This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.
Branch List
List branch tree view |
Ex: |
git log --graph --pretty=medium --abbrev-commit
List changed files |
git ls-tree --name-only [branch-name]
List all branches |
Show branches and their commits |
Mergetool help |
git mergetool --tool-help
Tell git to use opendiff |
git mergetool -t opendiff
Merge changes |
git merge [merge from branch] (must be on merge into branch) |
Show differences |
git diff --name-only [branch1] [branch2]
Staus of changes |
Add change/file to be committed |
Commit changes |
git commit -m "Your message here"
Commit changes - Vim editor save |
esc - :w ( save ) - :q ( quit ) |
Create new branch |
git checkout -b [New Branch Name]
Remove file from commit - Step 1 |
Remove file from commit - Step 2 |
git commit --amend if a commit was performed |
Ignore files |
create .gitignore file - add file names to ignore |
Remove from add |
git reset [filename.txt]