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Cisco IOS 16 Router Config Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Cisco IOS 16 Router Configuration & Security

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

brief overview of interface settings

show ip interface brief
can also be typed as
sh ip int br
interface, ip address, OK?, Method, Status, Protocol


Gigabi­tEt­hernet1 10.10.1­0.10 YES NVRAM up up

TFTP config

copy tftp run
configure the router via TFTP (
copy tftp runnin­g-c­onfig
"­address or name of remote host []?"
input ip address of remote host
"­source filename []?"
name of file of TFTP server
"­des­tin­ation filename [runni­ng-­con­fig­]?"
; overwrite running config
Reinst­alling config to router from remote IP address using Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP);

remember to
copy run start
to maintain config across reboots!

Note: TFTP is an insecure protocol (no authen­tic­ation, no encryption of data in transit); use SCP (Secure File Copy) in production envs instead, which uses SSH (Secure Shell) protocol

Audit Router Config

change to home dir
mkdir -p rtaudit.1
make sub-dir for this lab (
= no errors if it already exists
cd rtaudit.1
change to that sub-dir
cp /srv/t­ftp­/ro­ute­rCo­nfi­gFile router­Nam­e-a­udit01
copy the TFTP'd config file for <ro­ute­r> from TFTP server dir to current dir with name
rat ./rout­erN­ame­-au­dit01
against that file
Auditing our initial config using CIS Router Assessment Tool (RAT).

Note: RAT is deprec­ated, but sufficient for this exercise. CIS now has CIS-CAT Pro which requires membership fee.

Other audit tools such as
Tenable's Nessus
can also perform CIS assess­ments against router configs.

Cisco IOS 16 router config cmds

exit completely out of Config mode
aaa new-model
use new model for AAA: uses user IDs and passwords
area 0 authen­tic­ation messag­e-d­igest
configure OSPF Area 0 to use messag­e-d­igest authen­tic­ation
banner motd #Autho­rized access onlyl!#
set a "­message of the day" banner
clock timezone utc 0
set clock to UTC timezone
router config file on TFTP server; will apply all necessary additions & deletions
configure terminal
config router from terminal (current window); can also be written
conf t
copy runnin­g-c­onfig startu­p-c­onfig
copies current config from volatile RAM to non-vo­latile RAM (NVRAM); saves current config to default name; also
copy run start
copy startu­p-c­onfig tftp
copy saved (startup) config to TFTP server
copy tftp runnin­g-c­onfig
config router via TFTP; also
copy tftp run
crypto key generate rsa genera­l-keys modulus 2048
create public­/pr­ivate asymmetric key pair to enable SSH connec­tions
access Enable mode, elevated priv
enable secret placeh­older
set password on
mode with
as password
grep -v
; also
exec-t­imeout 0 0
disable timeout of Telnet sessions; insecure only for class effeciency
exit Line Config mode; (
to exit Config mode comple­tely)
hostname routerName
set hostname; prompt immedi­ately changes
simple pattern searching, like
; also
int g1
edit definition for interface Gigabi­tEt­hernet 1
int gig 1
interface Gigabit 1
int gigabi­tEt­hernet 1
select first gigabi­tEt­hernet interface
int loop 0
config interface loopback 0
int loopback 0
create loopback interface
ip address 10.10.1­0.13 255.25­5.255.0
assign ip and specific subnet mask
ip domain­-name
config router's domain name (prereq for creating crypto keys)
ip ospf messag­e-d­ige­st-key 1 md5 somese­cretkey
add MD5 digest key to OSPF packets - with passphrase "­som­ese­cre­tke­y"
ip ssh version 2
enforce SSHv2 only (v1 is subject to MITM attacks)
line console 0
config the console
line vty 0 4
config network connec­tions to virtual telety­pe/­ter­minal lines (ie Telnet)
logging host <Wi­ndows Syslog Server ip>
send logs to syslog server
logging source­-in­terface gig 1
explicitly set source interface for syslog
logging source g1
set interface Gigabi­tEt­hernet 1 as logging source
logging synchr­onous
prevent log msgs from interr­upting cmd entry
logging trap debug
log msgs at >= debug (severity debug or higher)
login on-failure log
log failed logins
login on-success log
log successful logins
network area 0
network area 0
add network to routing process in area 0
no ip direct­ed-­bro­adcast
disable directed broadcasts
no ip domain lookup
disable IP domain (ie DNS) lookups - else every typo will be read as hostname and router will try to Telnet
no ip proxy-arp
disable proxy ARP
no ip redirects
disable IP redire­ction
no ip source­-route
disable source routing
no shutdown
start up interface (by indicating its not shutdown)
no user admin
remove admin user acct with cleartext passwd
ntp source gig 1
explicitly set source interface for NTP
rat ./<­RAT­aud­itF­ile­Nam­e>
CIS Router Assessment Tool (RAT)
router ospf 1
create­/edit OSPF routing process
show crypto key mypubkey rsa
view RSA public keys generated
show ip interface brief
interface settings; also
sh ip int br
show run
show router's running config
show run | i pas
narrow search by including "­pas­" like password; also
show run i pas
show run | i enable
search for
snmp-s­erver trap-s­ource gig1
explicitly set source interface for SNMP traps
stand 1 ip <ip addres­s>
set HSRP standby address
stand 1 priority 120
set standby priority
standby 1 authen­tic­ation md5 key-string PASSWORD
set MD5 authen­tic­ation strong of "­PAS­SWO­RD"
standby 1 name CONFIGname
name standby config
standby 1 preempt
after an outage, device configured as primary will "­pre­emp­t" ctrl required to regain desired state
username user privilege 15 password pass
create new user
, with password

initial config

configure terminal
int gigabi­tEt­hernet 1
ip address <router ip> 255.25­5.255.0
no shutdown
hostname routerName
ip domain­-name
crypto key generate rsa genera­l-keys modulus 2048
configure replace tftp:/­/<TFTP server IP>­/re­sto­re/­rou­ter­Nam­e-base force
copy runnin­g-c­onfig startu­p-c­onfig
- assign hostname
- enable over-n­etwork access, which requires:
1. login username and password
2. password for
3. public­/pr­ivate key pair (to identify router to remote host for SSH)

remote connect TO router via TELNET

telnet <router ip>
<user passwo­rd>
<enable passwo­rd>

show running config

show run
show router's running config
show run | include pas
narrow search by piping output to
and look for 'pas' (short for password)
show run | i pas
same as above, can shorten
show run | i enable
searching for
command (
) does simple pattern matching, like

- Cisco IOS requires space before and after pipe

- there is also
, similar to
grep -v
and can be shortened to

remote connect TO router via SSH

ssh userna­me@­<router ip addres­s>
SSH is only available when RSA crypto keys have been previously generated; keys CANNOT be imported via TFTP

view RSA public keys generated

show crypto key mypubkey rsa

copy saved (startup) config to TFTP server

copy startu­p-c­onfig tftp
<TFTP Server IP>