Areas of the Brain
Area: |
Function: |
Frontal Lobe |
Motor control, problem solving, and speech production(Broca's area) |
Parietal Lobe |
Body orientation, sensory discrimination, and touch perception |
Temporal Lobe |
Auditory processing, Memory, information retrieval, language comprehension(Wernicke's area) |
Occipital Lobe |
Visual reception and interpretaion |
Cerebellum |
Balance and coordination |
Brainstem |
Breathing, heart rate, and temperature |
Cerebral Cortex
The most prominent part of the brain. The cellular layers on the outer surface of cerebral hemispheres. Divided in half and connected by to bundles of axons: the corpus callopsum and anterior commisure. |
Frontal Lobe
Contains the prefrontal cortex, Broca's Area, and precentral gyrus. Emotional control center and home of our personality. Plays a role in motor control, problem solving, and speech production. |
Prefrontal Cortex
Integration center for all sensory information and other areas of the cortex, higher cognitive function, and decision making. |
Precentral Gyrus
Primary motor cortex: fine motor movement |
Parietal Lobe
Contains the Postcentral Gyrus. Role in touch sensations, muscle-stretch receptors, joint receptors. Processing and integrating information about eye, head, and body positions from muscles and joints. Role in spatial and numerical processing. |
Postcentral Gyrus
Primary somatosensory cortex |
Temporal Lobe
The lateral portions of each hemispheres by temples. Role in auditory information/processing spoken language, and aspects of vision. Contains Wernicke's Area. |
Occipital Lobe
Contains the Striate Cortex. Role in visual input. Damage causes cortical blindness. |
Central Sulcus
Prominent landmark of the brain, separating the parietal lobe from the frontal lobe and the primary motor cortex from the primary somatosensory cortex. |
Divisions of the Central Nervous System
The Brain: |
Forebrain |
Telencephalon |
Isocortex, Basal Ganglia, Limbic System |
Diencephalon |
Thalamus and Hypothalamus |
Midbrain |
Mesencephalon |
Hindbrain |
Metancephalon |
Cerebellum and Pons |
Myelencephalon |
Medulla |
The Spinal Cord |
Corpus Callosum
Thick band of nerve fibers that connect the two hemispheres. |
Anterior Commissure
Works with the posterior commissure to link the two cerebral hemispheres of the brain and also interconnects the amygdalas and temporal lobes, contributing to the role of memory, emotion, speech and hearing. |
Regulates motor movement, balance, and coordination. It is important for shifting between auditory and visual stimuli. |
Part of the brainstem that links your brain to your spinal cord. Handles unconscious processes, such as your sleep-wake cycle. |
Where your cardiovascular and respiratory systems link together. Controls heart rate, breathing, blood pressure, and more. |
Contains the hindbrain and the midbrain(excluding the cerebellum). Regulates most of the body's automatic functions that are essential for life. |
Contains neuronal activity related to movements, rewards and the conjunction of both movement and reward. Striatal neurons show activity related to the preparation, initiation and execution of movements |
Ventral Tegmental Area(VTA)
Regulates reward consumptions, learning, memory, and addiction behaviors through mediating dopamine release. |
Reticular Formation
Represents the archaic core of those pathways connecting the spinal cord and the brain. It subserves autonomic, motor, sensory, behavioral, cognitive, and mood-related functions. |
The Limbic System
Olfactory Bulb |
Hypothalamus |
Hippocampus |
Amygdala |
Cingulate Gyrus |
Subcortical structure that is the relay station between the sensory organs and cortex. Plays a role in sleep, wakefulness, consciousness, learning and memory. |
Subcortical structure near the base of the brain. Conveys messages to the pituitary gland to alter the release of hormones. Plays a role in eating, drinking, sexual behaviors, and other motivated behaviors. |
Pituitary Gland
Hormone producing gland at the base of the hypothalamus. |
Basal Ganglia
Comprised of the caudate nucleus, the putamen, and the globus pallidus. Plays a role in planning motor movement, aspects of memory and emotional expression, attention, and language planning. |
Limbic system structure located between the thalamus and the cerebral cortex. Stores certain types of memory, particularly new events. Area of neurogenesis. |
Two almond shaped nuclei within the temporal lobes. Processing fearful and threatening stimuli. Includes threat detection and activation of fear-related behaviors in response to a threat. |
Pineal Gland
Main function is to receive information about the state of the light-dark cycle from the environment and convey this information by the production and secretion of the hormone melatonin |
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