Navigation & Windows
visit('url') |
page.driver.browser.switch_to.window(window_handle) |
my_original_win_handle = page.driver.browser.window_handles.first |
my_last_win_handle = page.driver.browser.window_handles.last |
page.driver.browser.switch_to.alert.accept |
page.driver.go_back |
Clicking Links and Buttons
click_button('text, id, title, or value') |
click_link('link id, link title or *link text') |
click_on('link, button value, or button text') |
page.driver.browser.action.move_to(page.all('p', text: 'Text').first.native).click.perform |
*also see Querying |
Forms, Data and Typing
fill_in('name, id or text', with: 'value') |
find('css_selector').set('value') |
find(:xpath, 'xpath_selector').set('value') |
select('text', from: 'select name, id or text ') |
check('name, id or text of checkbox') |
uncheck('name, id or text of checkbox') |
choose('radio button name, id or text') |
listbox-ex.native.sendkeys(:arrow_down) |
attach_file('name, id or text', 'file/name.png') |
within('css_locator') |
within(:xpath, 'xpath_locator') |
within_frame('name or id') |
within_table('name or id') |
within_fieldset('name or id') |
page.has_xpath?('//table/tr') |
page.has_css?('table') |
page.has_content?('Text') |
page.should have_xpath('//table/tr') |
page.should have_css('table') |
page.should have_content('Text') |
page.should have_no_content('Text') |
find_field('Text').value |
find_link('Text').visible? |
find_button('Send').click |
find('//table/tr').click |
find_by_id(id) |
locate("//*[@id='overlay'").find("//h1").click |
all('a').each { |a| a[:href] } |
expect(page or location).to have_content('Text') |
expect(page).not_to have_content('Text') |
expect(page).to have_css('a', text: 'Text', visible: true) |
Movement, Scrolling and Window Size
page.execute_script('window.scrollBy(0,-200)') |
page.driver.browser.action.move_to(find_button(text).native).perform |
page.driver.browser.manage.window.maximize |
page.driver.browser.manage.window.resize_to(x,y) |
Page Source
expect page.html.downcase.include? 'text' |
page.status_code.should be 200 (not supported by Selenium driver) |
page.driver.browser.manage.all_cookies.each {|cookie|} |
result = page.evaluate_script(' 4 + 4
'); |
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