This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.
Initialising a repository
Initialising a fresh repository
Clone an existing repository
Clone an existing repository into a custom directory git clone <url> <directory>
Clone an existing repository into current directory
Managing branches
Get help
List local branches
List remote branches
List local and remote branches
Delete a local branch
Rename current branch git branch -M <new-name>
Track a different remote branch git branch -u <remote-branch>
Find local branches that have been merged into a branch git branch --merged <branch>
Find remote branches that have been merged into a branch git branch -r --merged <branch>
Find all branches that have been merged into a branch git branch -a --merged <branch>
Managing Remotes
List remotes
Add new remote git remote add <name> <url>
Change remote url git remote set-url <name> <url>
Change remote push url git remote set-url --push <name> <url>
Change remote pull url git remote set-url --pull <name> <url>
Push Changes
Push local changes
Force push local changes
Push to a different remote branch git push <remote-branch>
Push to a different remote branch and start tracking it git push -u <remote-branch>
Push to a remote branch that has a different name git push <remote-branch> <local-branch>