Ruby C - Common Methods
int rb_respond_to(VALUE self, ID method) => 0|nonzero |
VALUE rb_thread_create(VALUE (*func)(), void *data) Runs func in new thread, passing data as an arg.
VALUE rb_obj_is_instance_of(VALUE obj, VALUE klass) => Qtrue|Qfalse |
VALUE rb_obj_is_kind_of(VALUE obj, VALUE klass) Returns Qtrue if klass is superclass of obj class.
Ruby C - Exceptions
void rb_raise(V exception, const char *fmt, ...) Raises exception. fmt and args used like in printf.
void rb_fatal(const char *fmt, ...) Raises Fatal exception, terminating process. No rescue blocks called, but ensure blocks will be called. fmt and args used like in printf.
void rb_bug(const char *fmt, ...) Terminates process immediately--no handlers of any sort called. fmt and args are interpreted like printf. Call only if a fatal bug has been exposed.
void rb_sys_fail (const char *msg) Raises a platform-specific exception corresponding to last known system error, with the given msg.
V rb_rescue(V (*body)(), V args, V (*rescue)(), V rargs) Executes body with given args. If StandardError exception raised, execute rescue with given rargs.
V rb_ensure(V (*body)(), V args, V (*rescue)(), V eargs) Executes body with given args. Whether or not an exception is raised, execute ensure with given rargs after body has completed.
V rb_protect(V (*body)(), V args, int *result) Executes body with given args and returns nonzero in result if any exception raised.
void rb_notimplement() Raises NotImpError exception to indicate enclosed function is NYI, or not available on platform.
void rb_exit(int status) Exits Ruby with given status. Raises SystemExit exception and calls registered exit functions/finalizers.
void rb_warn(const char *fmt, ...) Unconditionally issues warning message to standard error. fmt and args used like in printf.
void rb_warning(const char *fmt, ...) Conditionally issues a warning message to standard error if Ruby was invoked with the -w flag. fmt and args used like in printf.
Ruby C - Array Methods
VALUE rb_ary_new() Returns new Array with default size.
VALUE rb_ary_new2(long length) Returns new Array of given length.
VALUE rb_ary_new3(long length, ...) Returns new Array of given length and populated with remaining arguments.
VALUE rb_ary_new4(long length, VALUE *values) Returns new Array of given length and populated with C array values.
void rb_ary_store(VALUE self, long index, VALUE value) Stores value at index in array self.
VALUE rb_ary_push(VALUE self, VALUE value) |
VALUE rb_ary_pop(VALUE self) |
VALUE rb_ary_shift(VALUE self) |
VALUE rb_ary_unshift(VALUE self, VALUE value) |
VALUE rb_ary_entry(VALUE self, long index) Returns array self's element at index.
Ruby C - Iterators
void rb_iter_break() Breaks out of enclosing iterator block.
VALUE rb_each(VALUE obj) Invokes 'each' method of the given obj.
VALUE rb_yield(VALUE arg) Transfers execution to iterator block in the current context, passing arg as an argument. Multiple values may be passed in an array.
int rb_block_given_p() Nonzero if yield would execute a block in current context--that is, if a code block was passed to current method and is available to be called.
VALUE rb_iterate(VALUE (*method)(), VALUE args, VALUE (*block)(), VALUE arg2) Invokes method with args and block block. Yield from that method will invoke block with arg given to yield and second arg arg2.
VALUE rb_catch(const char *tag, VALUE (*proc)(), VALUE value) Equivalent to Ruby catch.
void rb_throw(const char *tag, VALUE value) Equivalent to Ruby throw.
Ruby C - Hash Methods
VALUE rb_hash_new() |
VALUE rb_hash_aref(VALUE self, VALUE key) Returns element corresponding to key in self.
VALUE rb_hash_aset(VALUE self, VALUE key, VALUE value) Sets value for key to value in self. Returns self.
Ruby C - Accessing Variables
V rb_iv_get(V obj, char *name) Returns instance var name (must specify "@" prefix) from given obj.
V rb_ivar_get(V obj, ID name) Returns instance var name from given obj.
V rb_iv_set(V obj, char *name, V value) => value Sets instance var name (must specify "@" prefix) in given obj to value.
V rb_ivar_set(V obj, ID name, V value) Sets instance var name in obj to value.
V rb_gv_set(const char *name, V value) => value Sets global var name ("$" prefix optional) to value.
V rb_gv_get(const char *name) Returns global var name ("$" prefix optional).
void rb_cvar_set(V class, ID name, V val) Sets class var name in class to value.
V rb_cvar_get(V class, ID name) Returns class var name from given class.
int rb_cvar_defined(V class, ID name) Qtrue if class var name has been defined for class.
void rb_cv_set(V class, const char *name, V val) Sets class var name (must specify "@@" prefix) in given class to value.
V rb_cv_get(V class, const char *name) Returns class var name (must specify a "@@" prefix) from given class.
Ruby C - String Methods
VALUE rb_str_new(const char *src, long length)=>String Initialized with length chars from src.
VALUE rb_str_new2(const char *src) => String Initialized with null-terminated C string src.
VALUE rb_str_dup(VALUE str) => String Duplicated from str.
VALUE rb_str_cat(VALUE self, const char *src, long length) => self Concatenates length chars from src onto self.
VALUE rb_str_concat(VALUE self, VALUE other) => self Concatenates other onto String self.
VALUE rb_str_split(VALUE self, const char *delim) Returns array of String objects created by splitting self on delim.
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