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User as float, print half of the that number

user_number = float(input('enter the number:'))
print (user_number/2)

list,print all element from the list using loop

# for loop solution
mylist = [1,2,3,4,5]
for number in mylist:

# while loop solution
mylist = [1,2,3,4,5]
num = 0
while number < len(mylist):
    number = number+1

print Fibonacci series between 0 to 50 using loop

num1 = 0
num2 = 1
fibonacci = num1 + num2
myoutput = " 0,1"
while fibonacci <50:
    myoutput = myoutput + "," + str(fibonacci)
    num1 =num2
    num2 =fibonacci
    fibonacci = num1 + num2

The areaOf­Ellipse using pir2r1 ( two parameter)

def areaOfEllipse(radius1,radius2):
    pi = 3.1415
    area = piradius1radius2
    return area
area1= areaOfEllipse(2,3)


user_input = input(­"­Enter a value: ")

Comparing Values:

When you compare two values, the result is a Boolean
(True or False) E.g. 2 == 3 is False
 == is equal to
 != is not equal to
 < less than
 <= less than or equal to
 > greater than
 >= greater than or equal to
 and
 or
 not
True or anything is always True
False and anything is always False

Combining Strings (Conca­ten­ation)

"­hi" + "­the­re" == "­hit­her­e"
"­hi" * 5 == "­hih­ihi­hih­i"

Converting between different data types:

word = str(3) #converts 3 to a string "­3"
num = int("3.5­") #converts "­3.5­" to an integer 3
num = float(­"­3") #converts "­3" to a float 3.0

The output of follwing code

Y = True
print (not y or 2 < 3)   output = False

print alleven numbers from 1 100 using while loop

number = 0
while number < 100:
   number =number + 2
   print (number)

use a for loop to print the following

mystring = ""                                             
for number in range(5):0
    mystring = mystring + str(number)
    print (mystring)
# range(2) = 01

receive input from user, convert intege­r,print , 5

number = int(input("Enter a number:"))

output of the program

mystring = ""
count = 0
while count < 5:
    mystring = mystring + str(count)
    count = count + 1

Data types

String - a list of characters e.g. "­abc­123­$%^­", or
empty string "­"
Integer - whole numbers, and negative numbers e.g. -5,
0, 2
Floating Point - decimal numbers e.g. 1.5, 2.0, -2.99
Boolean - True or False

Printing values:

print(­"­hel­lo", "­the­re") #displays hello there
print(­"­hel­lo" + "­the­re") #displays hellothere


# hashtag – everything after # is a comment not code
Double quote - Multi-line comment, everything in
between three double quotes is a comments
''' Single quote - Multi-line comment, everything in
between three single quotes is a comments '''

the loop doesn't go forever

gameover = 0
while (gameover ==0):
    gameover = 1

Receive number from user, number is determine by 3

user_number = int(input("Enter the number:"))
remainder = user_number%3
if remainder == 0:
    print (user_number, "is divisible by 3")
    print (user_number, "is not visible by 3")


def multiplicationTable():
   user_number = input( "Enter the number:")
   number = int(user_number)
   count = 1

   While count <=10:
       print(number, "",count,"=",numcount)
       count = count + 1

Making number is negative, Zero or positive

user_number = int(input("Enter a number"))
if user_number > 0:
    print(user_number,"is positive")
elif user_number < 0:
    print(user_number,"is negative")
    print(user_number,"is equal to zero")

print all even number from -100 to -1 (while loop)

user_number= -100
while user_number< -1:
    user_number= user_number + 2

positive intege­r,n­egative print HM odd, even

evencount = 0
oddcount = 0
while True:
    number = int(input("Enter a number"))
    if number < 0:
        print ("Even number",evencount)
        print ("odd number", oddcount)
        if (number%2) == 0:
            evencount = evencount + 1
            oddcount = oddcount + 1

Basic Math Operat­ions:

+ addition, - subtra­ction
/ divide with answer as a float. E.g. 5/2 == 2.5
// divide with answer as an integer. E.g. 5//2 == 2
* multiply
exponent. E.g. 2 power 3 == 2 3
% modulo. Gives the remainder when dividing
e.g. 33 % 10 == 3
All math operations use the sa

print out fifth character from the variable

myword = "hellothere"

convert integer and multiply by 10 loop

while True:
    user_number = int(input("enter a number")
    number= int(user_number)*10


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