This cheat sheet answers the following questions:
1. What is imagery?
2. What are the types of Imagery?
Definition of Imagery
To use figurative language to represent objects, actions, and ideas in such a way that it appeals to our physical senses. Usually, it is thought that imagery makes use of particular words that create visual representation of ideas in our minds. |
Organic Imagery
Organic imagery / subjective imagery, pertains to personal experiences of a character's body, including emotion and the senses of hunger, thirst, fatigue, and pain. |
Visual Imagery
Visual imagery pertains to graphics, visual scenes, pictures, or the sense of sight. |
Types of Imagery
kinesthetic - movement
olfactory - smell
visual - sight
gustatory - taste
organic - feeling inside
tactile - touch
auditory - sound |
Auditory Imagery
Auditory imagery is a form of mental imagery that is used to organize and analyze sounds when there is no external auditory stimulus present. This form of imagery is broken up into a couple of auditory modalities such as verbal imagery or musical imagery. |
Kinesthetic Imagery
kinesthetic imagery is the representation of the actions and movements of an object or a character. |
Olfactory Imagery
Olfactory imagery pertains to odors, aromas, scents, or the sense of smell. |
Gustatory Imagery
Gustatory imagery pertains to flavors or the sense of taste. |
Tactile Imagery
Tactile imagery pertains to physical textures or the sense of touch. |
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