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Style Guide Template FPO Cheat Sheet by

Corporate Style Guide


End punctuate, unless dates with spatial constr­aint.

Accent Marks

Accent marks are used on all foreign language words.


Alphab­etical order sorts by first word, regardless of the part of speech.
[Ex. “The Buffet” listed under “T” not “B”.]


• Use two asterisks for discla­imers: One after last ref. word in copy, and one before 1st word of corres­ponding discla­imer.
• When multiple discla­imers occur, use *(single), ** (double), ***, ****, † (dagger), ‡ (double dagger), etc.
• If occurs with casino marketing discla­imer, then asterisked discla­imers listed 1st, in order by *(single), ** (double), ***, ****, † (dagger), ‡ (double dagger), etc., inserting a space between the two discla­imers is recomm­ended, though not required.
• If disclaimer follows immedi­ately after text or applies to entire collat­eral, such as text messaging discla­imers, then italics are accept­able.
• If disclaimer applies to image, caption or portion of collat­eral, then double asterisks on each end, all italics, is accept­able.
Note: If an asterisk occurs in copy, it must have corr. discla­imer.

Bullet Points

• Use all phrases or all sentences; same cap., tense, person, punct.
• Lists of all sentences require end punctu­ation.
• Lists of all phrases are not end punctu­ated.
• Excp: Lists containing both phrases and sentences end punctuate.

Capita­liz­ation Cases

B. Initial Case
- All words
Ex. The Vitamins In Here Are From My Fresh California Raisins.
C. 1. Title / AP Case
- 1st, last and words with 4+ letters [Ex. From, With, That]
Ex. The Vitamins in Here Are From My Fresh California Raisins.
C. 2. Title / MGMR Case
- No articles, prep. or conjunct. (last word?) [Ex. from, with, that]
Ex. The Vitamins in Here Are from My Fresh California Raisins.
D. Sentence Case
- 1st word and proper nouns only
Ex. The vitamins in here are from my fresh California raisins.
E. Menu/Offer
- Featured items
Ex. 20% OFF Vitamins with purchase of any Spa Treatment.
F. 1. All Lower - Common
- Proper nouns only
Ex. the vitamins are from my fresh California raisins.
F. 2. All Lower - Rare
- all words, regardless of other brand's req.
Ex. the vitamins are from my fresh california raisins.


one word, hyphen
noun; place, thing, process
Ex. VIP Check-In
one word
noun; place, thing
Ex. Express Checkout
check in
two words
verb; action
Ex. Wait here to check in.
check out
two words
verb; action
Ex. Check out from room.
How to tell the differ­ence:
“at” / “upon”
-“at check-in”= place, noun, one word
-“upon check in” = action, verb, two words
- If "­che­ck" can be replaced w/ “checking” = verb, two words.
“It is” / “I am” / “to”
- If follows “It is...” = noun, one word
-If follows “I am...” = verb, two words
-If follows “to...” and not a compou­nd-­mod­ifier = verb, two words. [Ex. We are to check out.]


Introduce a list, sentence or long quotat­ions.

Em Dash, En Dash, Hyphen Overview

Em Dash
Interrupts a senten­ce—like this!—­between two words, no spaces
En Dash
Shows durati­on/­range, introduces info (quote, def.) space each side
Connects two words into one, no spaces

En Dashes

• Shows duration or range. [Ex: Sunday – Friday, 1:00 P.M. – 2:30 P.M., 5th – 7th]
• Introduces quote source. [Ex: “Best Show” – Tony Devalle, Las Vegas Review­-Jo­urnal]
• Introduces info or defini­tion. [Ex: OFA – Out for Approval]
Mac: Option­-hyphen key or PC: Ctrl-Num hyphen key, space each side.


• Compound modifiers (adjec­tives used together to describe a noun). [Ex: house-made sauce]
• Note: Adjectives after noun, do not hyphenate. [Ex: A Chicag­o-style hot dog is Chicago style.]
• Do not hyphenate adverbs (words ending in "­ly"). [Ex. critically acclaimed chef]
• Capitalize first letter before and after hyphen when using initial caps. [Ex: Check-In, 2-For-1]
• Separate duplicate vowels, triple conson­ants. [Ex: shell-­like, re-entry]
• Suspensive hyphen­ation contin­uance. [Ex: He received a 10- to 20-year prison sentence].
• Except­ions: Proper names [Ex. High Limit Slot Room, Mile High Stadium]
• Mac or PC: Hyphen key. Located between zero and = keys; Use within a single word, no spaces.


• Use comma in amounts over 999.
• Spell out one – nine. Use numerals at 10; spell out if begins sentence. [Ex. Ten win.]
• Plural numbers do not have apostr­ophes, only “s.” [Ex: 100s of Beers]
• Numbers with ordinals (st, nd, rd, th) for place/­prize structures and annual events, never dates.
• When using ordinals on numbers, use numerals. [Ex.19th Annual, not Nineteenth Annual]


• Use period outside parent­hesis, if enclosed is not a full sentence (such as this fragment).
• Use period inside closing parent­hesis. (If material enclosed is a full sentence, like this.)


• Periods always go inside quotation marks and outside of symbols, except asterisks.
• Use if statement is a suggestion than a question or rhetor­ical.
[Ex: Why don't we go.]

Phone Numbers

• Do not use “1-” before phone numbers. Use periods for separa­tors.
• Use “702” area code on local phone numbers.

Plural Nouns

• Do not use “s” at the end of plural nouns.
[Ex: meat, beer, cheese, wine, fruit, ice cream]

Quotation Marks

Quotes within quotes: alternate between double and single marks.
Single quotation marks used when occur in headline.
Punctu­ation always goes inside quotation marks, except semico­lons. Exception: “O”.
Use for song titles and tour names. The name is initial caps in quotes, tour is normally lowercase as separate word.
[Ex: "­Ame­rican Idol" tour, "A Bigger Bang" tour]


• Quote, end punct., inside quot. marks (space or next line) en dash (space) person's first and last name (comma) source­/pu­bli­cation name.
• In copy: Use double; In headlines: Use single quotation marks.
(If print pub., use italics. If digital pub., no italics. If BOTH, then italics.)
[Ex: “Best Show” – Tony Delvalle, Las Vegas Review­-Jo­urnal]
• Quote verbiage must match original verifiable source verbatim.
• Full quote must have similar message and content.
• Choose only current, accessible quotes with a blunt, clear purpose.
Change selection if quote:
- is more than five years old.
- cannot be found via advanced Google search.
- requires ellipsis to fit into existing copy.
- contents of full quote do not agree with present copy's message.


• Use when a coordi­nating conjun­ction is not present between two related sentences.
Coordi­nating conjun­ctions: FANBOYS – for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so.
[Ex: The package was due last week; it arrived today.]
• Use to separate long phrases containing commas in a series.
• Use to join indepe­ndent clauses alone or followed by a conjun­ctive adverb and comma.
Conjun­ctive adverbs: however, nevert­heless, otherwise, thus, moreover, additi­onally.

Social Media

No "­fac­ebo­ok.c­om­" before "­/"
Icon Colors
Black, white or brand color only
Fb, Twit, Instagram, Pinterest
Do not change color of social media logos, except for black and white.
If using name in copy, please verify compliance here, [link].


no "­www." / if occurs at end of CTA, preference is not to end punct.


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