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TerraformBasics Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

how to use terraform

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


Help page is called.
terraform init
Initia­lizes various local settings and data used by subsequent commands.
terraform plan
See execution Plan before you apply it.
terraform show
Check current status.
terraform destroy
Resources can be destroyed using the terraform destroy command, which is similar to terraform apply, but behaves as if all resources have been removed from the config­ura­tion.
terraform refresh
Update the local status file based on actual resources.
terraform output
This data is output when apply is called and can be queried with the command terraform output.


terraform -v
test your version


Develop in Linux

add terraform command to PATH forever

swtich to
insert into and append:
if [ -d "­$HO­ME/­pro­gra­mms­" ] ;
then PATH="Path of your file directory:$PATH"