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Developing Ontologies Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Cheat sheets/crib notes on developing ontologies which cover the following: - Main tasks in ontology development - Overview of how these tasks can be approached - Main features of foundational ontologies (that is, their nature and purpose) - Overview of bottom-up ontology development for overcoming the knowledge acquisition bottleneck

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Main Tasks in Ontology Develo­pment

1) Concep­tua­liz­ation: Determine the subject and extent of the data model. Outline fundam­ental principles and determine relati­­on­ships among the notions.
2) Requir­ements Analysis: Analyze requir­ements with a focus on purpose, use cases, expres­siv­eness, types of queries, and reasoning services needed.
3) Ontology Archit­ecture: Design an ontology archit­ecture, consid­ering modularity and the choice of a distri­buted or non-di­str­ibuted framework.
4) Repres­ent­ation Language: The primary repres­ent­ation language selected for the ontology is the OWL (Web Ontology Language). When encoding the conceptual framework using OWL, particular charac­ter­istics within the language, like utilizing classi­fic­ations, attrib­utes, and entities, must be consid­ered.
5) Founda­tional Ontology and Modeling Decisions: Consider the use of a founda­tional ontology and make modeling decisions regarding attributes and the repres­ent­ation of n-aries as relations or classes.
6) Ontology Reuse and Alignment: Consider reusing existing domain ontology, top-domain level ontology, and ontology design patterns, using ontology matching techniques for alignment if necessary.
7) Semi-A­uto­mated Approa­ches: Explore semi-a­uto­mated bottom-up approa­ches, tools, and language transf­orm­ations, and modify the ontology to align with decisions made in previous steps.
8) Formal­ization and Reasoning: For the formal repres­ent­ation of the ontology, classi­fic­ations, object charac­ter­istics, restri­ctions, guidel­ines, and comments. Utilize automated reasoners for detecting and mainta­ining consis­tency, and make use of ontolo­gical reasoning services for ensuring high quality.
9) Ontology Versions and Deploy­ment: Generate versions of the ontology in other ontology languages or create "­lit­e" versions as required. Deploy the ontology and establish mainte­nance and update proced­ures.

Overview of Approach

- Determine the domain and range of the ontology via domain analysis and involving stakeh­olders in the analysis.
- Specify the key ideas and links within them employing conceptual modeling methods.
Requir­ements Analysis
- Examine the needs related to the conceptual framework, taking into account its objective, possible scenarios of applic­ation, and articulate features.
- Identify the categories for inquiries and logical operations that depend on the ontology.
Ontology Archit­ecture
- Creating the ontology process involves taking into account factors for example, modularity and deciding between a centra­lised or dispersed approach.
- Decide on the logical framework or language for expressing that will be utilized, like Web Ontology Language or RDF format.
Repres­ent­ation Language
- Select a main notation system according to the needs of the ontology and the abilities of the tools and reasoners that are access­ible.
- Take into account encoding unique charac­ter­istics of the selected language, like modeling chrono­logical or fuzzy facets.
Founda­tional Ontology and Modelling Decisions
- Assess the approp­ria­teness of a basic knowledge structure and establish design choices concerning proper­ties, connec­tions, and multi-­valued relati­ons­hips.
- Think about whether to illustrate n-ary relati­onships as categories or connec­tions. Decide on the suitable degree of specif­icity for repres­ent­ation.
Ontology Reuse and Alignment
- Invest­igate the utiliz­ation of current ontolo­gies, specia­lized ontolo­gies, overar­ching ontolo­gies, or ontology blueprint.
- Utilize ontology matching methods for aligning and combine the ontolo­gies, dealing with conflicts and contra­dic­tions.
Semi-A­uto­mated Approaches
- Use partially automated ascending methods, instru­ments, and linguistic changes to support in the creation procedure.
- Refine and adjust the structure according to the choices selected in previous stages.
Formal­ization and Reasoning
- Officially depict the inform­ation structure through the inclusion of catego­ries, attrib­utes, limita­tions, and regula­tions.
- Use automated reasoners for identi­fying incons­ist­encies, confirm the logical theory, and conduct ontolo­gical reasoning services for quality inspec­tions
Ontology Versions and Deployment
- Contem­plate making different forms of the knowledge base using different knowledge repres­ent­ation systems. Moreover, it is possible to generate simplified for the ontology that exhibit lower comple­xity.
- Develop a deployment plan, that consist of mainte­nance and update methods to ensure the ontology remains updated. Furthe­rmore, contem­plate converting the ontology to different ontology languages or generating "­com­pac­t" versions that are less complex.

