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Cub Scout Games Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Games for Cub Scouts to play.

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Energetic Games

Ball Touch Kabaddi

Divide area into three equal zones and mark out with tape - a centre "red zone" and two team "end zones". Give every player a ball.
A player from the attacking team crosses into their opponents' end zone and tries to touch as many opponents with the ball as possible. Anyone touched is out.
The attacker has to make it back to their own end zone before 30 seconds is up. They only have to touch their own end zone to be safe.
When the attacker leaves the their opponents' end zone, the opponents can try to touch them with a ball before they get back.
If the attacker doesn't make it back in time, they're out and anyone they touched in that go can return.

Elephant's Trunkball

Cubs stand in a circle, feet wider than should­er-­width apart, touching neighb­our's feet.
Cubs have a ball, whoever has it tries to throw it through the legs of any other cub. Cubs can defend with their arms.
If ball goes through your legs, you have to sit down. If you get the ball again you can still throw it.
Last cub standing wins.
Add more balls or smaller balls or different shaped balls to speed up game.

Kill the Camper (Dodge­ball)

Two teams, killers and campers. (Leaders usually play as killers.)
Campers must run from one safe zone to another (eg one side of the hut to the other) without getting hit by a ball. If they get hit, they're out.
Killers are throwing balls from the sides.
Last camper wins.

Statues (Red Light / Green Light)

Cubs start at one end of the play area and have to make it to the safe zone at the other end. (No running if indoors.)
One person (the "­Wat­che­r") stands at the opposite end of the field. If they see a cub moving, that cub is out.
Cubs have to make it to the safe zone without being seen moving.
The Watcher may also shout "­Green Light" for when the cubs are allowed to move and "Red Light" for when they are not.
Make it harder by making them walk heel to toe, hopping, etc. Have them link arms to build teamwork.

High Low

Cubs stand in the middle of the play area. Organiser holds a pack of cards.
Each time a card is drawn, the cubs must run to the "­hig­her­" or "­low­er" area, based on whether they think the next card will be higher or lower.
If they get it wrong they're elimin­ated. Last cub wins.

Dragon Dodgeball

Lava Floor

Create two safe zones with lava between, marked out with tape.
Team of 4-5 cubs must make it from one side to the other without touching the lava.
Each team has only 3 sheets of paper, or a cardboard box big enough for 2/3.
If they all make it over without touching lava, they win.

Laser Maze

Create an obstacle course with "­las­ers­" by tying red yarn between points.
On the far side of the maze is a bowl with balls.
Cubs have to make it through the maze without touching a laser, retrieve a ball, and return to the start.
If they touch a laser they have to restart. First team to get a ball each wins.

Hula-Hoop Relay

Cubs stand in circles holding hands as teams (10 or so per group). Hula hoop goes over one of their arms.
Hula hoop has to be passed around the circle, without letting go of hands. First to complete a loop wins!

Hit the Bucket

One cub stands on an upturned bucket in the middle of a circle of cubs.
Cubs in circle are trying to hit the bucket with a ball, cub on bucket has a stick to protect bucket.
If you hit the bucket you take over on the bucket.

Craft Games

Alien Eggs

Place "­alien eggs" (melons, pumpkins, or balls) somewhere. They are toxic, can't be touched.
They need to be returned to their nest (or bucket, or table), without being touched.
Provide bamboo canes or sticks, and string, and have the cubs create a carrying device.
Cubs can race to retrieve them, or win as a group when all the eggs are saved.

Cup Stack

For each group, grab a rubber band and tie one piece of string to the band for each cub in the team.
Create a template design out of plastic cups. The cubs' job is to replicate this with their own plastic cups.
They can only touch their own piece of string, nothing else.

Lego Challenges

Enclose a ticking time-bomb crystal with Lego before the time runs out.
Most resilient car (dropped off someth­ing).

Paper Plane Challenges

Furthest flight.
Most loops.
Largest plane to fly x metres.
Nearest the pin.
Best-l­ooking plane.
Paper airplane golf.

Bomb Squad

Mark out a circle; in the middle place a plastic cup half-f­illed with water ("bo­mb").
Cubs, in teams, have to try to get the bomb out of the circle. They have sticks, string, rubber bands, other items with which to construct retrieval apparatus.
They can't touch it directly or it'll go off. If they spill any water, it'll go off.

Akela's Mystery Craft Box

Each team gets a box with the same items in it. You can choose to have a few genera­l-p­urpose items available in addition.
They have X minutes to create something that fits Y theme, and must use every item in the box.
Boxes can contain anything, including paint, tape, feathers, scissors, glue, canvas, paper, markers, crayons, felt, buttons, threat, glitter, card, brushes, cloth, googly eyes, dried pasta, vegeta­bles, etc.
Theme can be anything, but Christmas, Halloween, Easter, are all obvious examples.

Ancient Inventors

Make a Da Vinci bridge out of chopsticks or dowels.
Send a message using mirrored writing like Da Vinci.
Create a Roman mosaic out of small tiles, or coloured pieces of paper.
Make a Chinese paper lantern.
Make a Da Vinci parachute and see whose works the best.
Make an Archimedes screw.

Low-energy Games

Wink Murder

Cubs sit in a circle. All players draw a piece of paper from a hat, one says "­mur­der­er" and one says "­det­ect­ive­".
Detective stands in the middle of the circle and gets max three guesses who the murderer is.
Murderer kills people by winking at them. Murdered players should pretend to die theatr­ically within a few seconds of wink, then move out of the circle.
If the detective guesses the murderer, they win. If not, the murderer wins.
Best with 12 players or fewer. You can have two or more murderers for a variation if you like. More than 12, you'll need more than 1 murderer.

Capture the Keys

Cubs sit in a circle, facing a chair in the centre with keys undern­eath.
Cub on the centre chair ("ke­epe­r") is blindf­olded. If they hear a noise they have to raise one hand and point to where they think the noise came from with the other.
One or two cubs at a time have to loop the chair, then try to get the keys.
If a cub is pointed at by the keeper, they have to return to their position in the circle.
If the cub gets back to their start position with their keys, they win (and become the keeper for the next round).

I went to market and I bought ...

Cubs sit in a circle. Each takes a turn going clockwise.
First player begins by saying, "I went to market and bought a [somet­hin­g]". That something can be anything they like. E.g., "I went to market and I bought an apple."­
The next player in the circle continues, adding an item of their own to the list. E.g., "I went to market and I bought an apple and a teapot."
If you make a mistake, you're out. Last player remaining is the winner.
Make it easier by adding a rule that each item has to begin with the last letter of the previous item. Make it harder by having people add two items each.

One Minute Timer

Set timer for one minute. Cubs say their name when they think a minute is up (and then say nothing else), closest wins.

Blind Man's Crystal

One cub from each team is blindf­olded and handed a "­cry­sta­l" (a ball).
They have to drop it down a pipe, or into a bucket.
Their team can shout instru­ctions to them ("le­ft", "­for­war­d", etc).
When one has done it, the next has their turn. Winning team is the first one to get all their crystals into the bucket.
Best when several teams are shouting at once.

Assorted Challenges

Disass­emble something with allen (hex) keys to retrieve something inside, against the clock.
Reassemble something with allen keys against the clock.
Fill a container with water from 10ft away using water pistols.
Countdown, in teams!