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xnet cheat sheet Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

This is will be used for the xnet exercise.

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

nmap Port Status

Indicates that an applic­ation is listening for connec­tions on the port. The primary goal of port scanning is to find these.
Responds to probes, but does not appear to be running a service. Commonly found on systems with no firewall in place.
Typically protected by a firewall. Scanning tool is unable to determine if the port is open or closed.
Port can be accessed, but tool is unable to determine if the port is opened or closed.
Port is believed to be open, but tool cannot definitely determine the port's state.
Port is believe to be closed or filtered, but tool cannot definitely determine the port's state.

Nmap -- Arguments

Used to discover which IP protocols are supported on the target system. Useful for deciding what type of subsequent scans to perform on the target.
Performs a TCP SYN scan. It's the default scanning method when running Nmap as root. Considered to be stealthy because it does not open a full connection on the target host.
Similar to Xprobe2, performs OS detection. Works best where is at lease one open and one closed port on detected system.
Will randomize the order in which the targets are scanned. Combining this feature with other evasion techniques can decrease your chances of being detected during recon phase.
Ping scan
Scan all 65355 ports

File Processing

nmap -oX
For XML Output
xsltproc nmapOu­tpu­t.xml -o nmapWe­bPa­ge.html
Convert to HMTL
convert to XLS