Thoracic cavity compartments
The junction of the manubriosternal joint forms the sternal angle of Louis, the plane of which lies between T4 and T5. Many important events occur at this angle: 1. Beginning and end of aortic arch 2. Tracheal bifurcation 3. Confluence of azygous vein and SVC 4. Thoracic ducts deviates left 5. Ligamentum arteriosum lies on this plane 6. Division of pulmonary trunk 7. Location of cardiac plexus |
Function of Thorax
Vertebral Features
Rib Types
Interior of ribs is red bone marrow (hematopoietic tissue) which forms blood cells Rib Classification
The intercostal spaces are named for the rib number forming the superior border, and the intercostal blood vessels and nerves are named for the intercostal space number in which they are found. Space below the 12th rib: subcostal space, thus T12 is the subcostal nerve. |
Thorax Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by Chrisna
Thoracic cage & Intercostal spaces, Mediastinum Pleura, Lungs & Bronchial tree Sternum, Ribs & Thoracic vertebrae Pericardium & Heart Innervation & Blood supply to the heart Pericardium & Heart Radiological anatomy of thorax Posterior mediastinum & Posterior thoracic wall
This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.