Want to stop snoring
The Home Sleep Test is a portable sleep test that is typically recorded on equipment you take to your home. The home sleep study should be performed one or multiple nights and keep many records of the same physiological channels as an in-lab study, such as the heart rate, oxygen saturation, sleep stages, respiratory effort, airflow, body position, snoring, body movement, sleep states, and actigraphy. Home Sleep Test
Body Position – The Home Sleep Test equipment can determine what position you are sleeping in as some of the individuals only have significant Obstructive Sleep Apnea in certain body position. http://www.sleepblizz.com/ http://www.sleepblizz.com/benefits-home-sleep-tests/ Benefits of Home Sleep Tests:
You will sleep more comfortable in your own bed and at home, so the test is likely to produce more data and provide a better profile of your breathing. The home sleep test produces very accurate results and it has a quick turnaround, enabling your doctor to make or rule out a diagnosis of sleep apnea. |
Benefits Of Home Sleep Tests Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by [deleted]
The Home Sleep Test is a portable sleep test that is typically recorded on equipment you take to your home.
This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.