This are my personal cheatsheet for Neovim
- |
open netrw file explorer |
leader + w |
fast saving |
leader + ba |
close all the buffers |
Tab Management
leader + nt |
open new tab |
leader + tc |
close actual tab |
leader + tl |
toggle between this and the last accessed tab |
leader + tn |
switch to next tab |
leader + to |
close other tabs |
leader + tp |
switch to previous tab |
; |
Lists open buffers in current neovim instance |
control + g |
Fuzzy search through the output of git ls-files command |
control + p |
Lists files in your current working directory |
leader + fg |
Search for a string in your current working directory and get results live as you type |
leader + g |
Searches for the string under your cursor in your current working directory |
Packer Commands
:PackerClean |
Remove any disabled or unused plugins |
:PackerCompile |
Regenerate compiled loader file |
:PackerInstall |
Clean, then install missing plugins |
:PackerSync |
Perform PackerUpdate and then PackerCompile |
:PackerUpdate |
Clean, then update and install plugins |
LSP Typescript Utils
leader + gi |
Rename TypeScript file and update imports |
leader + go |
Import all missing imports in TS Files |
leader + gs |
Organize imports in TypeScript Files |
leader + xd |
switch to document diagnostics from the builtin LSP client |
leader + xr |
refresh the active list |
leader + xw |
switch to workspace diagnostics from the builtin LSP client |
leader + xx |
toggle Trouble window |
:Git |
run git command in terminal, Eg: :Git checkout -b test |
leader + gR |
Revert the current file to the specific commit |
leader + gb |
Open blame window |
leader + gd |
Opens a new diff that compares against the current index |
leader + gn |
Create a pull request with the target branch is set in the target_branch option |
leader + go |
Open file/folder in git repository |
leader + gp |
Open pull request of the current branch |
leader + gr |
Revert to the specific commit |
Git conflict
:GitConflictListQf |
Show all conflicted files in quickfix window |
c0 or :GitConflictChooseNone |
Select both none of the changes |
cb or :GitConflictChooseBoth |
Select both changes |
co or :GitConflictChooseOurs |
Select the current changes |
ct or :GitConflictChooseTheirs |
Select the incoming changes |
leader + s |
open search panel |
leader + sp |
search in current file |
leader + sw |
search for selected word |
When the search panel is opend we can use the following shortcuts: |
enter |
goto current file |
dd |
toggle current item |
leader + R |
replace all |
leader + c |
input replace vim command |
leader + o |
show option |
leader + q |
send all item to quickfix |
leader + rc |
replace current line |
leader + v |
change result view mode |
th |
toggle search hidden |
ti |
toggle ignore case |
tu |
update change when vim write file |
leader + so |
sort visual selection |
space |
search |
control + space |
backward search |
leader + space |
remove search highlights |
Split Management
control + h |
Move to existing or create a new split to the left of your current window + open file or custom command |
control + j |
Move to existing or create a new split to the top of your current window + open file or custom command |
control + k |
Move to existing or create a new split to the bottom of your current window + open file or custom command |
control + l |
Move to existing or create a new split to the right of your current window + open file or custom command |
Session Management
:SessionDelete |
Delete the current session |
:SessionLoad |
Load the session for the current directory and current branch if git_use_branch = true |
:SessionLoadLast |
Load the last session |
:SessionSave |
Save the current session |
:SessionStart |
Start recording a session. Useful if autosave = false |
:SessionStop |
Stop recording a session |
:SessionToggle |
Determines whether to load, start or stop a session |
leader + sm |
open saved session list |
LSP Installer Commands
:LspInstall [--sync] [server] |
installs/reinstalls language servers. Runs in a blocking fashion if the --sync argument is passed (only recommended for scripting purposes). |
:LspInstallInfo |
opens a graphical overview of your language servers |
:LspInstallLog |
opens the log file in a new tab window |
:LspPrintInstalled |
prints all installed language servers |
:LspUninstall [--sync] |
uninstalls language servers. Runs in a blocking fashion if the --sync argument is passed (only recommended for scripting purposes). |
:LspUninstallAll [--no-confirm] |
uninstalls all language servers |
LSP Commands/Shortcuts
K |
Displays hover information about the symbol under the cursor in a floating window. |
[ + d |
Move to the previous diagnostic in the current buffer. |
] + d |
Move to the next diagnostic. |
control + k |
Displays signature information about the symbol under the cursor in a floating window |
gD |
Jumps to the declaration of the symbol under the cursor. |
gd |
Jumps to the definition of the symbol under the cursor. |
gi |
Lists all the implementations for the symbol under the cursor in the quickfix window. |
gr |
Lists all the references to the symbol under the cursor in the quickfix window. |
space + ca |
Selects a code action available at the current cursor position. |
space + d |
Jumps to the definition of the type of the symbol under the cursor. |
space + e |
Show diagnostics in a floating window. |
space + f |
Add buffer diagnostics to the location list. |
space + rn |
Renames all references to the symbol under the cursor. |
leader + gy |
generate shareable file permalinks (with line ranges) |
:DiffviewClose |
generate shareable file permalinks (with line ranges) |
:DiffviewFileHistory |
Opens a new file history view that lists all commits that affected the given paths. |
:DiffviewOpen |
Open Git Diffview Tab |
:DiffviewRefresh |
Update stats and entries in the file list of the current Diffview |
Git Worktree
leader + gw |
To bring up the telescope window listing your workspaces |
leader + gwn |
To bring up the telescope window to create a new worktree |
gb |
Toggles the region using blockwise comment in visual mode |
gbc |
Toggles the current line using blockwise comment in normal mode |
gc |
Toggles the region using linewise comment in visual mode |
gcc |
Toggles the current line using linewise comment in normal mode |
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