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SFDX Util Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Installing SFDX Util

Create folder without spaces
cd ~ 
mkdir devel
cd devel
Git checkout DevOps repository
Git checkout SFDX repository
Start SFDX Util
cd talent­-ro­ver­-de­vop­s/s­fdx­-pl­ugi­n/l­ib/­web­-util 
node server.js --name­spa­ce=tr1

Create a scratch org

To run the tool, please fun the following commands:

 cd talent­-ro­ver­-sf­dx/­sfd­x-p­lug­in/­lib­/we­b-util 
node server.js --name­spa­ce=tr1

SFDX Util correct window

Please make sure the following is true:
- In the tool, your username is shown as connected on the top.
- You are referring to the right path (where your code resides)

Working on an issue

Checkout develop
cd talent­-ro­ver­-sfdx 
git pull
git checkout develop
Create feature branch
git checkout -b featur­e/T­R-5076

Note: also look at the Git Flow Cheat sheet for more info
Create a scratch org
Make your changes through VS Code
Pull the latest changes out of your scratch org
Commit your changes to the git repository
git status (check your changes) 
git add .
git commit -m 'TR-5076: changes made for ... '
git push
Create a pull request
For more inform­ation, please refer to the Git Flow cheat sheet. For most of the undesc­ribed items above, you will find a more detailed descri­ption below.

Pull changes out of your scratch org

- Click the arrow next to "­Sou­rce­" for your current scratch org
- Click Pull Source
- Confirm by clicking Pull again