[j:]...)

// Insert a value/range at index i
s = append(s[:i], append([]string{"valueToInsert"}, s[i:]...)...)
s = append(s[:i], append([]string{"valueToInsert", "value2ToInsert"}, s[i:]...)...)
s = append(s[:i], append(s2, s[i:]...)...) // insert existing lice s2

// Stack
val, s = s[len(s)-1:], s[:len(a)-1] // Pop
s = append(s, val) // Push

// Queue
val, q = q[:1], q[1:] // Dequeu
q =  append([]string{"value"}, q...) // Enqueue

// Swap
s[j], s[i] = s[i], s[j]

sort pkg. ex: sort.Strings(s)


var m map[string]int // zero value - nil
m := make(map[string]int) // short
m := map[int]string{1:"One", 2: "Two"}

m[key] = val
val:= m[key]

if _, ok := m[key]; ok { // if key is present

delete(m, key) // delete record

// we can range on map with key, value

len(map) // get length

// Unlike arrays, maps grow dynamically to accommodate new key-values that are added; 
// they have no fixed or maximum size. However, you can optionally indicate 
// an initial capacity cap for the map, as in:
m := make(map[string]int, cap) // m := make(map[string]int, 100)



Control Structures (if, switch)

if  x < 0 {
    return err
} else if x == 0 {
} else {
   a = 5

// Pattern to use with true/false condition
if n % 2 == 0 {
    return "even"
return "odd"

// with initialization statement
if val := getValue(); val > max {
  return err

switch var1 {
case "a":
case "b", "c", "d": // multiple values

switch a,b := 3, 4; { // with initialization
case a > 0: fallthrough // to execte next
case b < 3:

// switch with multiple conditions
switch {
case i < 0:
case i == 0 && a > 3:
case i > 0:


for i := 0; i < 100; i++ {}
for i, j := 0, N; i < j; i, j = i+1, j-1 { } // multiple counters
// nested
for i:=0; i<5; i++ {
    for j:=0; j<10; j++ {

// While like
for i < 5 {
  i += 1

// infinite loop
for { }   // another form: for true { }

for i, val:= range str {
  fmt.Printf("Character on position %d is: %c \n", i, val)

// we can use break and continue to skip execution
// there is also goto and label