Founda­tional Ontologies

1. Formal and High-Level
- Basic ontologies are created using a structured repres­ent­ation language. Additi­onally, they exhibit a high abstra­ction level. Their goal to acquire wide-r­anging, essential inform­ation that is applicable in different fields.
- These are not connected to any specific software or topic realm. These indivi­duals offer a broad conceptual structure that can function as a groundwork for developing specia­lized ontologies
2. General and Core Concepts
- Base ontologies prioritize capturing the fundam­ental, universal ideas and connec­tions that are the foundation of diverse domains.
- These offer a shared language and series of intera­ctions that can be passed on within diverse discip­lines.
3. Philos­ophical and Theore­tical Grounding
- Founda­tional ontologies frequently rely on conceptual and theore­tical principles to create their conceptual basis. But, it is crucial to understand that these concepts may differ contingent upon the specia­lized structure in progress.
- It is possible that they include ideas from philos­oph­ical, ration­ality, the science of cognition, and additional pertinent fields.
4. Ontolo­gical Commitment
- Basic ontologies possess a strong ontolo­gical obliga­tion. Their goal to depict the basic essence of existence and the classi­fic­ations of things that are in existence in the realm.
- They aim for logical coherence and consis­tency.
5. Intero­per­ability and Integr­ation
- Basic ontologies enable the compat­ibility and merging of diverse ontolo­gies.
- Through offering a mutual reference point, they facilitate the synchr­oni­zation and integr­ation of domain ontolo­gies.
6. Reusab­ility and Extens­ibility
- Core ontologies are created to be adaptable elements
- Offers a strong base that can be prolonged or customized to fulfill the requir­ements of specia­lized areas.
- Area ontologies are able to align with and extend core ontolo­gies.
7. Reasoning and Inference
- Core knowledge structures regularly facilitate complex reasoning and inference skills.
- These allow automated deduction across knowledge bases via delivering a precisely defined logical structure and inference regula­tions.
Primary goal of core ontologies is to establish collective unders­tanding of essential ideas, connec­tions, and logical principles across diverse areas, ensuring consis­tency and compat­ibility in knowledge repres­ent­ation and reasoning systems. Serves as guide & foundation for developing ontolo­gies, providing a strong base for modeling and integr­ating specia­lized domain expertise. Core ontologies enhance ontology intero­per­abi­lity, consis­tency, and quality in specia­lized domains.

Bottom-up Ontology Develo­pment

1. Knowledge Acquis­ition Bottleneck
- The knowledge acquis­ition bottleneck refers to the difficulty of obtaining domain knowledge and converting it into a formal ontology repres­ent­ation. This can be time-c­ons­uming and challe­nging to collect and encode all the needed details by manual means.
2. Bottom-Up Approach
- Top-down ontology develo­pment involves commencing with pre-ex­isting data sources. These resources might consist of papers, data stores, and historical systems. As an altern­ative to putting all your trust in manual learning process. The emphasis is focused on gathering pertinent data from these resources.
3. **Semi­-Au­tomated Techniques
- Increm­ental methods utilize different partially automated methods to support knowledge retrieval and ontology creation. These methods might involve NLP, text extrac­tion, data extrac­tion, and ML algori­thms.
4.Language Transf­orm­ations
- Gradual techniques often involve converting the acquired inform­ation into an approp­riate conceptual model. Instances of similar languages comprise SPARQL or RDFS. The transf­orm­ation enables the extracted data to be incorp­orated inside the ontology.
5. Ontology Refinement
- After creating the initial ontology using the bottom-up strategy, it may be necessary to make additional adjust­ments and align it with the desired conceptual framework. This involves identi­fying any incons­ist­encies or gaps in the knowledge base and making necessary modifi­cations to ensure accuracy and comple­teness. Furthe­rmore, the ontology should be synchr­onized with the chosen conceptual model to enable compat­ibility and intero­per­ability with other systems or ontolo­gies. The knowledge repres­ent­ation can be modified to adhere to conceptual principles and align with existing ontolo­gies.
6. Iterative Process
- Ontology develo­pment from the ground up is a continuous method that entails improving the ontology through recurring phases of extrac­ting, transf­orming, and constr­ucting knowledge. Every cycle adds to the betterment and enhanc­ement of the knowledge base, guaran­teeing its precision and import­ance. Every cycle strives to improve the ontology's level of excellence and scope
7. Expert Involv­ement
- Although grassroots methods reduce certain amount of the load in acquiring knowledge. Subject matter experts play an important part in checking and perfecting the acquired inform­ation. They guarantee the precision and signif­icance.
8. Integr­ation with Top-Level Ontologies
- Base-up ontologies can be linked with top-level ontolo­gies. This includes fundam­ental ontologies or advanced ontolo­gies, which help establish a expanded conceptual framework. The combin­ation supports integr­ation and stability throughout ontolo­gies.
Bottom-up develo­pment overcomes knowledge acquis­ition challenges by leveraging available data sources and employing semi-a­uto­mated methods. It facili­tates efficient data retrieval and integr­ation, making ontology creation more flexible and less reliant on manual effort. It improves hierar­chical techniques and supports the creation of richer semantic models, partic­ularly in domains with abundant inform­ation but limited explicit domain models.


1. Keet, C. M. (2020) An Introd­uction to Ontology Engine­ering. v1,5. College Public­ations.