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71 tips for optimizing user experience Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

71 tips for optimizing user experience.

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

1. Numbering the sections

4. Leave a personal mark

19. Inline actions

7. Less columns is better

16. Content is more important than links

10. Let customers say for you

13. Give recomm­end­ation

25. Actions on empty state page

22. Invite user to do some actions


2. Show options clearly

20. Reduce user's time to complete an action

17. Show invoice status

14. Undo instead of confir­mation

11. Repeat the CTA

8. Offer a give, sale come later

5. Make CTA button stand out

23. Don't use too many lines


12. Be consistant with navigation

9. Don't duplicate functi­ona­lities

15. Focus on some user target

3. Don't ask too much in form

6. Be assertive

18. Focus on benefits, not functi­ona­lities

21. Test some animations

24. Focus on benefits